I can't imagine any little kids wanting to imitate Don Music's head-banging. When I was a kid I thought it was the most painful-looking thing I'd ever seen and I'd cringe whenever he did it. Well, everybody's different.
You guys can't be serious about some of these edits. Bert fainting? The guy falling out of the chair? Come on!!!
This is really ironic. The '70s were the era when everyone was going crazy with dumbing down and sanitizing kids' cartoons, and censoring old Warner Brothers cartoons on TV. Meanwhile, Sesame Street was cheerfully having characters argue, trade mild insults, and engage in mild slapstick. Flash forward to now, and cartoons can once again be violent, the Warner Brothers cartoons are mostly intact (except for suicide gags---for some reason it's OK to have Yosemite Sam firing his pistols off in every direction, but not okay to have a character shooting himself in the head), but Sesame Street is drenching itself in sanitizer

and editing out the most innocuous slapstick and harmless words you can think of. Go figure.
About "shut up": Don't forget the Ernie and Bert "What time is it?" skit. Ernie wakes up and wants to know what time it is, and Bert tells him to just go back to sleep. So Ernie opens the window and starts singing really loud, and you see all the lights flicker outside and the neighbors start yelling "Cut it out!! It's 3 o' clock in the morning!!"
One of the voices very clearly says "Shut up!!!"