Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I could improve on our slogan Caroline. "Our piggies are fun! Come on in and roll down the mountain amidst the boulders with us today!" :excited:
That's great, Marty. I love our slogans!

Besides our thread here, we could make our own TV channel... all happy wandering piggies, all the time! Our slogans would be perfect on it! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I don't know about you Caroline. But I think after Holly falls I would prefer Shannon and Alyssa to just look at each other and say "Uh-oh."
Then Shannen: Watch your step.
And Alyssa: Yeah. Yeah.

I know we agreed that my more dramatical version would best fit the lady piggies. But for the Charmed stars doing it I think they would be more in tune keeping it the way it all ran originally. Maybe it's just me.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I don't know about you Caroline. But I think after Holly falls I would prefer Shannon and Alyssa to just look at each other and say "Uh-oh."
Then Shannen: Watch your step.
And Alyssa: Yeah. Yeah.

I know we agreed that my more dramatical version would best fit the lady piggies. But for the Charmed stars doing it I think they would be more in tune keeping it the way it all ran originally. Maybe it's just me.
What do you think?
Aww, it was fun to be ziffled by this post, hehe. And I have to admit, I'm surprised you suggested this! I know I originally said that I do prefer these lines, and I felt the ladies should use these lines. And for our lady piggies, I did eventually change my mind.

However, in this case, I do agree with you. For some reason, I can't really imagine Shannen and Alyssa saying the lines in your signature, hehe... maybe because I feel that these ladies are not as stereotypically girly as we were first imagining our lady piggies to be. Is that kinda along the lines of what you were thinking?

But yes, I think you have a very good point. And a very cool new thought! I do think it would be much better for Shannen and Alyssa to say those original lines instead, also. That would be perfect! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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For some reason, I can't really imagine Shannen and Alyssa saying the lines in your signature, hehe... maybe because I feel that these ladies are not as stereotypically girly as we were first imagining our lady piggies to be. Is that kinda along the lines of what you were thinking?

But yes, I think you have a very good point. And a very cool new thought! I do think it would be much better for Shannen and Alyssa to say those original lines instead, also. That would be perfect! :big_grin:
Yes I was thinking along these lines. In the same way I find it very difficult to imagine Shannon starting to cry after Alyssa falls. I can see her trembling and emphasizing the words "Until the day I.......die." with the same dramatic pause as in the original version and throwing in the heh-heh at the point just before the chorus begins. But I don't see her as the type who would make that awk screaming sound when the boulders appear.
Likewise Holly would only display as much nervousness at the beginning as the end piggy did.

They're not the sort of women I can envisage as girly as that. So it would suit them best to perform the whole thing faithfully to the original draft. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Oh yeah, I very much agree, Marty. I find it very hard to imagine Shannen start to cry when Alyssa falls. More so, I find it much easier to imagine her filled with even more determination to try and make it to the top!
And you're absolutely right, I can't imagine Holly being overcome with nervousness at all, but having just the right amount, which is as much as the original end piggy did.

I think they're very strong women who would be much more able to handle something like this without getting too emotional or dramatic. The original draft is just right for them, I couldn't agree with ya more!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I sure hope Beauregard didn't forget to put the mattress down for these three charming ladies. :concern:
They're too sweet to be hurt in such a way while they perform such a remarkable Muppet sketch. :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aw, don't you worry, I bet that Beauregard will take great care of our charming ladies! After all, we'll remind him and remind him again, hehe. We'll make sure our girls make it through their sketch with no problems! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm always prepared to take care of ladies who have charm...oh, wait, wrong Beauregard...