Originally posted by Boober_Gorg
I'm not a fan of any reality TV, but I just thought I'd mention that I personally know one of the American Idol rejects. Her name is Lisa Leuschner. As you may recall she's the redhead whom Simon said needed to lose weight, but Paula disagreed with him (this was on the "Best & Worst" special).
Well, what does Simon know about girls anyway (I bet he's dating Mr. Blackwell !

) "Oh thhhhweety, you need to lose more weight in the hipthhhh" Sorry, that Simon's just a dried up old queen, man!
Sorry your friend didn't win, tho. But look on the bright side, in ten years, when the other contestants have lost money, Lisa will walk into McDonalds and find Justin "Jiffy pop head" Guarini asking her if she wants fries with that.
She'll make it someday, just not on a rigged reality show!