Just....I can't say anything that hasn't alreaday been said. I think I can summon up Jerry Nelson in one word...Faithful.
What I mean by that is that when we lost Jim Henson and Richard Hunt, only Frank Oz and Jerry Nelson remained, and then Frank left to semi-retirement and only Jerry remained.
Still, it makes me question what will happen to Jerry's Sesame Street Characters now ?
I truly hate to sound offensive, but it just that I loved the Couint as a Kid and I still enjoy seeing him from time to time on the show and I know that Jerry held his voice up the longest.
I don't want to see him go...like the rest of Jerry's characters.
I mean I can still recall that episode in the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street where nearly all of Jerry's primary characters along with the main man himself starred in one episode together just to remind us fans.
I can recall his voicing of Gobo Fraggle on Fraggle Rock.
Nothing sort of saddness can truly come from me right now, as It's just hard to cry right now, if you can understand what I'm saying.
Rest in Peace Jerry Nelson, you can count all the stars you want to now.