Dr Tooth... dont keep yer heads up for TMNT.. as i hear it, a new series is underway. I love the series they have now. Appearently they're about to go 99 years into the future and become, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward.
I wish they at least gave us series 1. It was already made, why couldn't they just give out what they had?
Count, whats Kens CMX? is this a toy company h put together? If so then i pray he gets ahold of the lisence.. although, i think, and not to start rumors, i read once somewhere that there are a couple of companies looking into the sesame street toy license. I dunno who, or what they're planning, and i think i read something either they're going to buy, or not going to buy, Palisade's molds.
I just hope we see simialr work that Palisades started for the SS figs so Super Grovers not flyin solo.