Agreed. And if there's even a shred of truth to the "source's" claim that she even joked about a scene involving meeting Miss Piggy in rehab, that shows (a) she's not taking her recovery seriously and (b) she doesn't recognize the Muppets don't delve into that kind of humour.
Saw her in The Parent Trap on TV a couple of weeks ago...I still can't believe the sad spirals her life took in the following 14 years. Part of me would love to see her redeem herself with a great Muppet movie cameo (the Robert Downey Jr. comparison is a good one) but I'd hate to see her situation overshadow the movie itself.
I just don't see a Piggy in rehab joke. I can't. Out of all the Muppets, she's the least likely one to be there. After all, she was in the best situation of all the Muppets (probably not emotionally) in the movie, and true to that stale old joke, Piggy would go off the wagon with food, not drugs or alcohol. If that were to happen in a Muppet movie, Piggy would be in Weight Watchers or Over-eaters Anonymous, not rehab.
Lindsay wasn't the greatest actress of all time, but she had a career and threw it away. Whether it have been pressure of too much too soon or just having a BAD father or whatever... she tossed a career away and she blew off multiple opportunities to try to come back. SNL was her attempt to actually seize an opportunity to get back out there, they didn't kittyfoot around her problems, and it proves she does deep down want to change what she was. For her sake, that had better be true and she better stick to it.
Think of it this way... the voice of beloved Kid's favorite Buzz Lightyear had cocaine problems decades ago. There is always hope for them.