I wouldn't call it negativity though, just fan input & criticism as Jamie said. Everything you listed is relevant to the final products' level of accuracy/representation of the characters, don't you think? I do, I spoke up about a lot of that (as many here & elsewhere did), while at the same time realizing that these were
mostly factory issues that all companies' deal with.
As has been previously stated
numerous times in all the replica threads,
YES, we'd been spoiled by Ken Lilly & all the staff at Palisades by
them letting
us help dictate who, what, when, where, why, & how in all manners of character production, even going as far as members designing & sculpting characters from home! It may have slowed things down by having so MUCH input, but the final products were all (for the most part) Muppet Masterpieces! Wave line-ups could've been changed, sure, but we pretty much got everthing we asked for, and all criticism was heard with an open, creative mind.
MR is cool, maybe they're done, maybe they aren't. Regardless, I still want the Muppet line to continue, and I will still give my creative input, whether it's heard, sniffed at, or whatever. I'm the guy buying the product, I wanna make sure all can be done to make it the best possible product out there, but I also know that I (of course) don't have the final say-so or budget control, and that should always be understood on both sides.
MuppetPerson, your posts are ALWAYS appreciated, you must know this. Whether we agree or disagree with ANY news you are able to pass along, we're just glad to hear ANYTHING!

Critiques are a given, we're usually gonna buy the stuff regardless, we just wanna know that we're heard.
Poor grammar, sorry. At home with an infant, this is why my posts are usually short, ha ha.
Cheers to all,
