Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Mar 27, 2012
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I'd also like to address Sarah Huckabee Sanders' latest gaffe. She is offensive to me for so very many reasons, but most of all it's because she's just TERRIBLE at her job. Instead of insulting the press for doing their job, she should have done her homework. There is a conservative answer to the question of tearing apart families, parents from children, for some "greater good", but she didn't know it. That is often the case with her. She's childish and lashes out. That could be why Trump likes her, but she's not a professional.

What she SHOULD have said:
Families are torn apart every day due to cartel activity. That activity is fueled by cartel coyotes who paid these poor people's life savings in order to illegally cross the border. How many parents need to lose their children or children to lose their parents until we better secure the border as a bipartisan effort, one that's helped by Mexico as well? Drugs and illegal activities leave [state current numeric statistic here] Mexicans and Americans fatherless, motherless, and childless every year. This temporary action, while swift and severe, is only a temporary measure to stop the bleeding until we can put firm policy in place. This is as far as this presidential cabinet can reach without all of congress hammering something out so we don't have to do this anymore! And as far as Biblical principles go; we are trying to save lives and nothing is more precious than that.

That said, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THAT, but that's the answer. It's the only possible one for such a terrible policy change. The fact that she didn't know it astounds me because I know it and I'm a flaming liberal! I've just been around this stuff for too long and have known too many people of varying viewpoints so such out of character (devil's advocate) answers flow naturally. Also, it was TRUMP who keeps killing bipartisan efforts. The will has been there several times, but he won't give up the idea of a physical wall because he wants to leave behind a worthless monument to his narcissism. Period.

Sanders has not just proven to be a liar who lacks integrity. She's just plain bad at her job. Other figures, heck, other women, have had that job and fared far better under much more challenging circumstances. I'm just wondering when Trump is going to find all of these "best" people that he allegedly knows. :wink:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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It’s a good quote, but it can apply to so much more than just religion...
True! I also don't believe in Christian oppression as a thing that can truly be measured in America because Christianity is everywhere and highly accepted. What jobs have people lost for being a Christian? What organizations have denied them? What medical centers have turned them away? No. It's just personal affronts and bigotry on a smaller scale that many Christians are feeling these days. You know, the fact that people might giggle when someone publicly prays in a restaurant or that bringing up Jesus in conversation isn't particularly popular. That's just normal social stuff on a small scale that minorities have been dealing with since the beginning of time. It's still not right. Not in the least!!! But it's not what many claim it to be. America is now making a few adjustments in how Christianity was always prioritized, much of it by LAW, and there's also unfortunate blowback. It's usually older white people who claim this. It is there, but it's mostly just the usual bias that people hold toward many things and nothing compared to misogyny, racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim bias, xenophobia, or homophobia. That said, even if it's on a small, normal-type scale, it still sucks. Until it's no longer a requirement for every United States President to claim Christianity to be their chosen faith and that claim of Christianity (in itself) becomes an albatross, the level of bias claimed by modern evangelicals is largely a hoax for people who want to be perceived as victims instead of champions of their faith.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Once again, I would just like to point out that my town's bishop took Sessions to task over this when he came to town to brag about this, on the grounds there is absolutely no way something like this can be justified as being Biblical, Christian, ethical, moral, or even American. Sessions was just left speechless.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Once again, I would just like to point out that my town's bishop took Sessions to task over this when he came to town to brag about this, on the grounds there is absolutely no way something like this can be justified as being Biblical, Christian, ethical, moral, or even American. Sessions was just left speechless.
Yeah Sessions more than anyone else I'm convinced is a complete scumbag. Lol, I wish I could have been there to see that!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Once again, I would just like to point out that my town's bishop took Sessions to task over this when he came to town to brag about this, on the grounds there is absolutely no way something like this can be justified as being Biblical, Christian, ethical, moral, or even American. Sessions was just left speechless.
As he should! Huckabee and daughter are not true servants of their faith. They use it as a wedge, a cross, an excuse, and always for their own worldly ends.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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You're owning this thread, man.

Though I will say I'm very happy that we've all taken the "respectful" bit of that title to heart in this thread. This is the most peaceful political chat this forum has ever had.
It really is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Not hyperbole. Even the despicable Franklin Graham agrees that there is no excuse for this policy. I'm being overly optimistic, but hope that this is what changes the tide with Trump among evangelicals. However, I've often suspected that any and all Trump support on their part was a way to backdoor President Pence and that, in time, they'll possibly give congressional republican enough pull to impeach Trump.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Reminder that the people currently weeping over babies being punished for crimes they didn't commit, spent the last 40 years insisting babies could be scarified for the crime of being conceived.