Oh Tosh was a Fraggle Boober had a minor crush on as is seen in Tune For Two, and Wembley's song is from Terrible Tunnel! But where is Trish's song from? Did you write? If so you have very good talent.Well, here is Chapter 3 that has a nightmare and the part where the puppeteers and the Fraggles get on a plane for the first time. By the way, I am doing my best to stay in character for the Fraggles even this is my first time to pay a tribute to Jim.
Chapter 3
Trish entered a dark cave which looked more like a Fraggle cave. She was so scared that she got lost.
"Hello," called Trish. "Wembley? Red? Mokey? Boober? Mokey? Where is everyone?"
She had a bad feeling that something wasn't right about where she was? Before she could speak, she heard laughter echoing form the tunnels.
"That better not be a Gorg." Trish said to herself.
She called again and said, "Hello?"
She heard the laughers of the creatures coming closer. She realized that there were not Fraggles, but a bunch of cave or small monstrous creatures. She started screaming and running through tunnels until she ended up in the Terrible Tunnel.
"Is this where Wembley went here all by himself?" she asked himself.
Filled with terror, she saw the moving shadows which made her herself, but instead she sings a song to maybe make her feel less terrified.
I'm not scared of staying out or hanging 'round when ghosts appear.
I'm not scared of anything except of being here.
I'm not scared of skeletons or spooky caves or big, black cats.
I'm not scared of anything, except something like that.
Then, the big winds whipped so hard that she accidentally stepped in a creature and before she disappeared, she screamed for help. After trying to scream, she was gone with a cloud of smoke.
It was six o' clock in the morning and she woke up screaming.
"What an awful dream!" Then, she started crying and patted her face with a tissue to get rid of the tears streaming down her face. She hoped she didn't wake up Gobo with her screaming or when she was talking in her sleep. Then, she found Gobo and his friends eating their Doozer sticks. Now she was relived that they were okay and not in peril. However, she wondered where Boober was. Tiptoeing out of the guest room, she came across a hallway and found Boober awake from his sleep. When he saw a silly creature, he got scared.
"ACK! Stay away! You'll carry diseases!"
"Whoa!" yelled Trish. "I don't have a disease yet and I am not sick."
Now she felt like the way she talked to Boober didn't seem right. Then she cleared her throat and said,
"Let me start me over. My name is Trish Johnson, but you still can call me Tosh. My friends call me Tosh, because they believe Trish is such a silly creature and grown up since they found out I watch Fraggle Rock."
"I want to go home."
"Well," said Trish. "So, you're homesick! Maybe I can love you."
"I don't want you to love me,” sighed Boober.
"Okay," sighed Trish. "You probably like me and we can be just friends. How about a song?
"Oh no! Not a silly creature song!"
"Boober, just try to listen to me."
Do you like me?
Am I okay?
Do you like me?
If you do please say,
That you like me,
Just this way.
I want to hear it from you.
("Oh, Tosh!")
("No, really, Boober.")
Do you like me?
Do you think I'm swell?
Do you like me?
You know me well,
If you like me.
Won't you tell?
I want to hear it from you.
We always have a super time,
When we play and sing a song.
But I wonder if you still like me,
Even when I do things wrong?
("Oh, Tosh!")
(Sighs) Yes, I like you
That is true.
Oh I like you.
(That's great!")
Can we just be best friends?
I like you.
Now can we can we best friends til' the end?
("Sure! I don't mind!")
Now that you've heard it from me.
("Oh goodness, thanks Boober. I need to change right now.)"
(All right, goodbye!"
("Goodbye! (Pause) Oh, but, um, Boober?")
("What now, Tosh?")
("I like you, too, Boober.")
("Oh ... (sighs)")
“Oh, this is my friend, Red,” Karen said. She looked at Red with a smile on her face. “We don’t exactly look like each other, but we both have the same craziness,” she said with a laugh. Except for their differences, Red and Karen were wearing their same red sweaters.
“I’m the one that wins, Karen,” Red said excited, looking out at the two girls who started to laugh with her, not at her.
“We both win, Red, ‘cause we’re best friends,” Karen muttered and the girls including Red laughed.
“So, the plan is you and your puppeteers friends are going to New York including the Fraggles?” asked Amy.
Beth started laughing, but Karen got irritated by the way Amy’s best friend was acting differently. “Now look, Beth we are trying to help you, not make you as a joke.” she began, but Amy was not offended by the female’s request at all.
