Sesame Street Season 3 Episode 349 - Cookie Monster Makes Grouchy Food


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Apr 11, 2002
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Episode 349 - Cookie Monster Makes Grouchy Food
PBS Premiere: Thursday February 24, 1972
HBO Max Premiere: Wednesday May 27, 2020

Oscar the Grouch hires a private chef to cook him grouch food. Dressed in a chef's hat, Cookie Monster is ready to make wonderful food. Oscar catches Cookie Monster eating dough while he is supposed to be cooking. Then Cookie teaches Oscar how to mix the dough, milk, sugar, and raisins in a bowl. Then, Cookie Monster uses a rolling pin as a spoon to stir the ingredients! Oscar does not want cookies because he prefers mud soup with a rock burger. Cookie Monster learns not everyone eats cookies for dinner. Later, Cookie Monster shows the boxes and boxes of cookies he baked! Tom visits and trades a jar of sour pickles for a box of cookies. Oscar realizes he has enough cookies to sell for a year and fires Cookie Monster. Cookie decides to be a cookie eater and eats the cookies he baked.

58 MIN

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This is the first time this episode has been commercially released or streamed since it's original broadcast.

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minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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This is one of the few episodes available that Muppet Wiki does not yet have images for every scene from (in fact, looking at the history, it was just converted into a full guide table a few days ago - what are the odds that they'd do that just shortly before knowing it's part of the service?).