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Once Upon My Heart.

green stuff

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chapter 11
It’s late afternoon/early morning now, and all in the Muppet world are experiencing happy unhappiness.
(While it’s about 4:30 p.m. in America, it’s approximately 6:30 a.m the next morning in China.)
‘’We’re packing little by little- only little by little,’’ Penny said softly. Who was she trying to kid, though? They were leaving in three weeks- little by little was certainly not the case here. Somewhere though, in Penny’s subconscious, she wasn’t trying to convince Jen-Li of that- she was trying to convince herself of that. Either or, it wasn’t working very well. Penny was exceptional at seemingly countless things, but the one thing she was not and never would be good at? Admitting when she was afraid; and right now was the time of times when she was scared. She was frightened out of her mind.
Particularly, all the what if’s swam through her head, creating a whirlpool of doubt and insecurity. What if her career went totally under in America? How would she earn her income then? How would she support Zhen-Yi? What if people did not receive Zhen-Yi well for being a non-American? What if she didn’t get into the college she wanted to? What if she didn’t make friends? What would Penny do? What would she do if Zhen-Yi met a boy? Or better yet-(and this was her worst fear-) what would Penny do if she herself met someone?
It had been three years since Jen-Li’s death, and Penny hadn’t even so much as looked at another man since then. The thought of even being attracted to someone else terrified her, as she still knew in her heart that Jen-Li was the only one for her. So, right then and there, she firmly resolved not to ever kill her husband’s memory by seeing someone else.
She strummed her fingers over the headstone, bowing her head in shame. Never had she felt so low in all her life. If he were still alive, she knew he’d be furious with her. She had broken her word to him. She had dishonored him, their daughter, and their family- not to mention their relationship. The whole time she was there, Penny couldn’t even bring herself to look at the headstone; she was too ashamed of herself. She had broken her word to him.
I’m a terrible, terrible, wife!’ she thought. ‘How can I call myself a suitable partner and wife, much less a mother, if my word does not mean anything? I am so glad Jen is not alive to see this. He would rue the day he married me---or even met me.’
Penny threw herself against the cold hard ground, crying and tugging at her hair. She had broken her word to him, and her heart was ripped in two. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear she could actually feel it breaking deep down in her chest.
One thing was for certain, though. She could never tell Zhen-Yi of this, or reveal her shame to her. As far as Penny was concerned, the only good that would do was open and add salt to an already bleeding wound. Penny wouldn’t have it. She was already ashamed enough of it, and she didn’t wish to be reminded of it. Ever.
‘’I can’t,’’ she quietly sobbed to herself. ‘’I just can’t.’’
From then on, she tried her best to stifle and muffle the sounds of her crying, so as not to wake up Zhen-Yi.
What Penny didn’t know though, was that Zhen-Yi was already up, and had been for quite some time. She heard her mother crying from down in the family temple, and it made her want to cry, too. Though she could hear her crying, what Zhen-Yi didn’t know was what she was so sad about- but she knew it was something major. She had only hear Penny cry this hard once before- and that was when her father died. But that was such a long time ago, and Zhen-Yi was baffled at what was upsetting her so now.
She then decided that unless or until Penny had come to talk to her about it, that it wasn’t for her to know- that was the way she was raised. All the same though, Zhen-Yi wanted nothing more than to know what was bothering her mother; maybe she could fix it, or at least help. Feeling powerless in all other respects, Zhen-Yi had to do the only thing she could do now- pray to her father for protection and guidance.
Zhen-Yi rose in reverence to her spirit dragon just across from her bed. In the bottom portion, she lit two sticks of incense, allowing the smoke and spirit of it inhabit her lungs and spirit. When the flames from the incense finally lit up the dragon, she bowed her head and waist to the dragon emblem, much like a Christian would cross him/herself in front of a crucifix. Zhen-Yi then lowered herself to her knees, bowed her head again, then finally lowered herself into a kowtow, feeling the strength of her deceased ancestors descend upon her.
‘’Baba,’’ she began.
‘’Mama bu shi gaoxing. Ta yiqian shi, xian zai ta bu shi le. Ta shi hen hui, he wo bu zhidao weishenme. Qing- qing zou ta gaoxing, Baba. Qing- yinwei wo bu neng. Qing, Baba. Xiexie.’’
She finished the rest of her prayer in silence, after which time, she allowed the incense to burn out, and she bowed one last time to the dragon before standing up. Zhen-Yi made her way to window just in time to see her sorrowful mother get up to walk back inside- avoiding eye contact with the tombstone at all times. The mere sight of it forced Zhen-Yi to shut her eyes tightly in sympathy. Poor Mama. She only opened them when she heard the fluttering of wings of a tiny bluebird flying just outside Zhen-Yi’s window. Normally, the sight of one would make her laugh and smile, but today, it just made her miserable. Sourly miserable.
‘’Please,’’ Zhen-Yi whispered to the little bird, ‘’not today.’’ With that, she closed the lilac curtains, not only on the little bird, but on the world itself. Seeing her mother so unhappy made her miserable too, especially because she was powerless to stop it or do anything about it.
Zhen-Yi sighed heavily as she crawled back into bed. As she did, she cried while she tried to remember the last time she saw her loving mother smile.

Black. Red. Yellow. - All very noble and respectable colors in their respects. All these represent a different view or aspect of life. Black- a clear symbol of authority and great professional stature and accomplishment. Red-the personification for passion for your craft, life, love and the heart- the force that drives and motivates; the pulse, so to speak. Yellow- Youth, energy, and vibrancy brought to life. Together, these colors formed to represent a very special garment for a very special someone. On top of all, this was going to affect many people’s lives. Yes, Kermit’s plan was coming along just fine.
Putting the finishing touch on this magic garment, Kermit polished up the five letters that spelled out his special someone’s name. This was going to be the best and most powerful part of his plan, and frankly-it was going just swimmingly.
‘’Oh yes. Let’s see how you deal with this,’’ he half whispered to himself.
‘’Kermit,’’ Fozzie began while descending the latter, ‘’I thought you said you’d give me something to eat once I finished.’’ He just finished hanging an economy sized banner reading, ‘’Welcome Back, Everyone!’’
Kermit smiled at his companion warmly, motioning over to the kitchen. ‘’I know. It’s in the kitchen, I made it myself.’’
‘’What is it, Kermit?’’
‘’Oh you’ll like it Fozzie, it’s like nothing you’ve ever tasted!’’
‘’Yes, but what is it?’’
‘’Just go look and see,’’ Kermit said with a mischievous smile. Warily, Fozzie advanced into the kitchen, while Kermit let out a little chuckle. A few seconds later, Fozzie came out of the kitchen with a sandwich on a small saucer- and it was then that Kermit wiped his smile clean off of his face.
Fozzie poked and peeked at the sandwich, almost as if he was unsure of what to do with it. He looked at Kermit for answers. Smiling, he obliged.
‘’It’s a sandwich, Fozzie. I call it-peanut butter and jelly!’’ Kermit looked off into the distance in mock pride of his gourmet skills.
Just when Kermit was explaining his joke, Fozzie seemed like now, at this moment, he was catching on that there was a joke in the first place.
‘’Oh! So that’s what that purple stuff is! Yesssss! I knew that!’’ Fozzie opened up his mouth wide enough to swallow the sandwich whole--when he stopped. He examined the sandwich closer, and realized that it was--all wrong. It was backwards after all, and Fozzie couldn’t eat a backwards sandwich. To him, it was immoral. He put the sandwich down, eyes cast downward.
‘’What’s wrong, Fozzie?’’asked Kermit, genuinely concerned.
‘’Huh? Oh, nothing, Kermit.’’
‘’Are you sure? I mean, you’re not eating. I thought you were hungry.’’
‘’Well, it’s just that- well, I don’t want you to have to waste this one.’’
Kermit looked at his friend, perplexed. ‘’What do you mean, Fozzie?’’
‘’Well,’’ Fozzie sighed. ‘’ Please don’t be mad at me, but it’s just that-when I was a cub, my ma would always put the jelly on top- and you put the peanut butter on the top. So now, this sandwich is no good. I’m so sorry Kermit, I-’’
‘’Um, Fozzie?’’
‘’I feel so terrible- I’m wasting my best friend’s food!’’
‘’And to think of all the things that you’ve done for me over the years, and I show my gratitude my having to throw this delicious sandwich away. Oh, say goodbye, sandwich! Goodbye cruel world- Goodbye, goodbye, parting is such sweet-’’
‘’Fozzie!’’ Kermit wailed.
‘’Yeah?’’ Fozzie replied looking over at Kermit- almost as if he wasn’t just having a eulogy for a sandwich.
‘’You don’t need to do all that Fozzie.’’
‘’Huh? I don’t?’’
‘’No, you don’t,’’ said Kermit shaking his head. ‘’ All you have to do…..is turn the sandwich…..over.’’
A brief pause. Kermit looked over at Fozzie to see if he would do as told. Sure enough, Fozzie carefully flipped the sandwich over, only to discover that Kermit- was right. There it was, the jelly that he loved so much, right on the top of the sandwich. Magic, he thought.
‘’Ah! Wocka wocka!’’ he looked at the sandwich triumphantly, apparently pleased with himself, and dug in.
‘’Sheesh,’’ Kermit muttered, shaking his head, ‘’I’ve gotta get some more friends.’’

‘’You’ve got to follow, follow your star. You’ve got to follow, no matter how far.’’ Robin sang out as he scrubbed the stage as hard as his fingers would allow him to. By this point though, his fingers were really sore, and were on the verge of turning red. Luckily, he was finished with the scrubbing now, and he went outside the backstage door to dump the water. It was the color of mud, a very pretty color for stage water to be, one can imagine.
The good news: Robin was finished was the one stage and audience seating. The bad news? He hadn’t even started on the backstage area. He sighed as he acknowledged this fact. He couldn’t exactly put his finger on it, but there was just something that made cleaning up the theatre today-well-monotonous. Traditionally, it was a joy for the young teen, but today, he just wanted it to be over with, and he just didn’t know why.
All the same, work was work, and he had lots to do. He grabbed a single mop and bucket, and headed for the backstage area.
‘’I think I’m gonna need help,’’ he muttered.
‘’Did someone ask for help?’’ asked a voice very familiar to Robin’s respective ears.
He turned to find his three best mates, Eric, Josh, and Bryan (all frogs of course,) standing in the front doorway of the theatre.
‘’Or should I say, groan for help?’’ asked Eric, ever the taunting one.
‘’Eric! Bryan! Josh! What are you guys doing here?!’’
‘’We miss you, pally! You never hang out with us anymore. So, we figured: if we helped you get done here, you’d have more time to be with us, ‘’ explained Josh.
‘’Thanks guys! You’re great!’’
‘’Yeah yeah, but before you start thinking we’re too nice, just remember- we have ulterior motives- we want time with you in return. That’s the deal, got it?’’ Bryan said with a half grin.
‘’Deal!’’ cried Robin. ‘’But for now, grab whatever cleaning supplies you can find, and head backstage. There’s a lot of work to be done back there. Thanks again guys- I really don’t think I could’ve done this without you.’’
‘’Or me!’’ rang in a voice from the back. The voice belonged to a girl about Robin’s age, high pitched, but yet coy and a bit flirtatious. Robin and all the guys turned around to see Robin’s very best friend, Megan the Frog. She was donned in a plaid skirt with a black T-shirt was a V in the middle. Her honey-blonde hair relaxed perfectly to her shoulders. To say the least, Megan was sort of the idea girl as far as the friends were concerned in that she had the best of both worlds. She was feminine, fun, coy, and boy did she know how to flirt her way out of something-or sometimes-into something. On the other hand, she was very much one of the guys. She played football and video games, wrestled, was the hailed game master of all their dungeons and dragons games, and participated in whatever other ways they had fun. I t was even fair to say that sometimes, her friends forgot she was a girl. But Robin sure didn’t.
‘’Who do you think rallied the troops in the first place?’’ Megan asked.
‘’Hey Megara! What’s up?’’ all the guys advanced to her, high-fiving her and making her the target of their noogies.
‘’Ok, that’s enough guys, the hair?’’ That was definitely the sign to back off, which they did without question. It was only then that she was finally able to push through the crowd and talk to Robin.
‘’So, pulling a Tom Sawyer on us, Rob? Bringing us all here so we could do your chores for you?’’
‘’Please,’’ said Robin rolling his eyes. ‘’You guys are just here to help me backstage.’’

