Sesame Street Old School Outlines


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Nov 13, 2012
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A blizzard has hit the that's the perfect opportunity to write a snowy-day outline. This is number 49.

Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 7: A snowy day on Sesame Street

Sponsors: C, U, 11

Scene 1: The show opens with a shot of the street during a light snowfall. Bob, Maria, Susan, and Gordon look out their respective windows and their eyes light up. They emerge dressed in coats, boots, hats, etc. Big Bird greets them, wearing swim trunks, flippers, a snorkel, and carrying a beach umbrella. Bob is quick to point out to Big Bird that he’s dressed the wrong way, so Big Bird leaves to change.

Cartoon: Two dots play hide-and-seek amongst different shaped blocks

Muppets/Song: An Anything Muppets girl sings “It’s Cold” (vocals by Marilyn Sokol)

Scene 2: Big Bird comes back wearing a scarf, mittens, and boots. Now he’s ready to play with everybody in the snow on Sesame Street!

Film: Kids narrate a film of baby eagles being fed (music by Joe Raposo)

Muppets/Celebrity: Lena Horne and the Anything Muppets sing the alphabet song

Cartoon: C- Canary (speech balloon)

Film: Apes play at the zoo

Cast: A marooned man (Luis) finds a coconut with the letter “C” inside

Cartoon: A baby cries whenever he receives a “beso” (kiss)

Muppet/Kid Moments: Grover and John-John count backwards from 10 to 1

Film/Song: “There’s a Bird on Me” (written and performed by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – C is for Cat

Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper’s “C” prank

Film: George the Farmer goes up and down on ladders

Cartoon: A man tries to explain how to put wallpaper up

Scene 3: Inside Hooper’s Store, David, Maria, and two kids play “One of These Things” with pairs of mittens. Three pairs are red, and one is purple. The kids guess that the purple one doesn’t belong.

Muppets: Bert is cold, so Ernie dresses him in a shawl, earmuffs, hat, coat, and scarf. An irritated Bert says that now he’s too HOT, so Ernie goes overboard again by opening the window, turning on the fan, and putting an ice pack down Bert’s shirt.

Cartoon: Tommy Trueheart and his 11 lions

Film: Choosing players for a ball team…a new kid named Ramón joins them

Cartoon: An award for U (art by Cliff Roberts)

Muppets: Five good men are needed to capture Bad Bart, and the cowboy posse has trouble figuring out how many men there are. Once they have five men, they start to leave until one man points out that there are only four good men…one of them is Bad Bart!

Scene 4: Oscar has set up a hot mud stand next to his can. There are eleven cups for people to drink and stay warm. Bob, Maria, Susan, and Gordon all refuse to buy his hot mud. However, the Count shows up and buys them all so he can count them!

Film: C is for cars on the highway

Cartoon: Three birds enter a cuckoo clock to do their job

Muppets: Grover tries to sell a pair of earmuffs to Kermit the Frog

Cartoon: A boy needs a “U” to go “UP”

Film: The Mad Painter #11

Cartoon: Estoy llorando…I am crying (voiceover by David and Maria)

Muppets: Ernie and Farley have peppermint sticks, but Cookie Monster notices that Ernie’s is longer than Farley’s. Cookie takes bites out of each stick to even out their sizes, until each stick is a small stub.

Film: A mother mandrill carries her young

Cartoon: Only one of the two footprints can belong…

Scene 5: Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus build a giant snowman in the arbor area. After they go to Big Bird’s nest for some hot chocolate, Bob walks by and is flabbergasted by the size of the snowman. He runs off to get the others.

Cartoon: What if a mouse and an elephant switched bodies?

Film/Song: “The Ball Goes Up, The Ball Goes Down”

Cartoon: U is for uniform

Muppets: Lefty the Salesman tries to sell Ernie a U, which is actually a string tied between two poles. Ernie doesn’t need a U, but when he says he needed a V yesterday, Lefty stretches the bottom of the string so that the U becomes a V. (Lefty is performed by Caroll Spinney in this sketch.)

Scene 6: The grownups debate over who built the giant snowman while Mr. Snuffleupagus announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Oscar and the Count. CTW sign still: Bob.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird, Oscar, and Lefty the Salesman


Frank Oz as Bert, Grover, Cookie Monster, Harvey Kneeslapper, AMs

Jerry Nelson as the Count, Mr. Snuffleupagus, Farley, AMs

Matt Robinson as Roosevelt Franklin (voice only)

Marilyn Sokol as AMs

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit the Frog, Bad Bart, AMs


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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50...holy moly. Since I've reached the big 5-0, this one is a Frank Oz/Caroll Spinney showcase. They're the only Muppeteers who still perform on SS after nearly 50 years. Enjoy!

Sesame Street Old School Outline 50

Season 9: Cookie Monster solves a problem/The cast presents opposites

Sponsors: R, Z, 4

Scene 1: Cookie Monster greets the viewer while eating cookies out of a jar. As he sticks his hand into the jar to pick another cookie, his hand gets stuck. He tries to free his hand, to no avail. Gordon and Susan try to help him out by pulling on the jar, but that is unsuccessful, too. Cookie finally figures out how he can solve the problem: by smashing the cookie jar against a crate, and he proceeds to eat the remaining cookies and broken pieces of the jar. Cookie: “Me love thinking outside of box…or more like, thinking outside of JAR!”

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – R is for Rope

Muppets/Cast: Maria and David show Grover “here” and “there”

Film: A mailman delivers mail on horseback

Muppets: Sesame Street News Flash – Kermit interviews Dr. Nucleus Von Fission, who has just built a robot called the Six Dollar Man out of various parts that cost six dollars in total. When the Professor starts up the robot, it ends up destroying the entire laboratory. Kermit is horrified, but the Professor says, “What did you expect for six dollars?”

Cartoon: The imagination square

Scene 2: Susan plays an opposite game with the kids. When Susan says a word, the kids must name its opposite. They go through fast and slow, empty and full, and long and short. Cookie Monster pops up and shows “big” and “small” cookies. Susan asks, “Which one do you prefer, Cookie?” He replies, “It not matter, Susan! Me love ALL COOKIES! COWABUNGA!” As Cookie Monster devours both cookies, Susan introduces the next segment.

Muppets: Little Chrissy sings “The Opposite Song,” accompanied by a silent female Muppet with very long arms

Film: A marching band forms a square

Cartoon: A weary traveler asks a wise man to show the difference between “here” and “there.” The wise man does so by throwing his household items off the cliff!

