Ernie talking about shapes
This Ernie and Bert skit comes to mind when I think about shape segments. Bert is trying to sleep and Ernie is yet again disturbing him by chattering on and on about various shapes, like the number of sides a rectangle, square, and triangle have. But then he mentions circles and is puzzled as to how many sides a circle has. He asks Bert, "Does it have 1 side, does it have no sides at all, or does it have a bunch of sides?" Then he gives up and says, "Oh well. Goodnight Bert." Up until this point Bert has been shaking his head and wishing Ernie would shut up and go to sleep. But now Bert is intrigued. "Well, I think a circle sides. Well, no it could have some sides. Well maybe..." Then Ernie starts snoring. Bert calls out for him a couple of times but Ernie continues to sleep and Bert sighs. Then the camera zooms in on a puzzled face of Bert as he says, "Circle." Probably spent most of the rest of the night unable to sleep because of pondering that question.
I have asked people from time to time over the years how many sides a circle has to see what they would say. Usually people know a circle has no sides but once in a while they say, "One side" or "I don't know."