Its funny what you all say about A Bugs Life because it is my all time favorite Pixar movie so far. I think it gets forgotten a lot though. Very underrated film. I like the movie because of the story and the wonderful characters created in it. In this film, every single character has a clear journey for themselves. It's true. There is so much heart in the story as well, not that the others don't but this is definitely one of those great underdog stories. It was also just visually gorgeous! It really makes you appreciate the beauty of nature and those things that our eyes don't normally stop to take in. They really get down to the tiniest details. I actually believe it is Pixar's best story so far no question! In many ways, it is Pixar's Fraggle Rock. So much offered but easily forgotten.
I prefer Pixar animation to the other mentioned because of the story. To me, the characters and the plots are so much more dimensional. Pixar doesn't go for star power or glamour, they go for the story. They characters are believable, charming and sympathetic. You feel for them and you want to cheer them on because there is always a part of yourself in atleast one of the characters on the screen. They have the best technique in casting. They don't cast for big names. They cast for great actors and that is what they have always done. Pixar always takes great pride in what they do and they make the best of every element. When you see one of their films, you just know they had a great time doing it. Their research is so thorough, they leave no stone unturned. They open our eyes and show us worlds we have never seen before and even things we have seen but never really taken the time to notice.