“I know,” explained Amy. “Trish should watch over Boober and take him to New York.”
“No way,” warned Beth. “What if he gets hurt or comes back to his home sick.”
“Girls,” began Karen. “If I can handle Red, then I will talk to Trish. I will promise her that she must keep an eye on Boober. Dave’s right! The red-haired Fraggle should take it easy and none of us want him to get hurt.”
“Okay,” sighed Beth. “I will calm down and not laugh at anyone anymore.”
The two girls then watched Red and Karen mapped out a plan while the puppeteer was jolting down notes on a notebook. She realized that she has to take the notebook with her so she knows what the plan is.
“There is bad news,” Amy said sadly. “Beth and I can’t make it to Jim’s funeral and we have to go to school. So, since our friend Trish is going to New York. I hope she comes back here home and safe.”
Then, the girls knew it was time to go back to their homes. They gave Red and Karen a hug and said their last goodbyes with their bags packed and ready to go.
“Come on Red,” said Karen. “We’re almost ready for the trip to New York.
There were those who believed that the Fraggles and their fellow puppeteers existed to each other, but there are others that don’t have the magic that Muppet fans do. After what seemed a long car ride to the LAX airport. The Fraggles and their friends made a grand entrance. At first, they started fighting at each other, but eventually got along with each other. After going through their check through and the security, they were ready to go an airplane and face some excitement and challenges. However, Karen didn’t want to go to New York without her husband and started sobbing.
“Karen, don’t cry and get upset.” Insisted Mike. “You’re going to be okay and you’ll be fine at Jim’s funeral.”
“Mike,” began Karen. “Bernie called and he said for all of us not to wear black according to Mr. Henson’s request. Plus I know that the Muppets are supposed to be at the funeral as well.”
“I am going to miss you when I’m gone,” said Karen. “I really promised Red that I would be with her tomorrow.”
“Who is she with?” asked Mike.
“Gobo,” explained Karen. “Red is going to be sitting with Gobo.”
“Honey, the people are staring at us like we are making a scene.”
“Oh, sorry! I am still going to miss you. It’s hard to let you go and you have to go to work soon. By the way, we got our tickets and I got boarding tickets already.”
With no other choice, he rummaged into his backpack and found a handkerchief for his wife to use.
“Thanks,” cried Karen. “I needed that.”
“Before you go,” Mike began. “Can we have a goodbye.”
“All right,” insisted Karen.
After a quick kiss on the cheek and then on the lips, Mike told her to make her getaway immediately before she misses her plane. After the puppeteers had a long talk with the airplane officials they promised that the Fraggles and their silly creature friends will be protected and safe without any harm done.
Mike knew that his wife was leaving for a while. He made a speech and said,
“Honey, you’re going on that plane right now, but I will tell you this. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon for the rest of your life. However, don’t leave your friends and please come back to California safe. One more thing, I love you. They will love you no matter what Muppet you are with.
“Honey,” began Karen. “I love you too.”
After on last hug for goodbyes, she went out of the gate to the tarmac, which led to the plane.
“Ma’am,” Karen said to stewardess.
“Does this plane go to New York?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Thank you!”
Then, she immediately found Kathy Mullen and sat to next to her to talk about the good times they had with their Fraggle friends on the production of Fraggle Rock. Red was with her best friend, Gobo, Mokey was with Wembley, and Trish was sitting with Boober so they get a conversation about their differences.
Back at the airport, Mike slowly touched the cold glass window as the plane slowly went to the runaway and then at the end of it, the plane took off and Karen was gone for now.
“Good-bye, Karen.” Sobbed Mike. “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
Can't have lasanga on the third week of March! Ha ha ha! That was funny, but I feel a little sorry for Beth! Great work!Yes, I got more Colleen and now moving on to what comes next. Let me know if you enjoy it or not.
Chapter 6
Two ghostly figures then appeared at an empty spot of New York City.
“Jim, are you sure it is safe that no one’s here,” asked Joe Raposo.
Yes and no for now,” answered Jim Henson. “I remembered what Uncle Deadly’s advice was if I were dead. The first thing was to have no contact to any living creatures including Fraggles. Second was one false move and I will no longer be with the Muppets in heaven. Third, I can’t have lasagna on the third Wednesday or week of March.”
“Then, what can you do?” asked Joe.
“I may to have to go into one of the Fraggle’s dreams,” chided Jim.
