Janice & Monkey boy,
"Birth defect" is widely used for all other things people are born with against the norm, there is nothing degrading about it. I think the reason you or anyone would have a problem with it is because it calls it for what it is, according to your logic.
Yes, I read your post, I was telling you what a fetish is. Ask Mr. Webster and get back to me.
No, they have trouble with their orientation because they know that what they are doing is wrong.
Even if I give you this feelings comment, once they act upon them it would be commiting a sin. You keep refering to Christ, but did not Christ say that sins begin in the mind?
No he said: "It took me twenty something years to accept who I am, and 26 years to finally admit it out loud. "
I understand this to be he is saying he is at least 46 years old, decided he was gay when he was 20, and became open about it 26 years after that. I did not misquote him.
That is exactly what I am saying. It is also more than doing good things to be a Christian and if you are not living fulling in Christ then you are not a good Christian. If someone is a thief but is kind to children and little old ladies does that make it okay that he is a thief? No. THat is what I am saying, the only way to make up for a wrong is to syop doing that wrong.
By the way, I like your Freakazoid reference in the signature.
You are proving Luke's point about people fearing discussion of these subjects. If you would not like to have any more said in this thread, might I suggest we start a new thread on this subject?
Very valid points. Now you have lived a day in my shoes.
I have yet to intentionally and specifically insult others.
Your story does indeed suggest that you were not born gay, but decided to become gay. The majority of "How I became gay" stories are the same way. Sad home life, being picked on in school, then turning to be gay in the teens or early twenties. You have not proven you were gay from birth, and in fact no scientist has, just as no scientist has proven that it's learned behavior, hgowever there have been some remarkable studies on both sides, yet they tend to disagree often.
I also was not saying that you as a person were not a birth defect, but your condition can be considered to be a birth defect.
I was not saying you spontaniously decided to become gay, but many experiences through your life drove you that way. It is the media who has taken this birth defect concept and ran with it.
This was a very civil discussion and if you are leaving I am very sorry. It's nice to get a gay person's input on these things. You will be surely missed.
"I think your screen name says it all."
By the way, was that an insult?