Muppets: Bert tells Ernie to clean up his toys, so Ernie tries to sort them by categories. However, the categories that Ernie creates only apply to his toy fire engine and nothing else.

Cartoon: The letter Z flies through space

Scene 3: The cast presents a demonstration of opposites: Big Bird is tall, and Grover is short. Gordon runs up the stairs, and then Susan runs down the stairs. Bert is neat with his matching argyle socks hung up on a clothesline to dry, and Oscar is messy…he pops out of his can amidst a large cloud of dust and soot, making Bert cough and ruining the freshly cleaned socks. As Bert whimpers and covers his face in defeat, Oscar says, “Hey, why are you so upset? Those socks have never looked better!” Bert (to camera): “I just can’t get a break.”

Cartoon: Julius demonstrates “here” and “there” (art by Cliff Roberts)

Muppet/Kid Moments: Herry Monster and John-John talk about up and down

Cartoon: Pinball Number Count #4

Cartoon: Z is for zig, zag, and zoom…

Muppets/Song: Ernie sings “Rubber Duckie”

Film: A poem about trees (music by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: Country Fiddler – Four Big Lions (art by Bud Luckey)

Muppets: Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School – Suzetta Something (voiced by Loretta Long) is upset, and Roosevelt learns that Hardhead Henry Harris (voiced by Roscoe Orman) called her a cantaloupe head. Roosevelt gets Suzetta to tell Henry how that made her feel, and negotiates a peace settlement.

Cartoon: Z is for Zipper (speech balloon)

Muppets: The Count’s bats go on strike

Scene 4: Oscar presents the letter R and names his favorite R words: rotten, ratty, and ripped. (Each R word pops up on the screen.) He also pulls out a picture of his pet rhinoceros. Grover interrupts and names some different R words: rainbow, run, and a live rabbit, which Oscar finds repulsive. After Oscar slams his lid down, Grover says to the viewer: “Repulsive? That is ridiculous.”

Cartoon: A man presents a radio, which starts with R. Once the man starts singing, the radio decides to turn him off by tweaking his nose.

Muppets: Kermit the Frog draws a square on the screen with his magic finger

Cast: David sings “Three of These Things.” Three kids are riding a single-seat bicycle, and two kids are riding a tandem bicycle.

Cartoon: I’ve Got a Mind – Fish

Cartoon: A wagoner gets across a clearing by building a bridge out of his oxcart, and then converting it back again (art by Bruce Cayard)

Muppets: Bert asks Ernie why he has string tied around all of his fingers. As it turns out, Ernie did this to remind himself that there’s no more string, and that he has to go out and buy some more.

Film/Song: Henson #4

Celebrity: Michael wants to make dinner, but Paul wants to juggle the food instead

Muppets: Cookie Monster goes to the library

Cartoon: A woman fixes her car by placing a lower-case “r” under the front hood, making it go “Rrrrrrr…”

Film: Women repair telephone lines for the telephone company

Scene 5: Bert shows Big Bird, Gordon, Susan, and the kids his pigeon coop on the roof of 123 Sesame Street. Big Bird: “What are their names?” Bert: “That one’s Bernice, my personal favorite…and there’s Nora, Hazel, Jeffrey, Norman, and Dulcy!” As they admire the pigeons, Grover announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Maria. CTW sign still: David.


Northern Calloway as David

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Cookie Monster, Bert, Grover, AMs

Jerry Nelson as the Count, Herry Monster, AMs

Christopher Cerf as Little Chrissy (voice only)

Matt Robinson as Roosevelt Franklin (voice only)

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, AMs
Last edited:


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Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 9: Oscar’s pet flea sings opera/Olivia and Gordon’s argument

Sponsors: H, P, 8

Scene 1: Bob is about to give a singing lesson…at Oscar’s trashcan. As it turns out, the lesson is for Oscar’s pet flea Fernando. Bob laughs out loud: “Oscar, surely you don’t expect me to give a singing lesson to a flea!” “Well, of course I do, Bright Eyes! That’s why they pay you the big bucks.” When Bob asks the flea to demonstrate his singing skills, it belts out “La Donna e Mobile” from Verdi’s Rigoletto. As Bob stares at the flea and then the camera in utter shock, Oscar grins: “Hey, not bad, Fernando. Maybe you could teach Tenor Face here a thing or two. Heh, heh, heh.”

Cartoon: An elephant and a bear try to cross a bridge to deliver packages, but they get in each other’s way

Muppets: Kermit talks about the word “TAXI”

Film: Kids train for the Special Olympics in different ways

Cartoon: Today’s secret drawing is a camel

Scene 2: Bob tries to convince Gordon and Olivia that Oscar’s flea can sing opera, but they are skeptical. Bob brings Olivia and Gordon to Oscar’s can and asks Fernando to sing, but the flea simply buzzes. As the adults walk away laughing, Oscar plays dumb: “Boy Bob, you sure have some imagination!” Bob can only stammer and pout at the camera in dismay.

Cartoon: A boy imagines and describes his moods (art by Bob Kurtz)

Film: Fields of hay

Muppets: Ernie tries to match cookies by size and pattern (in white icing). He has trouble doing this task, but Cookie Monster matches cookies by eating them, making them crumbs in the process.

Cast: Bob, Linda, and Luis assemble a lower-case “h”

Cartoon: A man reads the word “TAXI” and is picked up by a taxi cab

Film: Kids identify a horse’s body parts, which then reveal the complete animal

Scene 3: Olivia shows the kids some mixed-up pictures of an animal’s body parts. She asks the kids to place them in the right location, and they assemble pictures of a cow, a dog, and Big Bird.

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – H is for Hand

Cartoon: A man goes to a store for a hat, but every hat is the same except for one…a ten-gallon hat! This hat compliments his horseback riding very nicely.

Muppets: Mr. Johnson asks Waiter Grover for a hamburger. Grover brings out a small hamburger that Mr. Johnson finds unsatisfactory. He demands a big burger, but Grover tries to convince him otherwise. When Mr. Johnson yells at him to get the big burger, Grover brings out an enormous burger, smashing through the doors and breaking the table.

Cartoon: Big, bigger, and biggest strongmen

Cartoon: A mad scientist builds a capital H

Film: Henson #8

Muppets: Sesame Street News Flash – Kermit tries to ask people what makes them angry, but no one has time to answer. As this continues, Kermit gets angrier and angrier until he starts screaming at the camera.

Cartoon: A man slips and falls on his daughter’s roller skate. She points out that he is angry.

