Part of Me - A Fraggle Story


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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All right, here is what I'm going to consider the sequel to my story "Love's Long Journey" If it appears to be too weird, someone just let me know and I don't have to write it, it's just an idea I had about where the story could go next. Here is a prologue. I also have chapter one finished, but I thought I'd test the waters first. This is a Fraggle Rock story.


It was dark all around her. She sat up slowly and opened her eyes fearful of what had just happened. She looked around and realized she didn’t know where she was. She tried to remember what had happened before she ended up here. This time she hadn’t left in anger. In fact, everything was wonderful again and she was so happy. No, this time she left on a mission. But what was that mission? And why was she alone? Why couldn’t she remember anything? She wished that her dear love was with her now. She hoped he was trying to find her, wherever she was. She decided to try and stand up and nearly fell over as pain wracked her entire body. It was clear now that she had fallen and possibly injured herself. Slowly she lowered herself back to the ground. Why was she here? Suddenly she gasped as it all came back to her. She lowered her hand to her swollen belly and hoped with all her heart she didn’t do anything to damage the tiny life growing inside of her.

What do you think? Shall I continue?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Wha? Well... If you got Chapter 1 ready, post it! Besides, it'll help explain how Red came to have a new member in her family... Though probably not a new kitten.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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All right, good enough for me! Here's chapter one! Enjoy!

Chapter One:

Life had returned to normal in Fraggle Rock. The only thing that was different was now the young group of friends had grown up and found love. After a joint ceremony celebrated with their friends both from the Rock and Outer Space, Red and Gobo, Mokey and Boober and Wembley and Lou returned to living their lives in Fraggle Rock. They frequently visited Outer Space now that they had found yet another tunnel to take them to there where they could visit their new friends the Muppets. They still saw Doc although not quite as frequently now that he had found love with the parent of one of their Muppet friends. Everyone still liked to tease Red about how she hadn’t wanted things to change so much, but she just smiled and said she now saw that change was good.

And once again, things were slowly beginning to change in Fraggle Rock. It started with Wembley and Lou. They gave birth to a young Fraglet only a short while after the wedding ceremonies. It was quite humorous to the Fraggle friends that Wembley was the first one of them to become a parent because he was the worrier of the group. He watched Lou like a hawk through her entire pregnancy and when the time came for the Fraglet to be born he wasn’t able to witness the birth due to his crazy wembling. But, they couldn’t have been happier with the baby Fraglet, a boy they named Artie.

Soon after Artie’s birth, Mokey and Boober announced that now Mokey was carrying a Fraglet and would deliver in another few months. Gobo continued to tease Red about running away as she had when Mokey and Boober and Wembley and Lou announced that they had fallen in love. Red just smiled and told Gobo not to worry. In fact, she secretly wished that she too would soon be carrying her own Fraglet. Deep down, she was actually a little jealous of her friends this time.

She expressed her feelings to Mokey as they walked together to the Gorg’s Garden, something they did frequently now that they no longer lived together. Mokey would gather radishes for Boober and Red would play with Junior Gorg, who was growing up quite nicely in his own right, but he still loved playtime.

“Mokey, I’m so happy for you and Boober, but honestly, I kind of wish that I was going to be mother to a new Fraggle too. I actually hoped to be first!” exclaimed Red as they walked.

“You know something Red; I really thought that you would be first since usually you’re the first and best at everything. But, these things happen in their own time. You know that, Gobo’s Uncle Matt told us this time and time again,” said Mokey.

Red wrinkled her nose at the mention of Uncle Matt. He may be her husband’s uncle, but he still drove her nuts. Mostly, she hated to admit that he was usually right.

“Yes I know what Uncle Matt said. It doesn’t make it any easier though,” said Red. She thought back to right after the wedding ceremony when Uncle Matt sat all of them down to talk with them about the next step.

“Young Fraggles you have completed your journey in finding love, but really, your journey has just begun. In the right time, when it is meant to happen, you will become parents to your own young Fraggles. It will be up to you to raise them and teach them everything about the Fraggle way of life. But, I cannot stress this enough, it will happen when the time is right for you. Do not get frustrated and be patient. In the meantime, live your lives as you normally would. Do your Fraggle chores and most of all be happy. I am happy for all of you,” said Uncle Matt.

At the time Red had squeezed Gobo’s hand and said she was ready anytime. Now here she was watching a second one of their friends becoming a parent and it still hadn’t happened for her.

