You're welcome! Don't forget Vincent Liu, because Red calls him, "Vinny", which is silly (laughs)!
I will put Scooter on hold then.
Colleen will meet Dominic and I will add Kermit. Thanks! All right, moving right along to the next chapter.
WARNING: There will be some ush-gush! Seriously!
Chapter 11
At the lobby of the luxurious hotel, Vincent, Dominic, Trish, and Amy entered the entrance to the main lobby. It was quiet! Too quiet for even a size of a Fraggle, mouse, or any small creature, to stir in the peace. Trish could image those people that they are gorgs, except they do not have fur or look like mountains, do not smell like garlic unless they had garlic food for lunch or dinner. Vincent still had no idea what Trish and Dominic were talking about. He was so tired that he was about to lose his balance, but they were trying to hold on to him until he gets into bed. Colleen then finally came down the stairs from the second floor and saw Dominic before her eyes.
“Hi,” Dominic said shyly.
“Oh, hello,” Colleen said. Have we met?”
“No,” Dominic said softly. “You do look lovely.”
Then, Red and Gobo got off from the elevator, which they call it, “Doozer-like conveyer belts.”
“Hi,” Colleen said once she spotted Red and Gobo. “This is Dominic! He’s Vincent best friend, but you call him, Vinny.”
Red burst out into laughter, but then she cleared her throat and said, “Red Fraggle,”
“Nice to meet you, Red,” Vincent said. “I don’t mean if you call me Vinny. That’s what little boys and girls called me instead of my real name. It is kind of funny. So, Colleen, do you want to hang out with me. Just you and me.
“Sure,” Colleen said. “Can we have a talk at the ballroom?”
“I-I would love that,” Dominic said with a quiet tone. “Trish, can you take Vincent to the second floor and let him rest.”
“Yeah,” Trish said quickly. “You guys have a great time and don’t get in trouble. Thanks!”
Even though tomorrow will become full of somber and grievance, tonight was the last night to have fun.
As Red, Gobo, Colleen, and Dominic entered the ballroom, it was filled with different kinds of music to play. The one piece of music was about to end, and then the next piece played, but it was very slow.
“Oh, I remembered that song,” Colleen said. “It was always our favorite when you were around at California and we were dancing in a room with no one around, but just us.”
The first time you see her
No bolt from the blue
Just something so quiet
That's waiting for you
With no one to tell you
Where you've got to go
The first time it happens
You know...
While Colleen and Dominic were now becoming a couple, Gobo now realized that after all this time, he did have a crush on Red even when it was like he met her one day when she was a swimmer and very energetic even before they got into competition.
The first time you see her
No magical change
No fairies appearing
No dreams to arrange
(Dominic & Colleen)
Just warmer and colder
Than springtime or snow
The first it happens
You know…
(Colleen & Dominic)
And so you fall
And how complete it is
And for each moment that it lasts
How sweet it is
(Gobo & Red)
The first time together
How simple, how rare
And just when you thought
You forgot how to care
And though you feel much more
Then you dare to show
(Dominic, Colleen, Gobo, & Red)
The first it happens
You know…
Before the song ended with some instrumental music with a jazzy beat, Dominic and Colleen were kissing by the lips for the first time. At that same moment, Gobo & Red started on the lips just for once just to see how it felt it to be a great couple. They do remember back in the Rock they only got pecks on the cheeks.
Then, the music picked the pace, but they didn’t know what it was. However, Gobo now remembered the time when they were about to leave the Rock right after their fans send them letters directly to Doc’s old workshop, which was supposed to go to Fraggle Rock.
*Flashback* - two days later after may 16th
Before the fraggle five entered to outer space with their packs packed on their backs, Wembley had a wemblin’ fit.
“Should I stay or I should go.” Wembley said. “I want to go, but there could m-m-monsters or maybe I should stay back at Fraggle Rock.”
“WEMBLEY,” Red, Gobo, Boober, and Mokey said in unison.