Megan and he guys looked around, feeling highly perplexed. The place looked--immaculate everywhere else, so what could he possibly be talking about?
‘’Well, what else is there to do?’’ asked Josh.
Robin, in response, cocked his head just to his left.
‘’Have you seen the green room?’’

green stuff

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
And! if that didn't make you guys happy enough--I'm starting to type chapeter 12. But for now, enjoy the story!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
We did... Or at least I have indeed enjoyed this update...

Wow, so much you hit us with.
Sadness at Penny's plight wrestling with the promise she made to her now deceased husband.
Empathy for Zhen-Yi not being able to help her mama stop crying and a bit of reverence at her spirit dragon as to how she's trying to handle the situation.
Understanding with the explanation of the values associated with the colors.
Laughter at Fozzie's foibles eulogizing the sandwich Kermit prepared before simply flipping it over resolving his dilema.
And a bit of oohing at the introduction of Megan the Frog... OK, so I'm a sucker for the fanfic introduction of new characters and pretty faces, so sue me. Like how she's got a bit of double-role character to her: flirtyness and girlish boyishness to the point that she's one of the guys... And the fact they're there to help so Robin can spend some time with his chums again...
Great stuff greenstuff, keep it coming and post more when ready!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Fab green stuff! I love it. Poor Penny. It almost makes me wanna find her deceased husband and tell him to stop being so stubborn! However, if I did then we wouldn't have a story huh? Megan the Frog? Do I sense a little something here? Then Zhen-Yi helpless? This is great. More please!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Agreed... We need some more fanfic, noticed it's on the decline lately... Seems like all the authors who have stories currently spinning decided to get together and take a hiatus. Unless you count the powerhouse that is the Torture Line Two-o, or should that be Trio?
Anyway... More please when you can Nicee (Nicki).


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
This story is shaping up quite nicely. I look forward to chapter 12!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Yep... Sure is a good story, look forward to whenever it gets updated.

green stuff

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
As a matter of fact, I'm working on it right now!
Why, it's like you could read what was inside of me!

green stuff

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chapter 12
‘’Are you sure green’s the right color, Piggy? I mean, he’s already green himself.’’
‘’Oh nonsense, darling!’’ Piggy cried, throwing a sweet piece of lingerie into their cart. It is worth mentioning though, that at this point, their cart was flowing like a waterfall-over.
Poor Braden. True, the girls were having a great time, but this was more than he could say for himself. He had been given the arduous task of pushing the cart; though he was a strong guy the weight of this shopping cart would even be a challenge for Hercules himself. Looking down into the contents of the cart, he found himself at a loss as to what half of the stuff in there was even for. Nonetheless, he trudged along behind the girls in silence. If I had know that this was part of the marriage deal…Yes, Braden loved his wife to pieces, but inwardly, all he wanted to do was get out of there and find the nearest sports bar. It was just too much- well-girliness for him to handle.
His face grew increasingly long and troubled. Slowly but surely, he felt his eyebrows raise and his forehead wrinkle like a bulldog’s face. He closed his eyes briefly, struggling to regain his composure, and laughed to himself in that rich baritone voice of his.

