Yes, thanks a lot, Boss. Glad you're with us here.
For three days they follow the trail, eating when they are hungry, camping when they are tired, cracking jokes and regularly breaking into song. Finaly the red-hot trail on Scooter's GPS system blinks, and the huge spinnigng satalite far, far above in the glittering expance of space sends it a message that, bingo, they are right where they belong.
And they are. Here is a village. Houses built from bamboo and strung high in the trees. There is no sound, but a rustle of the wind. The houses look abandoned, or the inhabitents are out. They creak and sway, attached by vine ropes to the trees high above. There are many, many laders built of bamboo, grass, and covered in fine shoots and leaves. The trees span high above to the sky, appearing to reatch their branches into the clouds.
In the center of the clearing is a giant statue of an elephant, one paw lifted high, it's trunk raised to the sky in victory.
Gee, I wonder where everyone is?