Film: How sweaters are made from sheep’s wool

Muppets: The Count counts letters that he’s sent to himself

Cartoon: “Penny Candy Man #8” (art by Bud Luckey)

Film: Making a train engine out of different shaped blocks

Scene 4: Big Bird overhears an argument between Gordon and Olivia, and watches as Gordon storms off. Big Bird walks over to Olivia and asks her what happened. Olivia tells him that she and Gordon had an argument about whether to go the movies or the zoo. Big Bird is surprised that they had an argument, but Olivia explains that just because they’re siblings, they don’t have to agree on everything. Gordon returns, and the siblings apologize to one another. In the end, Gordon decides to go to the zoo with Olivia. Gordon: “Remember to bring your camera!” Big Bird: “Yeah! And say hi to my flamingo pals for me. Their names are Carnegie, Macy, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller.”

Muppets: Ernie and Bert receive a telephone call about a picnic and softball game that goes wrong. As Ernie describes the event, he and Bert react accordingly.

Cartoon: P is for Puddle

Film: The Mad Painter #8

Cartoon: Five stripes cooperate to make a circle

Muppets/Cast: Bob encounters a blank lavender Live-Hand Anything Muppet who has no emotions. Once Bob gives the Muppet some angry eyes and a nose, the Muppet becomes angry and walks off in a huff. A crash is heard off-screen, and the Muppet returns saying, “It’s okay, Bob! I just dropped my watch.”

Film: A hippopotamus (music by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: The Fox and the Grapes

Muppets: Biff hangs Salvador Dada’s paintings in a gallery (“This painting is called ‘Chicken Soup!’”)

Celebrity: Edith Ann (Lily Tomlin) can count to five, but she won’t!

Cartoon: A “P” story: a policeman finds a puppy in the park

Scene 5: Big Bird greets Gordon and Olivia as they step off the bus. The adults tell Big Bird about their trip as Bob announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Susan. CTW sign still: Oscar.


Linda Bove as Linda

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Bob McGrath as Bob

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Alaina Reed as Olivia

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Cookie Monster, Grover, AMs

Jerry Nelson as the Count, Mr. Johnson, Biff, AMs

Richard Hunt as AMs

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, Salvador Dada, AMs


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Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 10: Big Bird's lectures/Oscar loses his memory

Sponsors: N, Y, 10

Scene 1: Big Bird tries to give a lecture on quiet, but various distractions prevent him from doing so. Luis hammers nails, Maria and David play basketball with the kids, Biff starts jackhammering, Linda takes Barkley for a walk, and Cookie Monster gobbles cookies. Bob greets Big Bird, but the Bird can't hear him over the noise.
Bob: Big Bird, what are you doing?
Big Bird: WHAT???
Bob (yelling): I said, what are you doing?
Big Bird (yelling): I was trying to talk about quiet, but I can't!
Bob (yelling): You're talking about WHAT? (The noise abruptly stops.)
Big Bird (screaming at the top of his lungs): I'M TRYING TO TALK ABOUT QUIET, BUT IT'S TOO LOUD! (Big Bird realizes it's quiet and everyone is staring at him: “It’s going to be one of those days, I guess…sigh.”)

Cartoon: Two men fight over which radio station to listen to

Muppets: “Clap, Clap, Clap” (performed by the Anything Muppets)

Film/Song: Henson #10

Cartoon: Billy Jo Jive – The Missing Wig

Muppets: Marshal Grover tries to mount Fred the Wonder Horse by running and jumping onto his back. But every time, Fred moves to the side so that Grover falls.

Cartoon: 1-10, 10-1 countdown with striped background

Scene 2: Big Bird tries to talk about what a memory does, but he keeps forgetting parts of his lecture. So he enlists Susan to help him with the majority of his lecture.

Cartoon: Miss Fortune makes guesses about a dog (art by Cliff Roberts)

Muppets: At night, Ernie and Bert imagine what life would be like if their characteristics were switched.

Cartoon: Magical Herman’s adding trick

Film: A panda (music by Joe Raposo)

Muppets/Cast: Bob sings “People in Your Neighborhood” (lifeguard and carpenter)

Muppet/Kid Moments: Herry Monster and John-John talk about loud and soft.

Cartoon: Dog Flea Camp (art by Bruce Cayard)

Film: Recycling bottles

Scene 3: Oscar shows David, Maria, Bob, Gordon, and Mr. Hooper his newest purchase: a giant industrial-sized trashcan. When he tries to pick it up, he drops it on his head. When Oscar comes to, he's lost his memory. Maria realizes that this is a bigger problem than it seems.

Cartoon: Y is for Yak

Muppets: Sinister Sam enters the saloon, angry that someone bought the last box of crayons from the general store…and he wants to know Y!

Cartoon: A story about a man who hates frogs, until his swamp becomes infested with flies.

Cartoon: Sand Y

Scene 4: Oscar doesn't remember Olivia, Linda, Susan, Luis, Barkley, or the kids. He doesn’t remember living in a trashcan with a worm, a broken piano, a moldy sock collection, and a swimming pool full of elephants, either. Everyone becomes worried over Oscar’s memory loss.

Cartoon: N-Nail (speech balloon)

Celebrity: Victor Borge shows high and low notes on the piano

Film/Song: “Touch, Hold, Feel” (Joe Raposo)

Scene 5: The street residents bring various pieces of trash to trigger Oscar’s memory, but nothing works. Then Biff and Sully try jackhammering, but Oscar doesn't even appreciate the wrecked sidewalk.

Film: Two men have a picnic and decide to go rowing in a boat. While they are out on the water, a dog starts eating their sandwiches. The men have to cooperate to row back to land and retrieve the last sandwich from the dog.

Cartoon: Ten Tiny Turtles (Bud Luckey)

Muppets: Ernie tries to trick Bert by wearing various outfits from his new disguise kit, but Bert isn’t fooled one bit. Then when a wolf enters, Bert believes that it’s Ernie in disguise.

Cartoon: The Yellow Yahoo

Scene 6: Mr. Hooper brings Oscar a banana split with chocolate ice cream, sauerkraut, and anchovies. Before eating, Oscar casually tosses the banana peel to the floor. He takes one bite of the sundae and spits it out in disgust. Just when all hope seems lost, Oscar leaves and slips on the banana peel, landing on his head. As Maria helps Oscar up, his memory comes back, and he scolds Maria for helping him up: "What do you think you're doing, Skinny? NEVER help a Grouch!" As Oscar devours his sundae, Maria says to everyone, "Yep…he's back, all right!"

