GeeBee said:
In the song "Everyone Loves Ice Cream" the mean boy with the green pointy head calls his brother a "sissy". This line is dubbed out on Noggin.
I didn't notice that. But now that we've brought up censorship on Noggin, I shall describe a MAJOR Noggin chop job I just saw. In 2226, there's a street scene from which Noggin removed several parts,
which I've noted here in red.
PART 1: The Play Yard. The scene begins with a close-up of the cake, zooming out to reveal a party going on. Hoots and the cats are playing some dance music while the guests are dancing. Maria tells Hoots to stop the music so that she can announce the festivities, and so that everyone can clear some space in the yard for the festivities to begin.
PART 2: Big Bird consoles Snuffy beside Oscar's can.
PART 3: Some kids perform some tricks until Barkley interrupts the show.
PART 4: Big Bird consoles Snuffy some more, and tells Maria they're not ready yet.
PART 5: Susan and the Extremes perform their song.
PART 6: Big Bird looks for Snuffy, who seems to be missing.
PART 7: Oscar announces that Slimey is going to perform a stunt: he dives into a can of mud (next to Oscar's temporary can). We don't hear Slimey land. Oscar keeps saying he's still falling. When Maria looks into the mud can to see if Slimey's okay, she gets an unpleasant surprise.