‘Oh yes, this was a great idea, wasn’t it? Just great….fantastic…..’
He was already supposed to be back on the set a half an hour ago, and his director-well, he only had so much room for patience in his disposition.
‘’Ok girls- can we please hurry this along a little bit? I do have to go back to work, you know..’’ he said this in his nicest voice possible, after first flashing a captivating Prince Charming smile. However, as always, his best attempts at being nice were foiled by one ‘’The Mrs.’’ as she had enchanting ways of getting what she wanted as well.

‘’Oh c’mon honey, lighten up! You already called the studio and told them you were going to be late. What’s ten more minutes?’’
‘’What’s wrong with a normal person’s ten minutes? Nothing. But you, my dear, sweet, darling angel- are not normal. Your ten minutes turns into two hours, and I just can’t do that tonight. I-’’
‘’But baby!’’

Oh no. She did it. She went and said it. The word. The ‘’B’’ word. The word of all words. The word she always uses to manipulate me into getting what she wants. And it works-without fail-every time-and I know it.

Since the beginning of their courtship, Braden had always loved hearing Samantha’s pet names for him--but that one---that one took the cake. Oh yes, Samantha was playing with the big guns now. Braden’s long face melted away to reveal a wry smile. He bent down to her level of earshot, and whispered these sweet nothings to her:
‘’You owe me big for this.’’

Braden then reached into his left-hand pocket, pulling out a silver rectangular shaped object, and pressing a very familiar, yet death-sounding number on it. While the phone rang, he thought to himself, ‘I can’t believe she played the ‘B’ card on me--again! Man, what a softie I’m turning out to be!’
Finally, after about the third ring, a shrill sounding voice was heard on the other end.

‘’Yeah Harvey, it’s me. Listen, uh, can you tell Conor I can’t make it tonight?………..Tell him I’m sick…..’’

Just as these words escaped him, he say Samantha pull out- the backup-from her purse. The backup was her American Express Card; courtesy of her checking account- which they had jointly. This meant that their purchase was going to be over $500.00

Braden gulped hard, and almost dropped his phone as he did so. Uh oh..
‘’Yeah, Yeah, I’m still here, Harvey. Uh, no I’m not sick right now- but I’m going to be….’’

‘’Like, hi Kermit! How are you?’’
‘’Hey Janice, Come on in! Boy, it’s good to see you!’’ He hugged the beautiful blonde passionately, trying hard to remember the last time they had actually seen each other.
‘’So how’s everything? How’s Floyd?’’
‘’Oh, like you know, he’s-’’ but before, Janice got to answer Kermit, a thunderous boom was heard, followed by a furry blue streak crashing through what was once Kermit’s front door.
‘’I’m ok!’’ They heard in the faint distance. Kermit and Janice looked at each other, shook their heads and said in unison, ‘’That could only have been…-’’

‘’Gonzo! Nice to see you!’’ Kermit actually, instead of hugging him, pulled as far away as he could from him-he was still smoking, that is. He somehow managed to pull himself together enough though to carry on-somewhat of a conversation.
‘’Hey, I don’t see Camilla anywhere- is she here, Gonzo?’’ For a minute there, Gonzo’s face turned from blue to red, and he tried his best to hide it. Kermit wasn’t sure of why he was embarrassed, or ashamed, as he would have it- so he didn’t question. Instead, his intelligence was insulted with,
‘’Oh you know women, sometimes, they just like to be off doing their own thing, you know?’’ Kermit scrunched up his face in incredulity. He wasn’t buying that for a minute.
‘’She broke up with you again, huh?’’
‘’Well I can’t say as I blame her- what with after the third time you burned her with those exploding fish and all.’’