“Maybe I should talk to the Trash Heap, who knows, she could have advice about this,” said Red.

“Red, I’ll say it again, just be patient. Remember? Now, let’s get some radishes. Boober didn’t want me to come today, something about germs not being good for the Fraglet, but I told him it’s fine so he stayed back to do some laundry,” said Mokey.

“All right,” said Red forgetting her troubles for the moment.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Later that evening Red returned to her and Gobo’s cave. They had kept the cave he had shared with Wembley. Mokey had moved to Boober’s cave. Wembley had moved to Lou’s cave. Two young female Fraggles were happy to move into Red and Mokey’s old cave and hoped to live the exact same way that Red and Mokey had at that age.

“Hi Red, how was the garden?” asked Gobo.

“Oh fine, I played catch with Junior. He’s getting a lot more coordination,” said Red.

“Good! Did Mokey get a lot of radishes?” asked Gobo.

“Sure did, we’re invited over for stew tomorrow,” said Red.

“Yeah, I saw Boober, he was so concerned about Mokey carrying radishes in her current condition,” said Gobo.

“I helped!” said Red defensively.

“I know you did, I never said you didn’t!” said Gobo. Other than the fact that they were married and now showed affection to one another, Gobo and Red’s relationship really hadn’t changed. They still enjoyed debating and bantering back and forth and Red still really enjoyed competing with Gobo. In the end they usually enjoyed a good laugh over whatever it was.

“I’m sorry, I’m just feeling frustrated,” said Red.

“I know, we still don’t have a Fraglet on the way,” said Gobo softening toward his wife. He stood up and walked over to rub her shoulders a little.

“It will happen,” he started to say.

“In its own time, I know it will,” finished Red. She was getting tired of hearing those words.

“Look at it this way, you can still have all the fun you want and swim and all that good stuff because you don’t have to worry about harming the Fraglet!” exclaimed Gobo.

Red smiled, Gobo usually did know the right thing to make her feel better.

“Thanks Gobo, I think I’ll take you up on the fun part right now!” she exclaimed as she ran out of their room.

Gobo laughed, he loved chasing his wife through the Rock, and they had a lot of fun together. As he ran after her though he hoped that time would be right for them soon. He watched Wembley with little Artie and he couldn’t wait to be a parent. He was especially looking forward to teaching a young Fraggle in the same fashion that his Uncle Matt had taught him in the absence of his parents.

Gobo sighed at the thought of his parents. Having a Fraglet would fill an empty hole that had been in his life for quite sometime. He slowed down a little bit.

“Hey Gobo! Come on!” exclaimed Red from around the corner. Then Gobo heard a splash pulling him back to reality.

“Uncle Matt is right, it will happen in its own time,” he thought. He smiled as he came upon Red swimming in the water ahead. For now, life was pretty good, he had to admit that.

“Look out below!” he yelled as he jumped into the Fraggle Pond after his wife.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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See... Now that there's a chapter up, we can give you feedback. And what a wonderful story you've got going here.
They don't see much of Doc any more, cause he's married to a parent of one of their new Muppet friends... Reference alert!

And you rully got to us with Gobo's thoughts at the end, how a Fragglet would fill a hole in his life. Powerful in and of itself.
Hope for more soon.

BTW: You might want to ask a mod to get rid of the duplicate thread with the prologue.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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The Count said:
BTW: You might want to ask a mod to get rid of the duplicate thread with the prologue.
Yep, I'm on it, sent off a PM to Mr. Bear. :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In Kermit voice: Oh good. Hopefully, we'll get some more story, and posters soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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I love it! I mean, the whole- and- oy! Ach! I need to put my brain together...

Okay! Well, one- Yay, a new story! Yayayayayayayay! I love reading your stories!
Two- Aw, Red! She wants a little fraglet, and Gobo wants a fraglet, and... Ohhh! Can I hug them? Please?
And I love how their relationship didn't change much. It just wouldn't be right if they weren't competing somehow... But Oh, how ironic, Mokey thinking they would've been first and... Oh, I REALLY wanna see where this is going! MORE PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2003
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Great story. I love how you have really painted a picture for us. I can't wait to see where this is going either.:smile: Thanks its finals week and I really wanted to read a happy story. :smile: So yeah awesome! Can't wait to read more!:smile: