Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Feb 14, 2007
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Much as I’d honestly take whatever you give me, I can’t. Still gotta find a house to live in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I guess after Pennsylvania turned out to be one of those states that was a saving grace for Biden may now go to Trump instead. ******.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Well, this was an interesting day.

First, stop with the BS about "if black people did this they would be arrested or shot". There have been numerous violent riots across the country where police stood by and no one was arrested. The media called them peaceful protests with literal fires burning in the background. Let's not pretend otherwise. There have been hundreds of riots and protests across the country where people faced zero repercussions.

Second, anyone who has a problem with the riots we have had caused by ANTIFA and BLM should also have a problem with what happened today, and vice versa. This is what you get when political leaders allow violent riots to go unchecked across the country. Democratic leaders allowed the BLM and ANTIFA violence and Republican leaders allowed what happened today.

The ironic thing is that if Trump did not come completely unhinged and had todays protest not turned into a violent siege, he may have actually gotten the two states he needed over turned. All he needed was one senator to go with the objections, but after what happened today they all bailed, and with good reason.

I think there were real issues with this election. I think there should have been legitimate investigations into reported irregularities. There were real issues in PA where there is video of votes being taken from under a table and run through machines after everyone was told they had stopped counting. There has been no explanation given for why this happened. That being said, the way Trump has handled the situation is absurd.

This is what happens when you tell a large group f people they have been disenfranchised. The same reason we have ANTIFA and BLM riots is the same reason we had riots at the capital today. If only the media had reported on them all the same way.

BTW, the woman who died? Unarmed and shot by capitol police. I notice most reports burying or even leaving that part out, making it sound like she was shot by a Trump supporter. This is how DNN reported the death "A woman, who is yet to be identified, died after being shot in the chest on the Capitol grounds, DC police confirmed to CNN. More information on the shooting was not immediately available and a police spokesperson said additional details will come later."

Huh... so this time, it wasn't important to run with a headline shouting how a cop killed an unarmed person. I wonder why.....


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I guess after Pennsylvania turned out to be one of those states that was a saving grace for Biden may now go to Trump instead. ******.
PA doesn't even matter. GA and MI failed to get support for an objection. I think the republican senators all agreed to withdraw their objections with the exception of PA, knowing it will purely be symbolic.

Of course it is some how possible that the objection to PA gets their votes kicked entirely, but Biden still has over 27o, assuming WI doesn't get successfully challenged as well.

Oh, and here is another quote, this time from NBC, regarding the death of the woman from earlier today:

"Hawley says his objections should be debated “peacefully, without violence, without attacks, without bullets." He says he hoped lawmakers would not brush his concerns aside because of the violence earlier Wednesday, including the death of a protester inside the Capitol."

Again, making it seem like her death was caused by Trump supporters, not the capital police. Huh.... I wonder if the media is intentionally misleading us.... nah.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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"Authorities said the woman died of a bullet wound after being shot amid chaotic and violent scenes inside the Capitol building, where some security personnel drew their guns as protesters advanced."

Amazing. Again, the wording is intentionally misleading. Capital Police shot an unarmed veteran.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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"Authorities said the woman died of a bullet wound after being shot amid chaotic and violent scenes inside the Capitol building, where some security personnel drew their guns as protesters advanced."

Amazing. Again, the wording is intentionally misleading. Capital Police shot an unarmed veteran.
They could have gotten the wording right.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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First, stop with the BS about "if black people did this they would be arrested or shot". There have been numerous violent riots across the country where police stood by and no one was arrested. The media called them peaceful protests with literal fires burning in the background. Let's not pretend otherwise. There have been hundreds of riots and protests across the country where people faced zero repercussions.
Dude, you white-splained about a cop who killed a black man with his knee back in May. You have no business telling us to stop bringing up that statement, and to begin with, it’s true. Black people always get unfairly arrested when they’re trying to prove a message, regardless if it’s peaceful protesting (holding up a sign on the sidewalk or what have you) or rioting (destroying buildings). Yeah, I don’t like that it had to come to this myself, but here’s a tough pill to swallow: it came down to this because no one bothered to listen to the ongoing issues of blacks being killed by police, many unarmed. There are even instances where blacks are killed for being armed but they never even used it against the cops or have a gun that they’re using to fire at them. The last thing cops should do is use a gun on a suspect unless they have a gun themselves. If it’s something else like a knife then pepper spray would be much better. Literally if all those riots from May were done by white people or if this was over a white person..... nothing would happen. This is why white skin privilege exists. Because the race is the most glorified.

Also, I would actually agree with this if it didn’t just feel like it was brought up as a whataboutism situation.

Second, anyone who has a problem with the riots we have had caused by ANTIFA and BLM should also have a problem with what happened today, and vice versa. This is what you get when political leaders allow violent riots to go unchecked across the country. Democratic leaders allowed the BLM and ANTIFA violence and Republican leaders allowed what happened today.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Well, in two weeks Biden will be in office and Democrats have a majority in the House and the Senate.
Many will be happy that Trump will be gone.
This is what the media wanted.
This is what Big Tech wanted.
Orange Man Out.
Okay, let’s see things Build Back Better.
After seeing all the gaffes Biden has made over time, and how he could barely put a full sentence together, it’s still remarkable close to 80 million people confidently voted for him.
I’m sure a large percentage was against Trump, but let’s see how things work out.