Frogster said:
Like Cantus Rock pointed out earlier, how do you think about Scooter being gay in IAVMMCM? If you don't think they're trying to portray Scooter like that, you need to look at what he's wearing and how his eyes are squinted. That's not how they should have made the Muppets look without Kermit.
Well, first off, I disagree on this point about Scooter being gay/cage dancing showing that the Muppets need retireing. The VMC arguments are many and varied, and I used to be totally on your side about them, but I have watched that film a lot and even am writing a muppet fan-fic based on that alternate reality, and I think that if you take that "alternate" reality as the reality of the Muppets today, that's not a good example.
I'm going to take amoment to go off on a little tangent about VMC. This film was (to me) a heartfelt story of Kermit's. Yes, he did say he wished he had never been born. Yes, the film did show Scooter cage dancing. But these things can't be judged out of context. From the very start, this movie was obviously a darker-feel Muppet film. Why? Becuase they were not trying to be haha hilarious slap-stick funny, but rather, quietly low-lit emotional at the same time as paradyous (is that a word???) Ok, so, I'll be the first to admit they may have failed on their attempt to make this movie appealing to adults and children. (Athough I believe this film was not intended for children...)
KSY, was for kiddies and everyone was in uproar.
VMC, went exactly the opposite. And everyone was in uproar.
MWOO, I havn't seen.
That is my opinion on VMC. Now to get back to the questian on hand...
Kim said:
Sounds more like a "fairweather fan" to me. A "true" fan would take the bad with the good, and not be so quick to dismiss projects and such just because it doesn't fit into your vision of what the Muppets "should" be.
I think we should stay above the judgeing of fan-dom. Throwing insults is kinda..childish?
To me, a true fan is one that is willing to point out the bad and the good, and not prepared to put up his hands and say, "Well, that's Wonderfull! Ooh, I love this! The Muppets got dismembered." On the other hand, a muppet fan wouldn't grab a hammer and smash the film becuase there is gratuitious violence in it. A Mupept fan should be in between. Willing to accept that the Muppets may be going through a low point, but not willing to shut them down.
One thing I find confusing is exactly where people do stand? For first they say the muppets are becomign childish, then, the muppets are too adult...*enter large questian mark*
Thoughtfull Questian: Was not Micheal Jackson on Sesame Street?
Anyway, to change the theme again, I wouldn't have said all the cameos in Muppet films are squeaky clean (an expresision I love so much I'll say it again, Squeaky Clean, Also, i don' think the Muppets go out and think, "Now who's a sleezy, bad boy who can be in our film." They think, "What is totally today, that everyone loves that I can get into this film." Sorry, let me rephrase, "What is totally today, that
The Majority loves that I can get into this film."
Snoop Dog, Taranto, etc, these are people that the "now'a'days" audience wanna see. WHich is somethign that we should be sorry about. We should perhaps be saddened that the world wants to see these people...but we certainly shouldn't spite the Muppets having the people that people wanna see on their shows. If they were primeraly about morals, yes, I would find that disterbing. But, isn't it true that the Muppets are not
Primeraly about morals???