“Jim, I don’t get you, sometimes,” shrugged Joe. “Are you sure the phantom Muppet convinced you that you can only appear in their dreams.”
“Yes, Joe! Besides, what could happen if I was in their dreams? It could be Boober’s dream instead.
“Jim, are you saying that you want to be in a Fraggle’s dream. Hahahaha! Oh Jim, it is not being easy green or being you.”
“True, but I don’t want to break the rules or Death will be my worse case I ever encounter.
“Well, you’re the fearless leader Jim. You were afraid of death before you died on Earth.”
“I sometimes was, but I was a hardworker. I promise you that I will be in a Fraggle’s dream.”
“What if a different Fraggle shows up?”
“Well, then I will handle that crazy Fraggle or Sidebottom. Oh, I don’t want to say that name again, Joe. That was Jocelyn Stevenson’s idea.
“You mean the writer’s idea?”
“Yeah, but I hope Death doesn’t show up. Besides, Uncle Deadly works with Death.”
“How am I ever going to keep you out of trouble? Well, it wouldn’t hurt, but be careful.”
I’m fearless, Joe. Always careful and never hurt a fly.”
“You’re silly, Jim! After the dream, make sure you come back to heaven. Someone else might join you very soon.”
“Okay, Joe! You win! Who are you going to hang out with right now?”
“Don Sahlin! We’re discussing about the good times on the set of Sesame Street.”
“Those were good times. I was the playful Ernie after all.”
Then, Jim let out an Ernie laugh.
“I’ll see you when I see you, Jim.”
Then, Joe went back to heaven to find Don Sahlin, the man who made the Muppets of Sesame Street.
- - - - - - - - - -
Back at California, Beth left the hospital with her packed guitar case in hand and went outside to wait for her mother to pick her up.
“What am I doing?” she thought. “I am like Boober or whoever the Fraggle is. I do wash clothes and cook. I should have been to New York with Amy. Wait a second! I’m germaphobic! Arghhh! What’s happening with me? I’m worried about Trish’s father and I hope he’s okay. I wish Amy were here. I used to be the fun girl I was.
She shook her thoughts out her head and felt like talking to herself.
“I am not fun at all anymore,” she said to herself. “I want to be a funny nice girl. Not act like a paranoid Fraggle. Yeah! That’s what I do and maybe start traveling, but Jim Henson was the traveler. I am not what I used to be.”
With nothing else to say, she quickly took out her guitar out of the case and started remembering a tune that Gob experienced when he decided not to be an explorer anymore.
Once I knew,
Just what to do
Once I knew my name.
Far and near,
The road was clear.
Living was a game.
But now I seem to walk in dreams,
And nothing stays the way it seems.
How I long for then.
Easy once again
Once upon a time I knew my name.
Maybe yes,
Maybe no.
Questions on my mind
Do I know which way to go?
The answer's hard to find.
I know that no one's made of steel.
I sometimes think that nothing's real.
And then I wake at night.
I can't tell wrong from right.
Once upon a time I knew my name.
Once upon a time I knew my name.
Beth now wondered where she was. “Why did my sister leave me here,” she asked herself. “I’m jealous, because she wants to see Gobo, Red, Mokey, Wembley, and…. Boober. I-I wanted to go to New York. She said no and I stayed home.”
Then, she let out a deep sigh while she was putting her guitar away into her guitar case. Since her mother did not pick her up. She made a dangerous decision to walk home. It took her fifteen to twenty-five minutes walking safely and cautiously all the way back to her house while carrying along her guitar suitcase with her. She was wearing an old white t-shirt and the same old bright blue jeans that she wore yesterday. She tried to open the door, but she realized that she did not take her keys. Felling so out of luck and miserable, she now feels like the world has now changed too much. Not only that made her sad, but also she didn’t like being a human or a “silly creature” as Fraggles described them.
“Jim,” she started before wiping a tear out of her eye. “I miss you, because well… I want the world peaceful. It’s not! I do not understand! Why was I born to be a human instead of being a Fraggle or a Muppet? Nobody understand me except Amy knows me what I really am. I dance my cares away. There are worried\s for another day. Let the music play. Down at Fraggle Rock!
“I didn’t see it on cable network. What’s the big idea? Fraggles? Silly Creatures? I have no clue. Oh, the world IS full of TROUBLES disease, and doom."
Then, she broke out into song singing,
Look at the world.
What can you do?
'Cause it makes you ache,
And it leaves you blue.