Muppets: A group of Anything Muppet children cooperate to sell lemonade

Cartoon: Lowercase “n”

Film: A boy makes fruit salad

Cast: The Lovers of Five (David, Luis, Gordon, and Bob) sing “Gimme Five!” (a spoof of the Floaters’ “Float On”)

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – N is for Nose

Muppets: Ernie tricks Cookie Monster into eating a carrot instead of his plate of cookies. However, Cookie eats Ernie’s cookies for dessert anyway.

Film/Song: “Share In Your Fun with Another Someone” (Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: 30 dots (the last dot is late)

Scene 7: Oscar sits inside his industrial-sized trashcan, which is so large that no one can walk along the sidewalk. The adults ask Oscar to move his can, but he refuses. As they yell at him, Oscar cackles, "I’ll never take my grouchiness for granted ever again!" But then the adults pick up his giant can, with Oscar inside, and carry it away as Biff announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Olivia. CTW sign still: Gordon.


Linda Bove as Linda

Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Will Lee as Mr. Hooper

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Alaina Reed as Olivia

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Cookie Monster, Grover, Bert, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Biff, Herry Monster, Fred the Wonder Horse, AMs

Richard Hunt as Sully, AMs

Brian Meehl as Barkley

Jim Henson as Ernie, Sinister Sam, AMs


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Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 6: Oscar wants to become an astronaut

Sponsors: M, S, 6

Scene 1: At night, David closes up Hooper’s Store. He notes that people do a lot of things at night. He hears Bob practicing the piano (Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”), and he sees Maria sitting on the fire escape, reading a book. He notices Gordon and Susan coming home from the movies. Then David sees the Count counting stars and asks to join. The Count has already counted 41,687 stars, but he agrees to restart and count six stars with David.

Cartoon: I’m six years old! (art by Jim Simon)

Muppets: Herbert Birdsfoot delivers a lecture about the letter M, with help from Grover. After the lecture, Herbert discovers that Grover’s mouth is glued shut from eating peanut butter.

Cartoon: The Queen of Six (stop-motion animation by Jim Henson)

Scene 2: As David continues walking home, he sees Oscar staring at the moon. Oscar wonders what it would be like to go to the moon, but David says it would take a very long time to get there. Oscar isn’t deterred, though.

Cartoon: Would you mind closing our OPEN?

Cast: Maria and Luis demonstrate “abierto” and “cerrado”

Cartoon: Marvelous Martha

Muppets: At night, Ernie eats cookies in bed. Bert tells him not to do that because he’ll get crumbs in the blankets and in his pajamas, and then he won’t be able to sleep. Ernie decides to eat his cookies in Bert’s bed.

Cartoon: Ali Baba explains “abierto” by opening the entrance to his cave. However, because he arrived after the rest of the forty thieves, he gets trampled as the thieves make their getaway.

Cartoon: The letter M flies through space

Film: An Indian mother gives her baby a bath (music by Joe Raposo)

Muppets: Simon Soundman tries to buy a saw

Film/Song: Henson #6

Cartoon: The M That Came to Dinner

Scene 3: The next morning, Mr. Hooper, David, and Maria discover that Oscar has started building a rocket ship out of an old trashcan. The adults look at his blueprint, but they aren’t impressed by the sloppily scribbled plan. Oscar: “Oh, don’t mind the chocolate ice cream stains and spinach bits…that was from last night’s dessert!” The adults notice that there are six steps in his plan, which involves putting six parts together. Oscar asks David to put one of the parts onto the rocket, but when he does, the rocket falls apart.

Cartoon: Jazzy Spies #6

Film: Six children go down a slide

Muppets: Kermit gives a lecture on clues with two Anything Muppets and Beautiful Day Monster

Cast/Song: Bob sings “Three of These Kids” (three are wearing baseball uniforms and one is dressed as a football player)

Cartoon: S is for Snow, Santa, and Sleigh

Film: Various objects become OPEN

Insert: Big Bird and Krystal play “store”

Transition: A rectangle charges at the screen

Muppets: Cookie Monster imagines a cookie at the bakery

Film: Pottery class (music by Joe Raposo)

Scene 4: Oscar ropes Biff and Sully into helping him build the rocket. Gordon walks by and points out that Oscar is cooperating with Biff and Sully, much to Oscar’s embarrassment.

Film: Summer in the city (Italian ice vendor: “Linda paloma!”)

Muppet/Kid Moments: Grover and Debo talk about the letter S

Cartoon: Superman presents the letter S

Film: A flower opens and closes

Muppets: Three Anything Muppet witches cast spells to get things they want, with no success. One witch suggests that they cooperate by combining their magic items (a fire, a boiling kettle of water, and a chicken) to make chicken soup.

Cartoon: A little girl claims that she doesn’t get surprised easily, but her sister surprises her by wearing a giant monster mask.

Cartoon: Today’s secret drawing is an astronaut

Scene 5: Oscar has finally built his spaceship and is ready to launch. All of the street residents are there, and the Count leads the countdown. But every time the countdown finishes, the rocket keeps petering out without lifting off. Oscar isn’t happy that he can’t travel to the moon, but he likes how his rocket keeps sputtering, groaning, and shaking.

Muppets: A group of Anything Muppets cheer as a rocket launches

Cartoon: S – Serpiente (Spanish recording)

Film/Song: “Look Around (How You Grow)”

Muppets: Ernie notices that it’s raining and the window is broken, so the floor is getting wet. Bert suggests that he fix the window, but then it stops raining. Ernie says that he doesn’t need to fix the window now that it’s no longer raining!

Cast: Susan, Mr. Hooper, Bob, and a child named Brian cooperate to set the table at a party

Cartoon: I’ve Got a Mind - Wind-Up Toy (art by Cliff Roberts)

Scene 6: As the Count counts down, Oscar keeps starting his rocket and listening to its awful noises, much to the adults’ chagrin. Yet, Oscar and the Count are thrilled. Gordon announces the sponsors. SS sign still: David and Maria. CTW sign still: Bob and a group of kids.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Will Lee as Mr. Hooper

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Grover, Cookie Monster, Beautiful Day Monster, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Biff, the Count, Herbert Birdsfoot, Simon Soundman, AMs

Richard Hunt as Sully, AMs

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, AMs


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Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 9: Oscar asks David and Luis to move things/Fred the Wonder Horse visits

Sponsors: K, L, 3

Scene 1: Oscar asks Luis and David to help him move some things into his can. Luis and David are surprised that Oscar is asking them for help, and are reluctant. But Oscar promises it won’t take long because there are just two items to move inside a small box. When David and Luis open it, they pull out a short, ratty scarf and drop it into the can. Then they pull out a ratty scarf that is much longer than they thought. As they keep pulling on the scarf, Oscar leaves to get his water buffalo out of the mud bath.

