Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Yeeeeaaaaahhhh..... I feel like Hillary's just done at this point.

If she does run again then you know the biased DNC is gonna force her way in there for the sake of having a woman president.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Hillary blew her moment.
She made her “Basket of Deplorables “ at a rally standing behind a podium that says “Stronger Together “. Her smug contempt for working class people was political suicide. If you’re looking to win an election, you don’t alienate half the country by turning up your nose and saying as much, “I don’t need the votes of these smelly Walmart shoppers!”

Di you know what she did last week? She was on tv reading her victory speech that she never got to deliver. No remorse, no humility, just clinging to a moment of what could have been.

Trump didn’t steal the election, she gave it away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Frankly there are other female politicians out there much better than Hillary. I'm all for having a first woman president in the end, but one that has qualifications to be a good president rather than just being put in for tokenism/clout.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Frankly there are other female politicians out there much better than Hillary. I'm all for having a first woman president in the end, but one that has qualifications to be a good president rather than just being put in for tokenism/clout.
I would argue that you would have a very hard time coming up with a list of women more qualified than Hillary Clinton. Off the top of my head, maybe Condaleeza Rice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Personally I’d be all for having Michelle Obama if anything. Barack had his flaws but I do think he was better than both Trump and Biden.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I think your list of qualifications then is much different than mine. Simply being married to a president does not automatically qualify you as a presidential candidate. Compare Hillary's qualifications to Michelle Obama's and Michelle looks like a grade schooler.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Jussie Smollett may be going away soon, pending trial. I’m sorry this happened to him, but he orchestrated this himself.

From the start, a few things didn’t quite add up.
1) Chicago in January 2019 was in the middle of a deep freeze Not too many people will be out at 2:30 am in sub-zero weather. Five minutes exposure you could freeze to death.
2) Demographically, Chicago is predominately black, and virtually 100% democrat. Finding two white Republicans in Chicago is rarer than hen’s teeth.

I’m glad no hate crime took place, but the media and many celebrities HOPED it took place. Then the narrative can be pushed of how racist this country is.

And it wasn’t the first time people rushed to judgment without having all the facts.
Now that the whole stunt has been exposed, Jussie is getting his wish. His assailants are getting locked up. With him.

The last scandal like this was 1987. A black girl named Tawana Brawley. She claimed two white men beat her, raped her, and left her for dead. Much outrage and pearl clutching about the racist USA. And Al Sharpton was going to get to the bottom of this.
After a few weeks, Tawana Brawley came out and admitted she staged the whole thing.

Sharpton, for his part, is still on the hunt for those nonexistent white men.

The bad thing is, sadly, hate crimes may still go on. But after a high-profile hoax like this, it will be a little harder to take one seriously.

Jussie is still sticking to his story despite being ripped in court. It’s like he secretly wished it really happened

At least his Subway sandwich survived the attack.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Ultimately, Smollett flew too close to the sun and burned his star. He was a moderately well-known actor on a high-rated Fox drama but that just wasn't enough for him. His narcissism and greed killed whatever career he had and now he's left with nothing. Smollett easily would have gotten more gigs post-Empire and could have had a decent career as a B-lister. What I also wonder is why he hired black people to beat him up instead of two white guys, that would have at least made his laughable hoax a little more believable. If he wanted any form of attention though, he sure got it.

And now more of his lies are getting exposed. The Nigerian man he smears as a "violent homophobe" turns out to be a former bouncer at a gay nightclub who attended a pride parade. Source.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I just sent out Christmas cards and stuff last weekend, but something is gnawing away at my mind that I'm wondering if anybody can explain . . . how is it that Trump had the authority to appoint a new postmaster general (with whom he slowed down the mail in an attempt to overturn the election so mail-in ballots wouldn't arrive on-time), but Biden has no authority to remove said postmaster general, or even appoint another new one to replace him?