Well, I'd say it's worth it. Initially, the only place you could get these figures was either at one of the conventions Palisades Toys attended in the year of 2005... Or if you couldn't make it to the shows, you could buy it through their online Collector's Club. Unfortunately, since the company went belly-up and the club's no longer there, the only way you can get these is on eBay. But I believe there are a few folks still searching for this figure in either versions.
Yes... You see, there were two distinct ways in which the figure was packaged.
First, was Super Grover as Super Grover, with the cloth trenchcoat and alternate Grover Kent head tucked away in the box the figure came in.
Secondly, there was Super Grover as Grover Kent, wearing the trenchcoat and the cape and helmeted head were the extra accessories.
The only way to know which you got was to buy the figure and open up the velcroed window flap revealing the figure itself.
There's a forum member over at
www.creatusmaximus.com named shishalzifrazz who's looking for one, drop him a message should you get the chance.
Hope this helps and have a good day.