Should Sesame Street continue?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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All right: I'm not trying to cause a war here.
But let's all look at the facts:
The show's been going for 43 years & change. Jim Henson passed away in 1990 (?) (I give Steve Whitmire great credit for picking up where Jim left off ; don't get me wrong!) But now Jerry Nelson has passed on.Kevin Clash has decided to leave us.Carroll Spinney isn't getting any younger (even though by Ryan/prawncracker's pics /he looks wonderful,he's STILL pushing 70something) I think Fran Brill has been around since 1972. I don't know about the other Muppeteers.
Plus what about the humans? Susan (Loretta Long) & Bob (McGrath) have been there since there since day 1! I found out from a fellow MCer that Bob is 80! At the Thanksgiving parade my family & I were remarking at how Bob had aged. If (God forbid) Bob and /or Loretta does pass away it'll be another explaining about death again to another generation of kids. It was handled well when Will Lee (Mr.Hooper) passed away 20 years ago (I applaud the writers & the cast . & just realized how long ago that was..WOW!Although I'm not happy w/the way they handled David's departure.Kids are usually told when someone leaves they come back. Big Bird was told that David moved to the farm to help his grandmother.I'm wondering how many kids wondered when David would be back.But that's just me.) Anyway, am I wrong in my thinking? And let's not turn this into a battle where the mods need to close the thread OK?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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This quote from the 20 Years special basically sums up why SST should keep going: "Because there's always something new to teach and someone new to teach it to."


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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This quote from the 20 Years special basically sums up why SST should keep going: "Because there's always something new to teach and someone new to teach it to."
You have a point there Osciefan (bah humbug to you by the way.:wink: j/k) But as I said w/the humans on the street getting older I'm sure the writers don't want to do another "I'll Miss You Bob" or whichever human passes away subplot. Know what I'm saying?
And as for replacing Muppet voices, kids are smart. With the first new Elmo ,some kid will say "That doesn't sound like Elmo"


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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I think Sesame Street will stick around and should. It will characters will coem into the spotlight and a new generation will embrace different ones...MY 3 year old daughter doesn't love Elmo or even Abby...her favorite character is Murray.....and yes recasting will occur...thus why Chris and other humans have taken the load of work off Bob and Gordon... and Puppets will be recast as well...and yes the current group of kids watching may notice a difference...but after that you'll have a group of kids who do not care......but again I think Sesam street has its place ...yes with change many of us old school fans will grumble about it....but when you see a packed audience at sesame street live singing and dancing and cheering for characters that have been around for over 40 years.....I think it will survive the changes.....nothing can compare to the loss of Jim...but if they can find a way to survive that change they will survive these


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't see why it shouldn't. It's kinda like Saturday Night Live. It's for future generations and it finds its audience there. It goes through tough runs here and there (though SS was never in the same danger of cancellation), but it always makes a big comeback. All they need to do is recast characters when puppeteers are unavailable, and they'll sound different to us, but they won't for younger generations just tuning in. As a preschool show, it takes advantage of the Fleeting Demographic Rule. I'm surprised they don't reuse more older storylines. We'd know, but the target audience wouldn't.

Besides... the sobering fact is, if SS was cancelled, they'd put something far inferior in its place. No one wins.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Unfortunately for the old-school fans, it's way too much of an institution to cancel. Like other long-runners such as SNL and Power Rangers/Super Sentai, it will always have a continuously changing cast and will continue to find new audiences regardless.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Why is it that I get the feeling that if Bob or Loretta were to pass, their absence would just go unmentioned on the street? They're already phasing them out a ton, so as sad as it is, I don't think they would ever get a proper goodbye, whether being that they moved from the street, or if they passed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I guess I suffer a bit from the "Sesame Street ain't what it used to be " syndrome too. But I also don't see the show celebrating its' 100th birthday. (Then again I'm as old as Sesame Street! :eek:) I guess I'm outnumbered.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Why is it that I get the feeling that if Bob or Loretta were to pass, their absence would just go unmentioned on the street? They're already phasing them out a ton, so as sad as it is, I don't think they would ever get a proper goodbye, whether being that they moved from the street, or if they passed.
Hubert I think that Loretta's absence would get explained (because IF Gordon is still seen on the street & he's still married to Susan, something would HAVE to be said. And I'm pretty sure Chris is still seen on the street. He's been established as Susan's nephew. )
As for Bob, they might pull the ol' "Bob moved." Sad to say.:rolleyes: