The Count said:
I guess it's up to MuppetDude or some other helpful soul.

(I couldn't resist)
Here's the descriptions for these characters:
Elmo's World: The Kingfish
A long, dark grey fish, with a rounded muzzle. He had a white jaw and belly, and on each of his sides is a streak of yellow color. He had rould hemispherical eyes with no eyelids, and a red and gold crown (not the kind with a hole in the middle--sort of like a baseball cap minus the viser), with a ring of black and white fuzz around the bottom of it.
The Smelly Laundry
Basically a pile of smelly laundry with only three "clothing Muppets" in it. Only one of them were new as far as the sketch goes: a red and black vertically striped sock with angry eyes with eyebrows. The toe of the sock (its nose) is grey.
Another article of clothing in the pile is Zoe's Jacket (who made her debut in an episode of Elmo's World): a pink jacket with fur trim around the hood, sleeves, and pockets. Her mouth is the hood and sort of works like a Martian's mouth. She also has round eyes similar to Prairie Dawn's, but with fur trim around them.
The third piece of clothing is a pair of blue checkered pants that appeared in the "Monster Clubhouse" episode when they dance the "Monster Pants Dance". His mouth is a smile built onto a gold belt-buckle. His blue-lidded eyes are right above the mouth.
As for the others (Episode 4074)...I haven't seen it yet. (I will see it this afternoon, though). But I can tell you two more things about some other characters:
1. I couldn't find the official collective name for the hairy creatures Trash Gordon ran into, so it may be best to go with your name.
2. The sleeping grouches's official spelling is the S-N-O-R-E-T-I-A-N-S.
I really hope that I at least made your day a little better. Also, try to search for the "Monsterpiece Theater: Gone with the Wind" thread; I've posted the rest of the "Christmas Toy" Muppets for you!