Rugby said:
It's nice to see the reality and truth that puppetry is actually all about the money. Not. If somebody were to start up a competitive company using your knowledge, I could understand. But refusing to help a fan of puppets for recreational use only is mind boggling. .
where in my answer did i say i would not give advice????
what i said is im not going to give you evry little tidbit of info about building a puppet, You clearly read only what you wanted to read, and not what i actually wrote.
.[/QUOTE]Give them advice on how to build a puppet and sure,they may not buy one of yours. Don't tell them and they still might not buy one of yours. Can you really blame people for asking? .[/QUOTE]
Honestley , i dont expect or really think anyone on here will buy one of my puppets, they arnt meant for hobbists, they are built for film , and theatre performances,
[/QUOTE]Have you tried researching puppet building? There isn't exactly a wealth of quality information out there. I could almost vomit everytime I hear somebody refer someone to The Muppets Make Puppets and that kind of information. I think most of us are past making puppets with sandwich baggies and paper plates..[/QUOTE]
well much like your ability to read what is written, you arnt looking beyond whats on the page, Puppetrty is a art composed of many different skills, and crafts, THIER IS NO ONE RIGHT WAY!!!!!!!!!!
you need to be able to sculpt, pattern fabric,work with wood,work with different adhesives, you need a wealth of craft and technical skills, and most important you need to be able to look at something and say yes that works , or no that dosent.
go to a home depot and look at the shelves , and say "HEY , I CAN USE THAT AS PART OF MY PUPPETS".
do you really think we proffesinals have a secret book that tells you how to build a muppet style puppet???????
The fact is, there isn't much out there to help one build a halfway decent puppet. That's why people come here, to a popular muppet web site, to ask. Maybe they think this would be the best resource for getting puppet building advice.
.[/QUOTE]The greed in the puppet business just annoys me..[/QUOTE]
GREED???????? i gave a honest answer , you didnt like it, to call me or any other builder GREEDY is just wrong,
i worked hard to get were i am, noone gave me a clue what to do, i studied evrything i could get my hands on, and to be perfectly honest that has made me the artist i am today,
.[/QUOTE]I should say, I don't really have a problem with your decision to not help others in the hobby of puppetry as much as your attitude towards those that ask for help.[/QUOTE]
AND ONCE AGAIN THE THING THAT REALLY SET ME OFF HERE<,WERE DID IT SAY I WOULNT HELP????????????????????i suggest you go back and reread what i wrote, and ask yourself if you actually understood what i wrte, or if you were just miffed that i said i would not give deatailed instuctions on how to do something.