Cartoon: K is for Kick

Muppets: An Anything Muppet man goes to a gas station, but the attendant takes a very long time to fill up his tank. Other customers pass by and get filled up in a short time.

Scene 2: Luis and David are still pulling the old scarf out of the box, and are not happy. Once Oscar returns, they are about to yell at him when the end of the scarf finally pops out of the box. They give the long scarf to Oscar, and express their relief that their job is finished. Oscar: “Ding dong, you’re wrong!” He points to several more boxes with scarves poking out of them. Luis and David give resigned looks to the camera as the ending music plays.

Film: A car becomes shorter and longer (1920s black-and-white)

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – K is for Key

Muppets: Prairie Dawn stages a pageant of “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain,” with Ernie, Herry Monster, and Cookie Monster as the leading lady. However, Cookie has trouble understanding the word “around,” and goes over, under, and through the mountain. Finally, Prairie lures Cookie Monster with a cookie to make him run around the mountain.

Film/Song: Henson #3

Cartoon: Jazzy Spies #3

Film: Lemurs rest on tree branches (music by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: A postal worker tells the viewer what the post office is good for

Celebrity/Insert: Lily Tomlin performs “Sing” and signs the lyrics to a group of deaf children

Film: The Mad Painter #3

Muppets: Sesame Street News Flash – Kermit interviews Old King Cole

Cartoon: K is for Kiss

Film: George the Farmer shows short and long with ladders

Cartoon: Three cuckoo birds enter a clock to do their job

Muppets: A Little Girl sings “I Want a Monster to Be My Friend”

Scene 3: Fred the Wonder Horse goes to Hooper’s Store for lunch. David isn’t sure what Fred wants, and offers him various items off the menu. But Fred isn’t happy with a ham-and-cheese sandwich, French fries, or a chocolate milkshake. Fred: “Don’t you have anything else for a hungry ol’ horse like me?” David: “Well gee, Fred. All I’ve got are these carrots and apples.” Delighted, Fred eats them on the spot.

Film/Song: “Everybody Eats” (composed and sung by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: L es para Luz (Spanish voiceover)

Film/Video: A truck puzzle (Moog soundtrack)

Cartoon: A hand draws a telephone booth

Muppets: Mr. Chatterly presents an “Alphabet Chat” about the letter L (cameos by Cookie Monster and Gladys the Cow)

Cartoon: L is for Lips

Film: A visit to the doctor’s office

Muppets: Bert is startled by Ernie, and says he didn’t see Ernie. This prompts Ernie to wonder if he’s really “here,” and he melodramatically searches for himself.

Cartoon: Paddleball 1-20 chant

Scene 4: Big Bird and Fred argue over which animal is more special: a horse or a bird. Luis points out that they are both very special in different ways. Fred has hair, teeth, and hooves, while Big Bird has feathers, wings, and a beak. Big Bird and Fred resolve the argument and accept each other’s differences.

Cartoon: K is for Karate (featuring the Pink Panther)

Cartoon: K is for Kite

Film: Henson Roller Coaster #3 (ice cream sundae ending)

Cast: Maria sings “Three Whipped Cream Pies on the Wall” with David, Luis, and Bob as her backing musicians

Film: A Chinese noodle factory

Muppets: Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Roosevelt’s students recite poems about trying again (playing games, roller-skating, growing plants, swimming).

Cartoon: 30 dots (the last dot keeps showing up too early)

Scene 5: Oscar asks Luis and David to move his new glass chandelier into his can: “I need to redecorate the place, you know…these four walls can get pretty drab sometimes.” The astonished adults question Oscar’s reasoning, but Oscar promises to tell them why he bought it after they move it. Once they pick the chandelier up, Oscar instructs them to drop it into his can. They do so, and a tremendous crash shakes up the street. Oscar: “That’s perfect! Just how I want it.” Luis: “But Oscar, it’s totally broken! It’s no good anymore.” Oscar: “Are you kidding? I said I wanted to redecorate the place, right? My parlor looks great with all that broken glass on the floor. You know, I ought to invite my mother for a visit. She’ll love it…” As the adults shake their heads, Fred the Wonder Horse announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Grover. CTW sign still: Ernie and Bert.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Cookie Monster, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Fred the Wonder Horse, Herry Monster, Mr. Chatterly, AMs

Fran Brill as Prairie Dawn

Marilyn Sokol as a Little Girl

Richard Hunt as Gladys the Cow, AMs

Matt Robinson as Roosevelt Franklin (voice only)

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, AMs


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline

Season 7: SAM the Robot tries to clean the street/Herry Monster and Oscar start a destruction company

Sponsors: A, V, 7

Insert/Song: The cast performs “What’s the Name of That Song?” (Featuring David, Bob, Susan, Gordon, Maria, Bert, Herry Monster, Oscar, Luis, the Count, Mr. MacIntosh, and Mr. Hooper)

Cartoon: A girl demonstrates “next to”

Celebrity: The cast of Bonanza counts to 20

Cartoon: Two men stand atop a letter V and discuss its importance

Muppets: Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats perform “Count It Higher”

Cartoon: V is for Venus, violin, valentine, violets, vanish…

Muppets: Bert makes Ernie do the laundry, but Ernie needs to bring some other items into the laundry room. To Bert’s frustration, Ernie puts so many toys and diversions into the basket that there’s no room for the laundry.

Film: A mother feeds her piglets

Muppets: Two Anything Muppets sing “As I Was Going to St. Ives”

Scene 1: Bob and Susan notice that the street is full of trash and dry leaves. The adults ponder the best way to start cleaning, when SAM the Robot arrives to help. Bob shows him how to use a broom; however, SAM holds it upside-down. Susan shows him where to put pieces of trash, but SAM keeps dropping the trash next to the can. SAM initiates his Super-Swiffy-Sweeper (“I am a machine…I can do anything! I can clean, count, cook, say the alphabet, and name the capital of Massachusetts!”), but it moves so fast that it spreads the trash even further. Fed up, Susan and Bob decide to clean the street by themselves.

Cartoon: A witch tells a group of kids a story full of “A” words

Muppets: Waiter Grover tries to serve Mr. Johnson a lunch that matches the picture on the menu (a sandwich, chips, and drink). However, by the time Grover gets it right, Mr. Johnson’s lunch break is over, and Mr. Johnson has to leave the restaurant.

