Preorder the Animal Muppet Replica

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I tell my friends, "He's Storyteller Fraggle." Terry's got great credits to his name. Afer having done the Kermit photos, I'm having a hard time not taking my Kermit from his box! I can't wait for the others. They are truly fantastic.

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I tell my friends, "He's Storyteller Fraggle." Terry's got great credits to his name. Afer having done the Kermit photos, I'm having a hard time not taking my Kermit from his box! I can't wait for the others. They are truly fantastic.
You see, that's what's so special about these replicas. A real, live Muppeteer is working on the prototypes. They look so much like the real Muppets!

See, when I see those full-body Fozzie prototype pictures Terry took, I don't see a replica. I don't believe that. I think that Fozzie just paid Terry a visit one day:

(Rings doorbell)

Fozzie: "Um, Mr. Terry, sir? It's me, Fozzie."

Terry: "Hey, Fozzie! Come on in. How've you been?"

Fozzie: "I'm okay. Oh, let me hang my hat up."

Terry: "What're you doing in the neighborhood?"

Fozzie: "Funny you should ask...hey, 'funny', funn-ee! Wocka Wocka Wocka! Well, anyway, I just came over here to borrow some milk. I'm making a whole bunch of pies for my new comedy act."

Terry: "Sure thing." (They walk to the kitchen). "Hey, is it okay if I take some pictures of you? The folks at Muppet Central will go nuts when they find out you were here!"

Fozzie: "Oh okay. Can my teddy be in one of the pictures?"

Terry: "Of course. Now just stand by the fridge..."

And so, now we have the pictures of Fozzie's visit to Terry's house. :big_grin: :wink:

Man, I can't wait to order Fozzie!:excited:

Convincing John


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hi All,

Hey Convincing John How did you know that's what happened when I took those pictures? Did Fozzie tell you? Anyway that was very good and it made my day. I am now working on the third Fozzie Poser for Master Replicas and i have posted pictures of the new second Fozzie poser at Myspace and on facebook As usual I can depend on you guys to post the pics for people who can't get on those sites and except my thanks.

Fozzie Bear is correct that I played the Storyteller Fraggle after show 8 on and I also played Brio Minstrel and my background Fraggle Morris got a few lines here and there like "Gobo's School For Explorers" in season three and in the same season I got to do a young Storyteller which was a lot of fun. Ahhh, I miss those days of performing.

That's it for now guys and take care all,

Terry Angus


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I... I just fell out of my chair... Terry I... wow. That's really all I can muster right now. Perfection. Sheer perfection. You're incredible, sir. Thank you so much for sculpting this piece of art. It's just... wow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
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Hi Guys,

I went to Joann's on saturday to look at this Foam and I am sad to say, But it is reticulated foam(Scott Foam) So it is the same foam that the real and proto gonzo's are made of. On the brite side it is a new source for the foam for those who do not want to spend $300.00 or more on foam all at once.
The pieces that I saw at Joann's were 24"x36"x2" $56.00 ea.and 18"x24"x2" $36.00 ea. These size pieces of this foam are not thick enuf for gonzos nose. I told Terry I would look into this foam and well we are back at square one.


HMS Mike

Oh yeah, sorry for the double post, but here's the pics I posted over at MR for an idea on how to get the right look for Gonzo's nose:

It's outdoor foam like I said in an earlier post, and it's non-deteriorating. Hopefully Amy will be able to show these pics to Travis or someone else in the know, or maybe they'll see them here.



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Yikes! Well, MR is still working on Gonzo. His pre-order is set back again. I have never seen any other MR products get pushed back as much as I have seen Gonzo. Maybe this is a good thing, or maybe not. Guess we will find out later. :concern:


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
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So with Gonzo's nose causing so many problems, I was wondering if Master Replicas would just have him step aside and make room for other Photo Prop Replicas until the blue weirdo's ready to cooperate? :embarrassed: :concern:

Bear Man

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2004
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I've been wondering if stipple sponge would work for Gonzo's's an open cell, synthetic sponge that is used in special effects make-up to simulate beard stubble, broken capillaries (useful for that drunk uncle), etc. To call it a sponge is a bit misleading, since there is no way it would hold water, rather it's just used to apply cream-based make-up in a textured way.

The reason I suggest it is, in my limited experience with it, it seems to be a vinyl-like product that I'm not sure would break down, yet seems to look a lot like scott foam. Has anyone else got any experience with it? You can find a link to an image here

Edit - It seems stipple sponges are normally made of nylon, which I don't believe breaks down...can anyone confirm/deny?

Of course there are a whole bunch of problems I can foresee - the cell size might be much bigger than scott foam (I've never worked up close with scott foam), it is usually made in black, and in fairly thin sheets, so it would need to be a custom, thick, job in a blue colour. The other big problem that I don't think anyone has addressed is that if the noses are made out of any scott foam-like substance, they would need to be carved by hand. Do MR's factory workers have that skill?