Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Feb 14, 2007
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As far as abortion goes - I know I once said I was for it, but I have changed my mind.

I personally believe abortion is wrong, but I'm also not the type to hold a grudge with someone if they choose to do it. End of the day I'm just like "well, it's your choice...".


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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As far as abortion goes - I know I once said I was for it, but I have changed my mind.

I personally believe abortion is wrong, but I'm also not the type to hold a grudge with someone if they choose to do it. End of the day I'm just like "well, it's your choice...".
My wife's first husband went to prison for 15 years for "planning" to bomb an abortion clinic...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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And I love how the left seems to have issues with police brutality deaths yet seems to have no issues with killing children inside a belly.
I think that's what really sours me on them. They want to have this very extreme position on abortion, but they also want to get on their high horses about any other form of violence. And again, when it's pointed out to them, they don't even understand why anyone would have a problem with this. It's just ingrained. I know it's important to have differences of opinion, but when two views of the world are so diametrically opposed, I just don't know how you work that out. That's why most people just end up not talking about it at all. And that's how you get Trump voters, because they've been too afraid to speak up all this time and it all finally burst. :wink:

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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The thing is, abortion harms a fetus that doesn’t have any knowledge of what’s going on. Murder harms someone who is already living their life. It’s a very tough issue to walk across.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The left's stance on abortion doesn't seem to stem from the termination of a fetus at all, but rather, women's rights, which they seem to push moreso than the right does. Part of their idea of women's rights encompasses the idea that abortion is the decision of the pregnant woman, and only the pregnant woman: not the man who got her pregnant, not her friends or family, not religion, and not politics; hers and hers alone.

Sadly, abortion is also treated as if it's the only option the woman has for the baby if she doesn't want it - nobody seems to ever take any alternatives into consideration, such as adoption or foster care. Then again, it could be that the woman has considered those options, but just doesn't want to go through the process of having to continue to carry the baby for a full nine months and go through the agonizing pain of childbirth for something she's not going to have anything to do with anyway.

I mean, I don't know. Again, when it comes to abortion, it's the one issue that I do actually agree with the right about.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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The thing is, abortion harms a fetus that doesn’t have any knowledge of what’s going on. Murder harms someone who is already living their life. It’s a very tough issue to walk across.
A fetus isn't a primitive form of life. It's a growing form of life. There is a mountain of difference.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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The left's stance on abortion doesn't seem to stem from the termination of a fetus at all
Talk to some of the more extreme advocates. It's not hard to find them, as the media often caters to them. Along with that NARAL organization, which again, the left doesn't even recognize for the extreme group it is.

Part of their idea of women's rights encompasses the idea that abortion is the decision of the pregnant woman, and only the pregnant woman: not the man who got her pregnant, not her friends or family, not religion, and not politics; hers and hers alone.
Except that's a fantasy. Women are pressured into abortions by their parents, by their boyfriends, and most especically by their doctors. Yet you will never hear about this from the pro choice movement.

Sadly, abortion is also treated as if it's the only option the woman has for the baby if she doesn't want it - nobody seems to ever take any alternatives into consideration, such as adoption or foster care.
Because they're both rotten systems and no one cares enough to fix them.

Then again, it could be that the woman has considered those options, but just doesn't want to go through the process of having to continue to carry the baby for a full nine months and go through the agonizing pain of childbirth for something she's not going to have anything to do with anyway.
And our society hasn't at all ingrained a respect for life which makes that choice all the easier.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The thing is, abortion harms a fetus that doesn’t have any knowledge of what’s going on. Murder harms someone who is already living their life. It’s a very tough issue to walk across.
Be that as it may, they usually wait until the fetus has matured enough to the point that it's living, functioning, and has developed its senses.