Scene 2: Big Bird asks the kids, “What do people use to clean things?” The kids name brooms, mops, and brushes. Big Bird names several unrelated items (a baseball, a tricycle, and a jump rope), and the kids tell him that they aren’t used to clean things. Big Bird quickly adds, “But they are used for playtime! And I’ve got them right here!” After distributing said items, Big Bird and the kids play together.

Film: You can clean almost anything! (Vocals by the Swingle Sisters)

Cartoon: Flying V in space

Muppet/Kid Moments: Kermit, Shola, and Fanny demonstrate “next to”

Cartoon: Eyes in the dark…trying to find a light switch

Film: The Mad Painter #7

Cartoon: V is for Violin (speech balloon)

Cartoon: A horse falls apart into a jigsaw puzzle

Muppets: Roosevelt Franklin sings the alphabet, with help from his mother

Cartoon: What Do You Do With a Pet?

Scene 3: Bob and Susan notice a sign by Oscar’s trashcan that reads, “O&H Destruction Company.” Oscar and Herry are wearing hard hats, and Oscar’s can is surrounded by lots of heavy tools (jackhammers, pick axes, and sledgehammers). Oscar explains that he and Herry are business partners in a destruction company, which helps to wreck things for a fee. Bob and Susan don’t believe they’ll get any business, but one Grouch named Scotty (Richard Hunt) arrives and asks Herry and Oscar to destroy his china shelf, which he’s brought all the way to Sesame Street. Oscar and Herry eagerly do so, and the noise drives Susan and Bob away.

Film/Song: “Flies on Animals” (by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: A is for Ape (speech balloon)

Muppets: Farley looks for “ME”

Cartoon: The Alligator King #7 (animation by Bud Luckey)

Muppets: Juanita looks for “YO”

Scene 4: Bob and Susan complain to Mr. Hooper and Maria about the noise. The adults force Oscar and Herry to stop breaking things and to end the business. Oscar and Herry agree, but they get the last laugh by noisily destroying their sign and breaking their tools.

Cartoon: An elephant and a bird dress themselves in the wrong skins after playing a basketball game. Their coach gives them the right outfits.

Muppets: Ernie presents the letter “A” using an apple, which Cookie Monster eats

Cartoon: A is for Acrobats

Cast: Luis tries to move a chair, but unbeknownst to him, Bob is sitting in it. Luis calls “HELP,” and Bob approaches him. Then Susan sits in the chair, as Luis and Bob try to move it. They call “HELP,” and Susan comes to help as Gordon sits in the chair, unseen. The three adults can’t move the chair, and call “HELP” again. Gordon gets up out of the chair to help, but now that no one’s sitting in it, the adults push the chair off screen.

Film: Counting train cars (music by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: Two mountain goats try to pass each other on a trail

Muppets: Betty Lou (Frank Oz) and Charlie (Jerry Nelson) fight over a book, until they decide to cooperate and read it together

Cartoon: Mr. Tweak can’t sleep because his neighbors make too much noise.

Scene 5: Susan, Bob, Maria, and Mr. Hooper are glad that there’s peace and quiet on Sesame Street. However, Biff and Sully start jackhammering. Bob: “Can’t you go somewhere else?” Biff: “Huh? What did you say, Bob?” Maria: “BIFF! SULLY! Stop making all that noise!” Biff: “You gotta speak up, Maria! Sully and I can’t hear you over all this noise!” The irritated adults go into Hooper’s Store and shut the door as Oscar happily announces the sponsors. “Ah, music to my ears! Keep it up, you guys!” SS sign still: Ernie and Bert. CTW sign still: Susan.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Will Lee as Mr. Hooper

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Chet O’Brien as Mr. MacIntosh

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Cookie Monster, Grover, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Herry Monster, the Count, SAM the Robot, Mr. Johnson, Farley, AMs

Richard Hunt as Sully, AMs

Fran Brill as Juanita

Chris Cerf as Little Chrissy (voice only)

Matt Robinson as Roosevelt Franklin (voice only)

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, AMs


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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I'm back after finishing up school. Here's number 56.

Sesame Street Old School Outline 56

Season 8: Mr. Snuffleupagus and Big Bird try different foods/Oscar’s tricks backfire

Sponsors: T, X, 9

Scene 1: Oscar is in the mood to play tricks on people. First, he tries to get Susan and Gordon to fix his broken blender, hoping that they’ll get sprayed with the rotten fruits and vegetables inside. Instead, they actually get it to work properly, to Oscar’s chagrin.

Cartoon: Jazz Spies #9

Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper’s Toy Closet Prank, Part 1

Cartoon: The Story of Cowboy X

Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper’s Toy Closet Prank, Part 2

Cartoon: The Great Alphonso and his Trained X’s

Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper’s Toy Closet Prank, Part 3

Cartoon: A hand draws a farm backdrop for the animals

Film: Different animals’ coats

Cast: Maria plays “One of These Things” with Bob and three tuxedoed gorillas at a dinner party

Cartoon: A polar bear has trouble finding the “EXIT” door

Scene 2: Oscar tries to get David to open an exploding jack-in-the-box. However, the crank gets stuck as David tries to open it. After several tries, David gives the unopened jack-in-the-box back to Oscar and leaves. When Oscar turns the crank, the jack-in-the-box pops open, covering Oscar in white powder.

Muppets: Super Grover tries to help a boy overcome his fear of haircuts

Cartoon/Song: Martian Beauty #9 (art by Bud Luckey)

Film: The Mad Painter #9

Muppets: Ernie plays a carnival game run by Herry Monster. To win a prize, Ernie has to toss a ball and knock down all the bottles, but he can only get some of the bottles to fall. However, Herry gets all the bottles to fall just by yelling at them!

Cartoon: Jack-in-the-Box School

Cartoon: T is for TV

Scene 3: Oscar goes for broke with a prank involving a bucket of confetti and a string. David and the Count pass by, and Oscar hides. Despite David’s warnings, the Count pulls the string, and the confetti lands on him. Oscar is delighted that his trick worked…and so is the Count! “I am not angry, Oscar! I am happy because I love counting all those pieces of confetti that landed on me! Wonderful! Can you do that again, please?” As David laughs and the Count counts the pieces of confetti, a frustrated Oscar sinks into his can.

Cartoon: A boy named Tiger goes to school

Muppets/Song: Sherlock Hemlock sings “X Marks the Spot”

Film: “I’m a Hard Working Dog”

Cast: Luis is trapped in a brick room until he discovers the word “EXIT”

Muppets: Ernie prepares for his bath by bringing a flashlight, umbrella, and bowling ball into the bathroom…in case a fuse blows, or if it rains inside, or if a man asks to borrow a ball for a bowling tournament. Bert ridicules him, until these events actually happen.