Friends you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I’ll be here ’til the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
Always tease, tease, tease
You’re happy when I’m on my knees
One day is fine, next day is black
So if you want me off your back
Well come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An’ if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know! (Wembley sang)
Wembley (Red, Gobo, Mokey & Boober)
This indecision’s bugging me
(The indecision’s bugging him)
If you don’t want me, set me free
(If you don’t want him, set him free)
Exactly whom I’m supposed to be
(Exactly whom he’s supposed to be)
Don’t you know which clothes even fit me?
(Don’t we know which clothes even fit him)
Come on and let me know
(Come on and let him know)
Should I cool it or should I blow?
(Should he cool it or should he blow)
What? Why didn’t you guys split?
“Uh, Wembley, we don’t know what a split is, but we know how to spread out,” Mokey explained.
”Well Wembley, are you staying at Fraggle Rock or you coming with us to Outer Space,” Gobo asked.
“I don’t know, but…
Should I stay or should I go now?
(Should he stay or should he go now)
Should I stay or should I go now?
(Should he stay or should he go now)
If I go there will be trouble
If he goes there will be trouble)
And if I stay it will be double
(And if he stays it will be double)
So you gotta let me know
(So you gotta let him know)
Should I cool it or should I go?
(Should he cool it or should he go)
Should I stay or should I go now?
(Should he stay or should he go now)
If I go there will be trouble
(If he goes there will be trouble)
And if I stay it will be double
(And if he stays it will be double)
So you gotta let me know
(So you gotta let him know)
Should I stay or should I go?
“Well, have you made up your mind,” Gobo asked.
“Alright! Alright! I’m going to Outer Space with you and our friends. Whew!”
With that decision made, their dangerous journey was about to begin.
*Back to the present*
Before Dominic and Colleen could start another kiss. The way they muzzled or even kissed disgusted Red. Gobo, however knew that that was just the way the silly creatures do when they fall in love.
Then, Colleen said, “Dominic, I don’t we should kiss in front of those guys.”
“Red and Gobo Fraggle,” Dominic asked with a confused look.
“Yeah,” said Colleen quietly. “They believe we are muzzling, not kissing.”
“Really,” Dominic said. “Alright! I won’t do that ushy-gushy stuff in front of them again. But I still love you, Colleen.”
“I love you too, Dominic,” said Colleen. “Can we go somewhere else? Maybe there is a show going on,”
“Wait a minute,” Dominic said with a serious look in his eyes. “Who’s that and who is with that guy,”
“That’s Kermit and Miss Piggy,” Colleen said. “Kermit’s here?”
“Bonjour,” Miss Piggy said while shaking Colleen.
“Bonjour, Miss Piggy,” Colleen said.
Kermie and I were just dropping off some notes for you fans of Moi and the frog,”
“They were written from his friend, Jim Henson, before he passed away.” Dominic asked.
“Yes,” said Miss Piggy chuckling. “Is there anything for vous?”
“Not tonight, Miss Piggy,” Colleen said. “Can we have those notes your holding right now on your glove?”
Miss Piggy nodded with a “yes” and Colleen took the notes out of her hand before putting them in her small handbag.
“Why is Kermit not talking,” Colleen said.
“Oh,” Miss Piggy said. “He had a headache and then um… he didn’t say anything,”
“He has no voice,” Colleen said out loud. “He’s voiceless, Miss Piggy. Jim gave him a voice and that was his soul.”
“Kermie and I will be going now. No time to dilly-dally. Bye,” said Miss Piggy.
“That was weird,” Dominic said. “I cannot believe I met a pig in person.”
Red heard all of this and started crying while Gobo hugged her and pat her on the back. She remembered Kermit when he came to Fraggle Rock on Christmas Eve and the hole was at Emily Bear’s farmhouse. No voice? That meant Cantus would not come back and Convincing John has no voice either. Also, her home would have changes and will never be the same again. The only change they did so far was to make peace with the Gorgs right after the magic ventured the fraggle five including Gobo to Doc’s new home at the desert.
