GonzoLeaper & All,
First of all, I don't need your apology. You can state your opinion without quoting chapter and verse. I'm a big boy and I can tell you exactly what part of the Bible you are sourcing as "evidence" to support your beliefs and theories. Since this is not a trial, nor a research paper, I'll kindly remind you that you don't need footnotes to have an opinion, as evidence. You can simply say "I believe it because it's in the Bible", or even "they are my personal convictions". That would suffice. I grew up in the Church and I know the Bible backward and forward so you don't have to spell it out for me or anyone, else here. I certainly didn't see where anyone asked you to quote scripture! This is a Muppets forum. Go post on a religious forum if you need a pedestal.
While I defend your right to think as you will, neither myself or anyone else here has attacked your beliefs. Not one person has even asked me what I believe, including you! At this point it's not even relevant. You've MADE me be the bad guy just because I asked you to be considerate and accountable for your words and actions. I didn't ask you to censor them, I simply stated to not present them as facts or at least give us all the courtesy to denote it differently. You've all read way too much into my meaning.
Whether you think so or not you have made statements and opinions in this very thread that can be harmful and taken out of context when you espouse your personal views without stating them as such. Not everyone "thinks" like you. (Thank God, for that!) Apple said it best - "Think Different"!
You have placed no weight or thought into how your opinions could be very damaging to impressionable minds. For example: A young person who stumbles on this forum may be having trouble with their sexuality, gender identity, or questioning who they are, and reads your posts that imply your thoughts are facts, They think: "He's an adult (or so I'm assuming) so, he must know what he's talking about". Perhaps, they don't share the same "bigoted" views as your particular religion, and don't feel like praying to "your" God but now they have seen what you've posted, supposedly as "fact", and now have reason to hate themselves more, because of guilt. They reason, "most people believe in the Bible" and "it's popular enough so it has to be authoritative proof". They probably haven't studied the Bible cover to cover like you and I have. They only have face value.
If it's in the Bible it has to be true, right?!? Well let's look. I mean slavery should be ok, right? It's in the Bible. Slaughtering entire nation's "In God's Name", check! Murder for disobedient children, it's in there. Treating women and children likes slaves or property, it's in there too. Stoning to death a woman whose hymen doesn't break after consummating a marriage (regardless of medical history or medical science) It's in there! Killing witches? Done! Castrating men to become Eunuchs. Why not? Ritual beards? Ok, I guess.
Heck, there's just so many fun things that it does command us to do (the least of which would probably land us in jail today) but we conveniently forget those. We OVERLOOK what we choose to as changes in societal attitudes shift. Yet, we still wish to follow some of the archaic outdated laws to justify our bigotry and fear. I don't buy it. You either have to do it all or not at all. You can't pick and choose what you want to believe or practice. "I like and support this part but I don't support this part". You can't use the book as a whole source to back you up when you oppose other parts it "commands" you to do. Jesus said "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them". There! Jesus said to follow the old Law. Or do we follow: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" and not have to follow the law. Hmmm???? In that case O.T. doesn't apply at all.
It happens all too often. Young people who are hurt, betrayed, or different without a support system feeling dejected, or suicidal go looking for answers. Where do they turn, the parents, who they think won't listen or worse who have dis-owned them? No. Their friends who might have shunned them at school? Think again. The Bully or teacher who's causing the problem. Not even close. The church and the Bible that says they are immoral and sinners? Wrong. The internet! They make their way to the web and read posts like yours in a seemingly innocent topic about Muppets and merchandise and suddenly they become even more depressed and feel there's no way out. Think about how desperate someone can feel when they are told that they are a "sinner", or an "abomination", or made to feel less than normal, less than human. That's not a way to win converts or save souls. Now we have compounded the problem and added a potential new statistic to the numbers.
Don't even start with that whole they should "pray the gay away" because you can suppress your feelings but a person can't change how they feel inside. Praying and asking God for forgiveness (of who they are?) or to change them, doesn't change someone's sexuality. Ask teens that have tried. They'll tell you. Show me one person that's worked for? (see statistics below) Leave that for the loonies like Pat Robertson and Michelle Bachmann to regurgitate and believe.