Cartoon: A girl imagines herself as a fire safety vehicle

Film: A warthog runs (music by Joe Raposo)

Muppets: Cookie Monster briefly demonstrates the “EXIT” sign

Cartoon: An alley cat teaches its friends to cooperate when playing music

Scene 4: Big Bird acknowledges the viewer and says, “It’s time for lunch…the only thing is: I’m tired of eating bird seed all the time. I wonder what it would be like to try something different.” Mr. Snuffleupagus arrives and, as it turns out, is tired of eating cabbages all the time. Big Bird suggests they try the foods that the other one would eat. Snuffy leaves to get some cabbages, while Big Bird goes to Hooper’s Store for some birdseed.

Cartoon: Poverty Pictures’ Letter T

Cast: Luis is trapped in a brick room until he discovers the word “SALIDA” (Spanish version of “EXIT” sketch)

Scene 5: At Hooper’s Store, Big Bird greets Susan, Gordon, David, and Mr. Hooper. Then he asks for two servings of birdseed. Mr. Hooper pours the seed into two paper bags and he counts them with Big Bird. Susan: “Big Bird, you must be very hungry today! Can you eat two servings all by yourself?” Big Bird: “Oh, I’m not eating them! Mr. Snuffleupagus is eating them, you see. He’s going to try birdseed and I’m going to try cabbages…they’re his favorite.” Once again, the adults say to Big Bird: “There’s no such thing as a Snuffleupagus!”

Muppets: Sesame Street News Flash – Rumpelstiltskin

Film: Going to school in New Mexico

Scene 6: Big Bird returns with the birdseed, and Snuffy tries it. However, he finds it yucky. Then Big Bird tries a piece of Snuffy’s cabbage, but he dislikes it. They agree to only eat the foods they like, and they happily dig into their appropriate lunches.

Cartoon: T is for Train (speech balloon)

Cartoon: A man recites a poem about the animals that ate his clothing (This is the goat that ate my coat…)

Film/Song: “A Little Bit at the Beginning” (Joe Raposo)

Muppets: Ernie doesn’t think he’s special, but Bert convinces him otherwise

Cartoon: Bumble Ardy’s Birthday Party #9 (art by Maurice Sendak)

Scene 7: Snuffy and Big Bird have finished their lunches, and Snuffy lets out a loud burp that shakes Sesame Street. Big Bird gives him a tablecloth to wipe his mouth with. Snuffy thanks Big Bird and leaves, just as the rattled adults stumble into Big Bird’s nest. Mr. Hooper: “Big Bird! Do you know where that loud noise came from? It shook all of Sesame Street! What happened?” Big Bird: “Well, Mr. Snuffleupagus just finished his lunch and let out a loud burp. He’s gone now, but I’m sorry if he…” The adults let out a collective groan and exit as Oscar announces the sponsors. SS sign still: Maria. CTW sign still: Luis.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Will Lee as Mr. Hooper

Loretta Long as Susan

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Roscoe Orman as Gordon

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Grover, Cookie Monster, Harvey Kneeslapper, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Mr. Snuffleupagus, the Count, Herry Monster, Sherlock Hemlock, AMs

Richard Hunt as AMs

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit the Frog, AMs


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Number 57!

Sesame Street Old School Outline 57

Season 7: Oscar creates his own Grouch Constitution/Cookie Monster and Herry Monster switch places for a day

Sponsors: M, Q, 7

Scene 1: Big Bird welcomes the viewer and goes to Hooper’s Store for some birdseed toast. But the door is locked, and he doesn’t know why. David arrives and tells Big Bird to read the sign inside the door: “C-L-O-S-E-D. It says closed.” Big Bird realizes that the store is closed and starts to worry that no one will ever get into the store again. As David tries to calm Big Bird down, Mr. Hooper arrives with the key and opens the store. Mr. Hooper turns the sign around and now the store is OPEN!

Muppets: Roosevelt Franklin Stadium – Playing Headball (featuring Hardhead Henry Harris, with cameos by Bert, Grover, Herry, the Count, and others)

Cartoon: A man finds an OPEN and opens it. The people inside ask, “Would you mind closing our open?”

Film: Baby eagles are fed (music by Joe Raposo)

Cartoon: Poverty Q (the Q’s stem keeps falling off during a man’s lecture)

Muppets: Ernie and Bert play the 10Q game

Scene 2: David greets the viewer and begins reading a book about the Constitution. Oscar pops up from his can and asks David to leave, but David refuses because he’s simply reading. Curious, Oscar asks David what he’s reading about, so David explains to him what the Constitution is and why it was written. This gives Oscar an idea, and he disappears into his can.

Film: The Mad Painter #7

Cartoon: Q is for Quarter

Muppet/Kid Moments: Herry Monster and John-John look at the letter Q

Scene 3: Oscar calls David, Maria, Mr. Hooper, and some kids to his can. He reads off a list of rules from his new Grouch Constitution: “Every Grouch has the right to complain! Every Grouch has the right to litter! Every Grouch has the right to tell people to scram!” The adults quickly turn the tables on Oscar by creating their own Constitution on the spot. Maria: “Everyone here has the right to tell Grouches to stop complaining!” Mr. Hooper: “Yes, and everyone here has the right to tell Grouches to stop littering.” David: “And everyone here has the right to tell Grouches to scram!” As the adults corner Oscar, the defeated Grouch sinks into his can: “So much for freedom of speech around here! Ugggghhhhh…” (ending music plays)

Cartoon: Spanish M words

Cartoon: The Alligator King #7 (art & music by Bud Luckey)

Muppets: Marshal Grover and Fred the Wonder Horse enter a bar for some milk. The bartender asks them to choose whether they’d like the big glass, the bigger glass, or the biggest glass. Marshal Grover and Fred go behind the bar to look at the glasses, causing damage to the bar. They end up taking the biggest glass, and Marshal Grover promises to come back to pay for the damage.

Cartoon: Typewriter Guy – M is for Magic

Cartoon: A boy goes fishing and catches letters, so he makes alphabet soup!

Film: Alphabet in the city (child voiceover, score by Joe Raposo)

Cast: David tries to demonstrate closed, but the door and window keep opening.

Cartoon: The M That Came to Dinner

Muppets/Cast: Maria reads the story of “Ike and the Ilk,” which features M words. The Anything Muppets perform the story.

