Ah, I remember it well......
Ziffel said:
I remember they used that late 60's song by Tiny Tim, "Tip Toe Through the Tulips." That was in a cartoon where the man says, "A...Ape." And then in the box above him an ape appears playing a banjo and starts singing the song.
I also recall them using the great music from the movie "The Sting." And great music from "2001: A Space Odyssey" was used in The Electric Company but can't recall for sure if SS did too.
I think the Ape cartoon was actually for the letter g. The man presenting the letter says "G - gorilla". Then the gorilla (in the frame he's presenting) grabs a guitar and starts to play it while singing, (in a high pitched voice), the scentence " Tip-toe, through the tulips!" Then the gorilla stops and walks off screen, and the man doing the presentation says "Gee".
I remember "The Sting" music as well, but cat recall what film it was used for.
But, as for the "Space Odyssey" music, Yes they did use it on SS for the same cartoon as TEC did. In fact I just saw a re-run of one of those clips the other day on one of the more recent SS episodes: it shows 2 animated cavemen faceing each other in a stand-off of some sort. One of them yells "ME!", and thumps his chest, then the other does the same. They do this back and forth for a bit, then the music starts to play as the screen pans out to show a giant cement or stone slab, standing on end. When the drum roll part of the music starts, the slab starts to crumble and fall away, exposing the word "Me" above them. A deep booming voice, from out of nowhere, then says "ME!", to whitch the cave men respond to by one saying "Right!" (and scramming, stage left) and the other saying "Gotcha!" (and scramming, stage right)!