Some posts seems like bashing on MR to me.
Im actually thankfull they did the Photo puppets.
As for prices i would say 200$ is quite some money 300 and 400 is even more. Im sure even 400$ spend on the posers is fully worth it but might not attract a lot ppl.
I dont think i would have bought animal for 400$ and not even sure 300$ on Gonzo.
Oh as for extra money some equipment for the posers sold seperatly ( as suggested already ) would have been nice. Different closing and Kermits mug or ankles for Animal and stuff like that.
Then again i can understand big projects like this cost money and time and with so many chinese manufactors giving up its hard to find new ones to even produce stuff to sell.
Im still wondering why so many companys die because of the finacical crisis. Hope the guys that caused it burn in ****.
We like MR.
The posers and discussions about them have been around for years. Nobody is bashing anyone. MR really tried to bring the designs of Terry Angus to the market place the best they could. There were mistakes along the way.
One being that their promotional product photography on Gonzo and Animal was atrocious and they chose not to change it even after acknowledging it could be hurting sales. This was remedied by many fans, myself included, flooding the web with their own nicer product photos. The accessories issues along with other material discrepancies occurred during the development process and were explained in detail (sometimes after fan input could have helped).
No company is perfect and even though there were some perceived issues that could have been handled better - MR took a chance and delivered on three posers that no body else dared to try. We like MR and the posers here. Many of us just wish things had gone differently so that we could be buying more of them.
The pricing of them is another matter altogether. Limited edition items are tricky. You see, much of this has been discussed in length. For what these cost to make they should likely cost over $600 each! But there isn't really a good enough market for that and MR can't likely afford to warehouse items until they sell due to their line of credit with the manufacturers.
As for the financial crisis and companies like MR being in trouble - well, toy and collectible companies have difficulties regardless of the economic climate. It does relate, but is only one of many factors. Muppet items (no matter what the quality or price) can be a hard sell these days. Fan input tempered with a great deal of restraint and business savvy is crucial. And that is what many fans here have offered - input, not bashing. Hope this helped outline the many posts of years past.

(at least how I saw it)
Oh, and to iterate - it is clear that MR is not doing well at the moment, but they have not gone under. In fact they just revamped their site.