Cartoon/Song: “It’s Springtime” (a song about seasons)

Scene 4: Mr. Hooper serves David and Maria their lunch as Cookie Monster and Herry Monster enter for some snacks. As Mr. Hooper gets some cookies and milk for them, David observes how close Cookie and Herry are as friends. This causes Cookie and Herry to wonder what it would be like if they switched places for the day. They decide to try it, but Mr. Hooper isn’t so sure about their idea.

Cartoon: A lost man (Jim Thurman) asks a stranger for directions to the city and builds a city out of sand to show what it looks like.

Muppets: Ernie and Bert go to the movies, but a woman with a large hat blocks their view of the screen.

Cartoon: Q – Quiet! (art by John Korty)

Celebrity: The Pointer Sisters’ Swinging Alphabet

Film: A farmer takes care of baby calves

Scene 5: Herry asks Cookie to try lifting weights, but Cookie is unsuccessful, falling over on the last attempt. Cookie has a large plate of cookies, and asks Herry to eat them. Herry can only manage five before he starts feeling funny. As the monsters start to fret, David and Mr. Hooper explain to them that friends don’t have to be able to do the same things, and that’s what makes them special. Cookie and Herry agree, and they decide to share the cookies and the weights…by eating them all!

Film/Song: Henson #7

Muppets: Sesame Street News Flash – Kermit interviews the Three Pigs and the Seven Dwarves, but the Count ruins his efforts.

Cartoon: Wee Willie Wimple – Land Pollution

Film: Where does the garbage go? (music by Peter Schickele)

Cartoon: Jazz Spies #7

Muppets: Betty Lou (Fran Brill) introduces her friends Beginning, Middle, and End, and explains how they form a story together

Cartoon: Ants carry a large Q uphill

Scene 6: Oscar revises his Grouch Constitution as Herry and Cookie Monster announce the sponsors together. SS sign still: Maria and Mr. Hooper. CTW sign still: Ernie and Bert.


Northern Calloway as David

Will Lee as Mr. Hooper

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Cookie Monster, Grover, Bert, AMs

Jerry Nelson as Herry Monster, the Count, Fred the Wonder Horse, AMs

Fran Brill as Betty Lou

Matt Robinson as Roosevelt Franklin (voice only)

Jim Henson as Ernie, Kermit, AMs


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Sesame Street Old School Outline 58

Season 6: Oscar does his laundry/Big Bird wants to be a handyman like Luis

Sponsors: A, G, 2

Scene 1: Bob and Luis help a group of kids with disabilities to make a block tower.

Cartoon: G is for Glue (art by John and Faith Hubley)

Film: A Cinco de Mayo celebration

Insert: Big Bird and Grover present the number 2, and Big Bird requests Grover to do 2 chin-ups. But in order to drive the point home, Grover has to do the demonstration 2 more times, becoming exhausted in the process.

Cartoon: Country Fiddler’s Toucan Two-Dance (art by Bud Luckey)

Cartoon/Film: Things that start with the letter G

Muppets/Song: “The Song of the Count”

Scene 2: Bob notices a rusty washing machine and a basket of dirty clothing next to Oscar’s can. Oscar explains that he’s just received a new Grouch washing machine “from the ultimate Grouch outlet store, Smears!” Against his better judgment, Bob wants to see how it works, so he helps Oscar put the laundry in the machine. Then Oscar turns it on, but the machine spits out the muddy clothing right on Bob, to Oscar’s delight. “That was great! Some truly state-of-the-art technology! Eat your heart out, Thomas Edison!”

Cartoon: I am dry…he is wet (fishing on the dock)

Muppets: The Anything Muppets sing “How Do You Get From Here to There?”

Film: Farmer George shows up and down

Cartoon: G is for Giggle (voiceover by Allen Swift)

Film: Shopping for soup ingredients

Muppets: Bert can’t sleep at night because the faucet is dripping. Ernie tries to drown out the noise by turning on the radio and vacuum cleaner.

Scene 3: Big Bird observes how Luis fixes things so easily, and decides that he wants to be a fix-it man, too. When David comes in with a malfunctioning radio, Big Bird tries to help Luis, but the Bird inadvertently causes more problems (bringing the wrong tools, dropping screws, tangling wires). Luis orders Big Bird to leave, and the Bird exits with his tail between his legs.

Cartoon: What if my best friend was a gorilla?

Film/Song: Henson #2

Cartoon: A boy looks for the telephone as it rings (art by the Hubleys)

Muppets: Guy Smiley hosts “Here is Your Life” with an oak tree as the guest

Cartoon: I am dry…he is wet (two men give a dog a bath)

Cartoon: A witch tells a group of kids a story about the letter A

Film/Song: Dollhouse #2

Cast: Bob and Maria sing “One of These Things” while dressed as spies

Cartoon: A – Ape (speech balloon)

Cartoon: What would happen if I popped your balloon?

Scene 4: David finally gets his radio fixed, but he asks Luis to go talk to Big Bird, who is still sulking outside the Fix-It Shop. Luis and Big Bird apologize, and Luis asks Big Bird to help him fix a broken lamp. When asked to replace the light bulb, Big Bird accidentally drops the bulb, but Luis smiles and lets it go.

Cartoon: A man demonstrates the folding ruler

Film: The story of Colleen, who lives in Arizona

Muppets: The Amazing Mumford’s pillar levitation trick (featuring Grover and Herry Monster)

Cartoon: Presenting the bumper jack!

Muppets: Ernie and the banana phone

Cartoon: Presenting the pencil!

Muppets: The Busby twins want to buy a candle, but the shopkeeper has trouble understanding them

Cartoon: Presenting the saw!

Scene 5: Bob, David, and Luis play the musical game “What Can I Do?” with the kids.

Film: A boy uses his wagon as a pretend bus, and explains that his dad is a bus driver. Footage is shown of the boy’s father working as a bus driver.

Muppets: Lefty and the Golden AN

Cartoon: Jazz Spies #2

Cartoon: A man shows that he has pairs of certain body parts (art by Cliff Roberts)

Film: The Mad Painter #2

Scene 6: Oscar does another load of laundry, but to his horror, it comes out clean. He dials his phone and calls Smears in a rage: “This is not what Grouch washing machines are supposed to do! You call this state-of-the-art technology? I want a refund!” As Oscar rants, Luis announces the sponsors. SS sign still: David and Maria. CTW sign still: Big Bird.


Northern Calloway as David

Emilio Delgado as Luis

Sonia Manzano as Maria

Bob McGrath as Bob

Caroll Spinney as Big Bird and Oscar


Frank Oz as Bert, Grover, Lefty, AMs

Jerry Nelson as the Count, Herry Monster, the Amazing Mumford, AMs

Jim Henson as Ernie, Guy Smiley, AMs