And I guess my heart could break apart,
With a long good-bye,
'Cause it makes you cry.
But I had a dream,
It was time to begin,
And every creature. . . (she sobs and then…)
(Beth imagines the Fraggles including Red, Gobo, Wembley, Mokey and Boober singing in the Great Hall right after hearing of Jim’s passing from postcards and letters from their fans plus the World's Oldest Fraggle) (Reference from fan-fic “He Will Never Be Dead In My Heart)
We were sister and brother.
We were part of each other,
And it made us one.
And it made us win.
“I am alone and it’s not fair,” she said to herself between sobs. “My mom and dad are not here. I wish you were here, Mr. Henson. Maybe they went to New York too and forgot all about me. What am I GOING to do? I can’t just sit here and have nothing else in mind.”
Feeling worse than miserable, she decided to cry herself to sleep on the porch swing with nothing else to do. She believed that tomorrow might be a better day so she can do something around her town while her friends are away.
Song Credits
One Upon A Time (I Knew My Name) – From the Fraggle Rock episode, “Gobo’s Discovery”
“It Makes You Cry” – From the Fraggle Rock episode, “The River of Life”
Thr Trish character I did..well she is human OC, she was nicknamed Tosh no thanks to Amy for teasing her and calling her something else that she is not. The song, "I'm Not Scared" was wrttien by Philp Balsam (music) and Dennis Lee (lyrics). Not only she did have that nightmare, I personally had that nightmare too right after seeing the FR episode, "The Terrible Tunnel." Yikes! Truth be told!O
Oh Tosh was a Fraggle Boober had a minor crush on as is seen in Tune For Two, and Wembley's song is from Terrible Tunnel! But where is Trish's song from? Did you write? If so you have very good talent.
Yeah! I remember I had a dream about Junior Gorg coming out of my closet, because I never saw the show and saw a clip of it on a Muppet Show video!Thr Trish character I did..well she is human OC, she was nicknamed Tosh no thanks to Amy for teasing her and calling her something else that she is not. The song, "I'm Not Scared" was wrttien by Philp Balsam (music) and Dennis Lee (lyrics). Not only she did have that nightmare, I personally had that nightmare too right after seeing the FR episode, "The Terrible Tunnel." Yikes! Truth be told!
Well, Beth as an OC does evidently goes to New York to find her sister, Amy and her best friend Trish. She later meets Colleen (Collgoff) and she becomes her new best friend. I got that joke from the fan-fic "We Know It's Probably Magic" when Kermit is killed off. No offense, but there were some sad parts of that fan-fic.Can't have lasanga on the third week of March! Ha ha ha! That was funny, but I feel a little sorry for Beth! Great work!
Did you write that? I would read it a friend wrote it, but no offense to anyone I wouldn't want to read Kermit getting killed. Heck the hardest choice I ever made? Killng Metora in my storyWell, Beth as an OC does evidently goes to New York to find her sister, Amy and her best friend Trish. She later meets Colleen (Collgoff) and she becomes her new best friend. I got that joke from the fan-fic "We Know It's Probably Magic" when Kermit is killed off. No offense, but there were some sad parts of that fan-fic.
Well, I didn't want anyone killed in my fan-fic. I will get to Mr. Johnson in the mext chapter where he finds out that Trish is at New York and his wife finally takes him home after he recovers from an accident he was in. BTW: Please read chapter 10 when you get to it then click "Reply" so you can comment. Why did I add Jim? Because I saw his documentaries and I did the best I could to have him say things I thought he would say to his old friend, Joe Rasposo. I wanted Joe too, because I realized that he died first in 1989 before Mr. Henson did on May 16th, 1990. Thank you for posting your comments, Dominic!Did you write that? I would read it a friend wrote it, but no offense to anyone I wouldn't want to read Kermit getting killed. Heck the hardest choice I ever made? Killng Metora in my story
NO problem!Well, I didn't want anyone killed in my fan-fic. I will get to Mr. Johnson in the mext chapter where he finds out that Trish is at New York and his wife finally takes him home after he recovers from an accident he was in. BTW: Please read chapter 10 when you get to it then click "Reply" so you can comment. Why did I add Jim? Because I saw his documentaries and I did the best I could to have him say things I thought he would say to his old friend, Joe Rasposo. I wanted Joe too, because I realized that he died first in 1989 before Mr. Henson did on May 16th, 1990. Thank you for posting your comments, Dominic!