Bye Rosa
Rosa Parks, I think I went there one time when I was a kid, it was a nice place to play.
Just kidding, actually I know all about her refusal to get up, and I am very happy for it. I have an adopted brother who is half Black and half Italian, and when we were kids I sat with him often on buses and trains, and thought nothing of it, his color didn't (and doesn't) matter to me. I loved him as a brother (still do). but if it hadn't been for her, Martin Luther King and the many nameless people who marched with them my mother might not have been allowed to adopt a child of a "race" other than what she was. BTW : Kimp should take a poll around here and see how many people know who Rosa Parks was before he makes his assumption the 60-70% of the people her don't know who she was. You might be surprised. Remember there is a reason why we should never assume.