RED ALERT! "The Muppets" fans need to contact ABC **NOW**!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just because "The Muppets" wasn't renewed today doesn't mean it won't be. ABC makes their full renew/cancel announcements in (or just prior to) May.

The shows renewed today in the first wave were established enough performers to where its not necessary for ABC execs to pour over tons of charts and data - these were all the "no-brainers".

The Live+3 numbers aren't even in yet for the season finale (much less live+7 and multiplatform numbers). ABC will want to look those over first. They'll be crunching all the numbers. Looking at if their international distribution makes them profitable and if so by how much? How much does extra sources of revenue bring in like merchandising or the new Jack White single? The decision to renew vs cancel "The Muppets" needs more analysis than shows that have been on several seasons and have consistently high numbers.

They'll also be looking at what comes in for pilot season and weighing if they have enough strong new shows or if it's better to keep allowing "The Muppets" to grow.

But at any rate, this should still be a wake-up call for Muppet fans NOT to be complacent. It's our actions (or inaction) that largely tips the show's future into either column. If you want that second season, it's IMPERATIVE to be making those calls, emails, Tweets - and yes...even those old-fashioned pen-to-paper, sent-through-the-mail letters (which are more powerful since they're more of a rarity. When someone takes the time to mail a letter, people take note.)

This is a new regime. It's not the same one that was big supporters of the show. They stopped airing promos for the last few episodes. They will be tempted to want to sweep it - and anything else it associates with an inadequacy of the former exec - off the table. They need to be hearing from us frequently and en masse as to why the show should be kept on the network. Be contacting both ABC Network AND your local affiliate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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ABC in particular is notorious for waiting until the last minute to decide the fate of their shows. I'm kind of surprised they announced this many so early.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't watch Once Upon a Time but it's hard to believe they actually do some of the things they do. It seems like one of the most self-indulgent shows ever made.
I wouldn't even mind self indulgent. House of Mouse was pretty self indulgent and it worked beautifully. The show could have come off as a commercial for Disney, but somehow it didn't. No. My problem with Once Upon a Time is that it's just so head up its own butt serious yet uses the Disney versions of the characters reinterpreted (or rather have all the joy sucked out of them) to not resemble them. In that case what's the point? But other than that, they're trying to make dark and dramatic out of fairy tales that were made kid friendly when the original versions were bleak and dark to begin with.

Plus the whole crossover fan fiction for 12+ year olds angle.

Just because "The Muppets" wasn't renewed today doesn't mean it won't be. ABC makes their full renew/cancel announcements in (or just prior to) May.

The shows renewed today in the first wave were established enough performers to where its not necessary for ABC execs to pour over tons of charts and data - these were all the "no-brainers".
I think the show deserves a second season no doubt and I'll contact whoever I can once I have the time. I know ABC's going to keep us waiting with baited breath, but I really wish if they had plans to axe the show, they'd get over with it. Still, the show seems cheap enough to produce, much more so than action/dramatic programming. They're sinking all this money and promotion for "The Family" which, let's face it, isn't going to get an audience. It's...bad looking. I'll leave it at that. The Muppets got a sequel movie because it was low cost and managed a nice return based on that ratio. And they didn't lose "Lone Ranger" or "John Carter" money on the second. If cheapness and merchandising potential can keep the show afloat, then it's going to be what keeps it afloat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'll contact whoever I can once I have the time.
Knowing how jaded and cynical you are, I figured you of all people would see the reality of this situation that any amount of petitioning, begging, or pleading people do will more than likely have no affect on ABC whatsoever. It certainly didn't work with Cartoon Network when we begged for another season of Courage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
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It's better to try than to do nothing. Cartoon Network and ABC are two separate channels. You never know what could happen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2015
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The show just finished 3 days ago so Abc executives might not have made a decision


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It's better to try than to do nothing. Cartoon Network and ABC are two separate channels. You never know what could happen.
CN's live action programming and relentless reruns of Johnny Test in the past have proven that CN doesn't listen to fans.

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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#RenewTheMuppets! Really! RENEW THEM!!!

*stomps around with a flag saying "Renew the Muppets" similar to when we wanted the Penguin smilies for Muppet Central*
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