Gay people can TRY and live straight lives, just like straight people can TRY and live a gay lifestyle. (Why would anyone ever want to do something like that? Because that would be awful?!? God forbid we learn that gay people are normal like everyone else.) Deep down they are still who they are. Simply lying to themselves and everyone else doesn't "fix" them. Conditioning themselves to believe "this is what God wants".
That's why The Exodus Former-Gay Ministry is such a sham! Ask how many times it's members "fall off the wagon", so to speak. Oh, wait. They cover up the true numbers of the "supposedly cured" that leave the organization and "revert" back to homosexuality. Brainwashing can work for you too!
Their success rate is 15% for conversion and even then the people surveyed said were not completely cured of homosexual thoughts. (Are heterosexuals ever cured of heterosexual thoughts?) How about 23% who only remain chaste but unchanged? Meaning they are still gay. Then the largest area of "success" is 29% of it's members. But of those members they stated they had "modest decreases in homosexual attraction but were not satisfied with their degree of change" and that they continue to work on it. That's telling! The largest percentile can't achieve their goal? Now why is that? Because it's who they are!
Then there is the popular twisted belief that gays can be gay but they just can't "act on" homosexual feelings. See the 23 percent above. They can be 'celibate' for Christ and still get into heaven. Sorry, one of the basic human needs is love! We crave social interaction and affection. A life of isolation, self-loathing, and fear-mongering is just inhuman. That's what many churches would have people do.
Bottom line *I* follow what Jesus said about homosexuality. In Matthew, er, Mark, Wait, I meant Luke, or John. Oh, wait. That's funny! Jesus had NOTHING to say, what so ever about it. Four Gospels and not a word? That's odd. Four accounts of his 33 years on earth and his teachings and not a single reference to this "sin"? Huh? And I'm not talking rules for marriage, ("For this reason, a man shall leave his mother"....) I'm talking homosexuality. Don't get me started on marriage equality. That's a total separate issue. (I think the current divorce rate of over 50% for first marriages and 65% second marriages, with sterling examples of marriage like Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian, are doing just fine of ruining the institution. We don't need gay people for that. LOL)
So, since I'm not a Levite, heck... I'm not even Jewish, I'll skip the O.T. since Christian people can't decide which laws we'll keep and which we will throw out. Also, since Paul was not greater than Jesus (and he personally never met the man, other than a spiritual encounter on a roadside) and only wrote letters to churches for suggestions on how he *THOUGHT* they should be run, I'm gonna over look his writings in the N.T. since he was a foul-able human and side with the Big "J", since he's God incarnate. I think HE knows best!
Maybe you do mean well, but WORDS (and opinions) can do a lot of damage in this day and age. Why do you think they started the "It Gets Better Campaign" to begin with? We are adults and our words have heavy responsibility. So the next time you present your beliefs as fact be aware than they are ONLY FACTS TO YOU. That's why religion is supposed to be about. Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes, I get it and fully understand the Great Commission, but it never says beat people down with the Bible or your interpretation of whats right or wrong. It is only God's place to judge, not yours, nor mine. If most Christian's spent half the necessary time working on their own problems instead of judging others and pointing out each others flaws, no one would have time enough to even notice what other people are doing, let alone preach to anyone.
I could argue back and forth all day about the meaning and translation of the passages you mentioned. For example, the KJV of version of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reads entirely different. It's translated as 'effeminate' not 'homosexual'. There is a huge difference. I know straight men that are effeminate but not homosexual. So now, they are going to h*e*l*l* too? The various translations of the Bible can't even decide on a 'definitive' translation or correct meaning. That is inconclusive proof, so sorry!
In the end no one here gives a rip what you believe. I certainly don't. No one cares what I believe. Religion is a personal matter, to each his own. This conversation has so long derailed it from it's original intention.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm sensitive because I work with kids all the time and have to weight the consequences of my words. You on the other hand, are an anonymous name on a message board and don't really seem to care what you say because as you and others have stated you have the right to say it. I support your right to say, no matter how wrong or right I may think it is. I simply wish you'd think about it's impact on others. Regardless, I have nothing else to say or add to it, nor will I further comment on anything posted herein. So I'm taking the high-road and leaving. If you SO need to discuss your wonderful, life-changing religious beliefs, do us all a favor and stop being so lazy and start a new topic for it!
I personally live my life, as I should, in accordance with the teaching of Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian! Look her up on Youtube!