Gobo then sang,
Music grows in the rose,
Rock and rain and the blowin' snowstorm.
Everything seems to sing,
Everywhere I go.
Wembley then came in the ballroom and joined in with Gobo
I say, 1, 2, play me do.
Let me sound as sweet as you.
Play me wide.
Play me long.
Let me be your song
Red unfortunately stopped crying and heard that song before from Cantus, the Minstrel
Play me down on the ground.
Song comes singing from the midnight places.
Raise me high in the sky.
Song comes drifting through.
(Gobo & Wembley)
I say, 1, 2, play me do.
Let me sound as sweet as you.
Play me wide.
Play me long.
Let me be your song.
Play me high.
Play me low.
Play me where the wild winds blowing.
Play me wide.
Play me long.
Play me for your song.
(Gobo, Red, & Wembley in harmony)
I say, 1, 2, play me do.
Let me sound as sweet as you.
Play me wide.
Play me long.
Let me be your song.
She felt a little bit better, but it still doesn’t explain why Kermit had no voice. He did have a voice and Jim underneath him on the Christmas of 1987.
“Let’s go find the others,” Gobo explained. “This meeting may not only be for Fraggles.
“Good thinking, Gobo,” Red said, right after they left the cave-like ballroom to find the others before it is about time to go to sleep.
At the hospital in California, Mr. Johnson was no longer labeled in stable condition, even though the accident could have been worse, and then Trish would get so worried and maybe shut herself out. The nurse finally let Mrs. Johnson see her husband and she said that he will be ready to come home tomorrow.
“Hey, Ed,” Mrs. Johnson said quietly, as she sat right beside him.”
“Hi, Kim,” said Ed Johnson.
The nurse, started pulling the shades closed with a smile and said, “So, you are finally awake. I will leave you two alone for now.”
“That’s one, one nurse. Ah, ah, ah,” Ed said out loud.
He waited for the lighting, but it didn’t happen. He also didn’t know that the nurse already left
“Honey, it’s okay,” Kim said while rubbing on Ed’s shoulders after he sat slowly. “Sorry there is no lightning effects. Try not to scare me, okay?”
“Sorry, I got a little carried away just like the Count does,” Ed said with a loud tone.
“Well, in the future when technology advances more, I am called Kim by everyone, but my web page will be called, “Slackbot.”
“Slackbot,” Ed asked chuckling.
“Yes,” Kim started. “Because sometimes I can slack off and I sort of talk like a robot.”
“You’re silly, Kim,” Ed said. “What about Trish?”
“Well, I gave her a small Kermit toy and her frog might be the same as the other toy frogs at the funeral.” Kim said with a serious look.
“You want to know something, Kim,” Ed started after taking a relaxing deep breath. I was scared of everything, but I was exaggerating that’s for darn sure. I hope my daughter’s having a good time as always. By the way, I know Trish is at New York and I am glad you called me before I got too worried about her.”
The same nurse appeared in the doorway. “Ed Johnson,” she said out loud. “You can go home now. I talked to the doctors and they said it is best to go back home tonight instead of tomorrow So, get dressed and you get some good sleep. Goodnight!”
Ed was extremely surprised and glad that he didn’t have to be on the hospital bed for one more night.
“Well, the quicker we get dressed, the sooner we can call our daughter.”
“That would be vonderful!” Ed said.
“Okay, sorry! I will not speak like the Count until maybe Wednesday.”
“I doubt, Mr. Count! Your web page will be “The Count.”
“Just kidding! Get dressed, Ed! We can’t wait to make a phone call for our daughter any longer.”
Back at the hotel, Trish was glad to finally find a place to relax and sleep later. Although there wasn’t anything else going on, she believed that tomorrow will be very busy for a while. That quietness got disturb when Amy came running down to find her.
“Trish! Trish! Trish! TRISH!” Amy called as she got closer to her.
