Out With the Old, In With the New! The New Year's Thread

Any Del

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2016
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2021 I really fared no better, no worse.

A new guy started coming to our church who plays guitar and joined our worship team.
We spent a number of summer evenings on his front porch singing and jamming away. He brought a number of new songs so our repertoire expanded by leaps and bounds.

Still have my health, off dialysis for 20 months now and my kidneys are stronger than they’ve been in a long time.

My wife kept working at CVS while others were furloughed, fired, or quit.

Got to grill every chance I got My dinky little grill saw more burgers, dogs, steaks and corn than some of you will see in your lifetime.

Reunited with a friend of mine I haven’t seen for a few years. He’s my oldest friend, I’ve known since 4th grade.

Cons, nothing in particular, with the notable exception of Biden’s screwup in Afghanistan.
You can accuse Trump all you want, but pulling out the military while leaving American citizens behind, Biden has to own it 100%.

The weather has been about the same. I learned a long time ago not to worry about things you can’t control.
Can you control the weather?
No? Well, neither can I. Next case.

It is a shame Betty White didn’t make her 100th birthday. It would’ve been nice, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Back in 1996, George Burns made it too 100 plus four days, then he kicked the bucket.

Every year celebrities die. Just having a hit tv show or a big movie does not make you immune to a fate we’re all gonna face someday. It’s not the years in your life, it’s the life in your years.

Alex, I’m happy you’re moving soon, so you have something big to look forward to.
Any Del, I know how bad your home life is, but I’m glad your Pros outnumber your Cons.
I'm glad as well too. Besides being done with college, another thing I'm looking forward this year is meeting my favorite furry red monster and Tara Strong via GalaxyCon.