Mulch would be good but the height would he be shorter or taller than Van Neuter cause that figure was pretty tall. Looking at the unreleased palisades pieces Clueless Morgan was one that interested. You never really saw what he was wearing so I wonder how Palisades would of tackled it. Any progress on the pieces my good sir always get excited looking at this thread.
Mulch is one I never thought of but now I really want to do that. He is both a classic and modern character which is nice. Not sure on the height. Will have to look at MT episodes.
As for progress.....yes and no. Yes because I finally got the 3d printed joints back and I believe they will work just fine for a ball joint neck, ball jointed shoulders, and elbows. Wrist articulation proved a bit too small to print right. Legs will not move for looks reason and to keep it simple. They really don't need to move anyway.
No progress on anything else. I had some work related issues that took up almost all my free time. Good news is that starting Sunday I should have a week where I can ease up at work a bit and then the next week I'm on vaca so I will try to catch up on everything for fozzie and get sal off the ground and maybe pump out the aliens since they are easy and won't be articulated. We'll see.
I haven't even had time to see muppets most wanted yet.