Rumor: Lindsay Lohan in "The Muppets" Sequel?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't really think the audience cares about anything BTS as long as they're entertained and it's not a Michael Vick level of despicableness.
OK I don't like abuse of animals, but I think Sheen far surpasses Vick's level of despicability. And it's sad and disturbing that audiences would think otherwise.

I can understand trying to separate characters from actors. But I draw the line at a multiple wife beater. But our shallow and desperate pop culture is more willing to overlook these things ::cough:: Chris Brown ::cough::


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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It's a combination of both their faults. Chuck hired someone with a spotty past, but all Sheen had to do was not screw up. Had both parties managed to put up with each other just a little longer, they could have ended the show when it was on top with a decent, plausible ending. But Sheen went nuts and Chuck wanted the sweet sweet money of a show that went on for an interminable amount of time. I don't really think the audience cares about anything BTS as long as they're entertained and it's not a Michael Vick level of despicableness. I try very hard to separate the characters from their real life counterparts.

I find 2.5 Men a Family Guy situation... you have 2 other, BETTER written shows that sorta kinda get ratings as good as the main show. Just superior in every way because they TRY. The main show is just "there" and doesn't have to do squat because people still watch. Mike and Molly and Big Bang have a lot of depth that 2.5 lost years ago.
Chuck Lorre doesn't seem to have much of a moral compass himself either... his shows are a bit on the filthy side.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Chuck Lorre doesn't seem to have much of a moral compass himself either... his shows are a bit on the filthy side.
Well I'd rather have someone who just writes filthy shows than someone who is actually a danger to the people around him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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So the basic message of this is now more than ever we need the Muppets. I mean if you think of it thats why a lot of us are here. We're holding on to something that we grew up with filled with hope and humor. Jim Henson really did make the world a better place when he was here :frown: I mean to some extent these celebrities that have 'fallen' or whatever probably started out with that same dream of singing and dancing and making millions of people happy right.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Aw, I'm not going to join this bizarre pile of insults. I loved her in Tina Fey's "Mean Girls" and I think she's a capable actor. Maybe not the greatest performer for live improvisation as seen in SNL, but not the worst either.

Lindsay grew up being her parents' meal ticket. She supported her hard-partying mother and a father who was convicted on variety of criminal counts including thievery and domestic violence. Lohan has made some very bad choices and I won't defend that. However, her situation is not unlike so many adults fighting things like morbid obesity or substance abuse. Many disorders are rooted in childhood and are very difficult to straighten out. Rich, poor, famous, obscure...we are all people.

I just see picking on her is as mean as picking on some fat girl or a compulsive gambler. Who are any of us to judge? I'd welcome her involvement with the Muppets only if she's clean and can still bring the same kind of funny performance she did when lampooning high school cruelty several years back.

Peoples is peoples. After all. Robert Downey Junior crashed and burned so many times until he made his way back. Now he's Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man and he does a fantastic job at both!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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What she needs to do is take the Robert Downey Jr. route while she's still young enough to do it. I'm sure she's a good actress, and she just needs to keep her act clean and have maybe a good man in her life to make sure that she stays focused and that she also has the right people around her. Man, that actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about didn't it?



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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What she needs to do is take the Robert Downey Jr. route while she's still young enough to do it.
Again I'll wait a bit to see if Downey's really made any progress beyond just making a blockbuster or two.

and have maybe a good man in her life to make sure that she stays focused and that she also has the right people around her.
Of course I want her to be happy but at the same time it shouldn't be a boy/girlfriend or spouse's job to keep an addict focused. It should come from within, even if a person has to remain single in order to stay grounded. But I agree having the right people around her would help.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Again I'll wait a bit to see if Downey's really made any progress beyond just making a blockbuster or two.

Of course I want her to be happy but at the same time it shouldn't be a boy/girlfriend or spouse's job to keep an addict focused. It should come from within, even if a person has to remain single in order to stay grounded. But I agree having the right people around her would help.
Yeah, I don't see having a person being her crutch as helping much either, but having good, supportive friends always helps.

Downey's ability to hold the trust of studios and insurance companies is what confirms his progress, not the financial success of a couple of blockbusters (or actually 6 since his final rebound). He once lost the privilege of of working on multi-million dollar projects. That's where Lohan is right now and that's why I mention it. He once lost a successful, award-winning gig on Ally McBeal to his relapsed addiction. Personalities like Robert Downey Jr. don't half-way relapse. There would be no way to keep it quiet especially in such a tabloid climate. However, addition is a lifelong battle and one can slip at any time. He's reportedly been clean for half a decade or so I think it's time to bury the hatchet. He's done nothing to me personally except entertain in Chaplain, Tropic Thunder, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes, Zodiac and many other movies. Probably wouldn't be my favorite person, but he's a darn fine actor. :smile:

Chuck Lorre doesn't seem to have much of a moral compass himself either... his shows are a bit on the filthy side.
How are Rosanne, Grace Under Fire, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and Mike & Molly filthier than most of what's out there? What compass are you using? The SNL Church Lady's? :eek: Those shows might not be your favorites, but they're middling as far as filth is concerned. That's ridiculous. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, I don't see having a person being her crutch as helping much either, but having good, supportive friends always helps.
Yeah that's more what I meant, just having people around who will be encouraging but not indulgent.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah that's more what I meant, just having people around who will be encouraging but not indulgent.
I'm always afraid of people who need others to "complete them" because a person should be whole before getting into a relationship. That's why so many relationships fail.