“What, Amy,” Trish said, as she heard Amy panting. “Is something wrong?”
“Boober w-wont..come out,” Amy said taking a deep breath quickly.
“What won’t he come out,” Trish said in concern on her face.
“He won’t come out of his corner,” Amy said out loud. “He already told me and Figgie earlier that he needed space.”
“Oh no,” Trish said with alarm. “That better not be an enclosed space, because he hates tiny spaces.”
“I know you’re smart, Trish, but please have a talk with him.” Amy said. “I know he was scared at you at first, but he sort of got to know you.”
“That’s true,” Trish said, now having a feeling that if she haven’t fought with Amy or went away from the blue Fraggle, he wouldn’t blame himself for letting her go. “Okay, I will try, but it won’t be easy. Sure, I am a gorg’s height, but I do not smell like garlic.”
“Right,” Amy said. “So, let me know how it goes and do not run upstairs. There may be some closed doors, which means people are asleep.”
“Gotcha,” Trish said. “Love you, best friend.”
Boober grumbled thinking about what almost made him freak out whilke pacing back and forth in a cozy cave-like room. Then something clicked right away, his best friend, Trish or “Tosh” said homesick. He should never leave the Rock or even his cave room. He knew he was doomed and feeling like he was dying.
“What have I done?” Boober cried out loud. “I’m doomed that she will never come back. After done with his whimpering and shivering, he had nothing else left to do, but sing a blues-like slow song.
Here I stand head in head
Turn my face to the wall
If’ she’s gone I can’t go on
Feeling eighteen inches small
Everywhere people stare
Each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away
How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I’m in
How could she say to me
“Love will find a way?”
Gather ‘round all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away
Boober kind of felt better, but still he can now understand that being homesick was incurable, but maybe it will go away soon. He feels now that he’s going to die.
“Boober?” a voice called out.
“Oh no! Not another silly creature,” Boober said quietly whimpering.
It was no other than Trish, who was looking for the blue Fraggle. Then, she started to see a curtain, which she thought was pinned in the closet, which was cozy enough to fit for a small Fraggle.
“Boober,” Trish said peeking out of the curtain. “What’s wrong?”
“AHHHH! Trish,” Boober yelled oiut as he bolted and pushed her back to get out of his way, but unfortunatly she lost balance. “Get back and go away!”
“What the hey! Boober!” Trish said as she got back up off the floor.
“I am so sorry, Trish, but I want any silly creature to catch this terrible sickness I have.”
“What are you talking about?” Trish asked with a confused look.
“I’m homesick and now I am going to die.” Boober said out loud as he closed the curtain behind him and went back to his cozy spot.
“You’re afraid of death,” Trish asked.
“Y-Y-Yeah,” Boober said quietly.
Now Trish was starting to get so upset that she pull out a chair and sat down to think of something what else to say so he won’t freak out again.
“Well, there are times where you get in my nerves sometimes, but…..I was wrong to say that you were homesick and I should of kept that a secret. If you want to stay here that’s fine with me. However, I would like an explanatation of why at first you didn’t trust us. Otherwise, if you think I am a fraggle, I’’m not!”
Boober finally opened the curtain to say the serious truth, but before he can say anything from the beginning, someone entered the room and it was Mr. Nelson.
“Is there someone named Boober,” asked Jerry.
“Right here,” Boober said out loud.
“Bernie’s on the line. He said he already taked to your friends that are Red, Mokey, Wembley, and Mokey.”
Trish wondered what “Bernie” wanted to talk Boober about.
Song Credits
The First Time It Happens – from the Great Muppet Caper (Muppet movie)
Should I Stay Or Should I Go – by The Clash
NOTE: I thought this song would be perfect for Wembley.
Let Me Be Your Song – from the FR episode, “The Minstrels”
NOTE: This song would be reprised from “The Honk of Honks” and later on FR music merchandise
You Got To Hide Your Love Away – by the Beatles