To answer a few questions...
1 Beaker, you won't find the link for the pre-sale of the Muppet Penguins any longer on OMGCNFO's site. The link to it, and the pre-sale for that matter, were both only for a limited time until they sold out all the stock they set aside from the entire run they had at their warehouse. The Penguins will be OMGCNFO's SDCC 2005 exclusive as a new vendor at the convention. But because that meant that not too many people from the forums would be able to go, they decided to open up a limited pre-sale for a smaller amount of Penguin packs. This first pre-sale ended on the night of 6/9 and due to the overwhelming response, they opened up a second pre-sale run on 6/10. Now, you'll have to go to SDCC and pick up a Penguin pack in person, ask someone who's going to get you one, or wait till after the con and see if there were enough leftover for sale on the website then.
2 Bear, the Muppet Penguins are really more in line with the Muppet line of figures Palisades made. If you visit my "Muppet Listings 15.0" thread in the Classic Muppets section of the forums, you'll notice two distinct entries for the Penguins. That's cause I've been told that there are two different groups of penguins in the Muppaverse: the Penguins from the Muppets, who can actually talk, and have long pointy bills; and the Penguins from SS, who can only squak and have shorter triangular beaks.
Hope this helps and have a great day guys.