Yes, but you've said nothing to dispute my statement -- you *are* the guy who consistently answers the question. That isn't to say that others don't contribute, but you can always be counted on to not leave people hanging. Plus, I would also say that your frequent posts about upcoming events and jobs does a terrific service.Buck-Beaver said:I also should say that while it's flattering to be called "the #1 puppet answer guy around here" I think it's a bit of an overstatement! There are a number of folks who post here who are much more knowledgable than I am including rickly, butchcat and toastcrumbs among others. I think I just tend to post a lot.
Also, many more puppeteers and builders are "lurkers" - they read the forum but don't post to it.
I understand what you mean about dealing with videotape -- it's always better if we can avoid that -- but I also would hate to cut some folks out completely. Perhaps for this first go around we should accept tapes (VHS/Super 8/mini-DV and with return postage if people want the tape back) and then in the future require FTP'd submissions only. That way people can at least give it one try and if they find they want to participate again they can get the setup they need.
If so, I'm willling to do any NTSC conversions needed -- folks can email me and I'll provide my address. Other than that I'm on board with everything anyone wants to do (and now I have to start getting my puppets in shape for a show :>)