Palisades to produce Sesame Street Action Figures

muppet maniac

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I went to Barnes & Noble and Borders today and neither of those stores have the new issue..


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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They better make BOB!!!!!!!!... and Maria... she's really kept herself together! :smirk:


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry to disappoint you Nick, but... Ken also said that the SS license will be run in much the same way as the Muppets, in that the license doesn't include making action figures of the human cast of characters. At least, Palisades isn't interested in pursuing that at this time.
Hope this helps and have a good weekend.


Nov 14, 2004
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Palisades Annouces "Sesame Street" Line For 2005

What great news! This line has the potential to be huge, both in the number of figures and the response from consumers. There's almost *forty years* of accumulated fans! Having the show still on the air doesn't hurt either. Finally, a collector-level of quality -- applied to some of my favorite characters -- without the Elmo over-focus that most current Sesame Street toy lines have.
Chances are the product quality will be as high as the other toys Palisades have done, and they've accumulated a lot of sculpting experience on the Muppet Show(s) line that will definitely help. It sounds like their ambitious playset impulses won't be calming down here, either. Building Sesame Street with accumulated backdrops... COOL! The Anything Muppet customizing set sounds great, too, similar to what the show's workshop would do to create extra characters.
Guy Smiley is one of my favorite Muppets, so that's great, too! I hope they make the stolen-watch-guy who peddles letter and numbers... :smile:


I wonder how the sesame street playset like environment is going to work. It's very interesting. I wonder if a series of playsets would be better though. I mean, how can they fit all the steps and the door of 123 Sesame? Not to mention the windows and stuff. I just hope the collector versions of the figures do well. I'd hate to get one section og the street without the other sections.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2002
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Looks like I'll be able to die happy...

Well, as long as I get a Telly figure.

They don't make Telly, I'm dragging them down with me.



Nov 14, 2004
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Sesame Playsets

timrikthegorf said:
I wonder how the sesame street playset like environment is going to work.

I imagine (since the street is mostly narrow brownstones) that they'll make a theater-like flat/backdrop for each figure, comprised of a section of sidewalk and the building front going up to the roof. The more you buy, you snap 'em together and the more fleshed out it becomes. I imagine (given the elaborateness of the Muppet Show backstage and the Swine Trek bridge) that they might do more involved environments later on, i.e. Hooper's Store, Big Bird's nest, etc.

I feel pretty confident that however Palisades does it, it'll be really nice and faithful to the show.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well... that hit me like a ton of bricks. I'd say good news, but this is much better than that. You know... I was kinda worried when F4A fell butt backwards the toy line would die... but leave it to Palisades to pick us up and blow us away with the news.

Personally, I think this toy line could do even better than TMS did, since I feel SS characters are more popular. I men, Dr. Teeth is a popular character muppetwise... but mention his name, and you'll get shruggs. But say Don Music, and people say... Oh I remember him... used to bang his head on the piano.

I cannot wait. I mean, the finalized F4A sculpts were pretty good at best.... I'd've bought them... but Palisades would blow them totally out of the water.

Ken... if you're listening, I have a request. Seeing as how "Superhero" variants are usually con exclusives or magazine exclusives, can you make an exception for Grover? Cuz personally, I would buy a Super Grover over plain old Grover any day!

Well... just read he will be... and I gotta say... I'm pretty disappointed he's an exclusive. THough It's outweighed by my enthusiasm they are making the line, to hold the toy for club members only is kinda a downer... Mayhaps a slightly different Super Grover down the line... ya know... fo us who aren't members and can't afford 20+ a figure

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wondered where you were for these news Drtooth. Uh, what do you mean by Super Grover being a club only figure? Sure he'll be available to club members, but that's because he'll be the 2005 Tour figure. In other words, if you can get yourself to any one of the conventions this coming year starting with WWLA, you'd be able to get him easily.
Oh yeah, if you want to know... Head on over to the Sesame Street section of the Palisades forum and look for a thread titled "The Bit: Super Grover" or something like that and read through the posts to find a side-by-side comparison in pictures of F4A's Super Grover and the phases PT's figure has/is going through.
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Thanks, but the chances of me going to LA next year are the same as f4a giving us their series 3 line up right now. I'm just a little disappointed since I collect parody super hero action figures and Grover will be expensive even if I can get him. Maybe someone in the club will be nice enough to get one for me, and I'll pay them. The TMS ones I didn't mind since they were incidental characters that appeared in one episode. Whereas Super Grover is integral to the character. But I guess that's life. Maybe we can have a Charlie's Resteraunt Grover varient instead. Or maybe down the line a different sculpt Super Grover for the casual fans. But besides that tiny little cloud, I see nothin' but sunny days ahead, and I'm pleasantly surprised by Palisades ressurecting the SS line. :excited: