Actually, I know that. However, even if people see it now, it will be as a relic. The "too bad" comment was meant because it only got two episodes on the air before thus preventing any further episode developments. It's nice that they'll finally show the other episodes, but you can only rerun six shows so many times before they get old.
I guess it is always possible that by some strange miracle it actually develops an audience when CC finally airs the episodes, thus creating a demand for more episodes, but the chances of that are slim to none. There's been talk of an animated Clerks movie, but I think a lot of the people who worked on the series are off working on Kim Possible and other shows. Plus with Jason Mewes strange disappearance it would even be more unlikely. So I'm guessing we'll only ever have these six episodes. I'm actually hoping that they don't make the movie since I'm afraid the freedom from TV's restrictive content guidelines would end up with a movie that relied more on explicit dialogue than offbeat situations.