Server Move Saturday January 4, 2020


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Beginning on Saturday January 4, 2019, we’ve scheduled a move to a new server with significantly more resources dedicated to our use.

The transition for the site will be instantaneous after the DNS records update from the old server to the new server across the internet.

The transition for our forum will require some downtime as we will close the forum on our old server, back up the forum and then move and install the forum to the new server. So please understand that the forum will experience some downtime on Saturday and possibly for some members (depending on your location around the world) until early Sunday.

Please watch this thread if you'd like to receive updates on the server move as it happens.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience during this transition.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Our server move was a success. There are several outstanding issues with the site that will be updated as soon as possible.

The issues we are aware of are:

- Our DNS records around the world are not yet fully propagated, meaning that some will still see the old site for a few more hours. This will resolve itself within the next 12 hours.

- E-mails may be delayed for a few hours for the same reasons.

- Our mailing list and some of our other scripts need to be configured for the new server.

- Our SSL certificate is being updated so you may temporarily see the site go from secure to insecure to secure again.

If you notice any other issues with the site or would like to comment on the server move please post here. We will be watching the server loads and activity closely over the next several days to monitor the new server under normal traffic.

Thank you for your understanding during the scheduled downtime.
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