‘’I know,’’ Gonzo said, guiltily shaking his head. ‘’And to let one little third degree burn get in the way of such a passionate relationship. Rats.’’
‘’Yeeeah,’’ said Kermit sarcastically. ‘’Hey, speaking of rats, have you seen-’’

‘’Rizzo! Hey! Come for the food, stay for more food, right?’’
‘’Well it’s about time you got it right, green stuff!’’ he said jokingly. Rizzo looked around anxiously for his favorite part of the house-the kitchen. However, he wasn’t finding it, so then it was time to cut to the chase.
‘’Say, what’s to eat in this joint? I’m starved.’’
‘’Oh, well right now, there’s some cheese in the fridge. Oh! And I just cut some fresh-’’

‘’Dr. Honeydew! Up to any good experiments lately?’’
‘’Well, sadly no. Beakie and I are teaching chemistry at the high school level this year- unfortunately though, that consumes most of my time. I did come up with a secret scotch tape communication device, but it’s existence was sadly temporary.’’
‘’Ma me mo mo meep,’’ Beaker echoed.
‘’Oh that’s too bad,’’ Kermit sympathized. ‘’So what high sch-’’ but he was cut off by the shrill ringing of a phone. He froze. He stared. He contemplated the one person that it could be calling him. He scanned the room left to right, looking for the source of the noise, until suddenly, he realized it was Bunsen’s phone.

‘’Oh. Pardon me, I have to take this,’’ he said as politely excused himself from the room.
Kermit then let down his guard as he let an unbelievably big sigh of relief out. Close call.
‘’Thank goodness. For a minute there, I thought that was my-’’

‘’Sweetums! So glad you could make it! Boy, won’t Robin be surprised to see you? You know, I should have gone and made you the guest of honor!’’

‘’Kermin? Kermin? Jou lied to me, hokay? Jou said that there was going to be sexy womens here, hokay? Well, I have been here for a long time, and not even Kate Winslet is here, hokay?’’

Kermit couldn’t stop himself from laughing; this was just too good!
‘’Oh c’mon, Pepe, I had to say something to get you to get you to come! Otherwise, I knew you’d be at home watching that same Jennifer Lopez concert!’’

‘’Gasp! Jou mean…jou tricked me, hokay?’’
‘’Ay….jou think jou know a guy..’’

Within an hour, the whole gang had shown up- that is- except Robin, of course. But not yet- the role of Robin was to be played in a much different way tonight..


‘’Oh boy, this place is spick-and span!’’ said Lee, the lead singer of the band.
Robin turned a slightly brighter hued, letting his humble side get the better of him once again.
‘’Well, thanks to my friends,’’ Robin said humbly, gesturing to them on either side of him. ‘’Without their help, I never would have gotten this done.’’
‘’You got that right,’’ chimed in Megan.

‘’Well, here’s you pay all the same.’’ Lee pulled a rather sizeable was of cash out of his pocket, and handed it to Robin. Before handing it to him though, Lee gave him a slight wink as if to say, ‘’You earned it, kid.’’

‘’Thanks, Lee!’’ cried Robin. The boys shook hands, and Robin carefully placed the money is his jacket pocket. Unfortunately, most of it wouldn’t be there for long; because he knew just what to do with his newfound fortune.
‘’Hey guys! Dinner on me!’’

‘’Really?’’ asked Josh.
‘’Really really. It’s the least I do for all the work you guys helped me with.’’
‘’Wow. Cool. Thanks, man,’’ said Bryan in his ever-mellow tone.
‘’Where should we go?’’ Megan asked.
‘’Mm-I was thinking….the usual? Frontier?’’
‘’Frontier,’’ said Josh
‘’Frontier,’’ said Eric
‘’Frontier,’’ said Bryan.

He rushed over to his friends, linking arms with them (in a cute Wizard of Oz sort of way…)
‘’Then?’’ And they all said in unison,
‘’Hidy hi, Hidy ho, to the Frontier we go!’’ And they were going, when..

‘’Wait dudes! Are you guys gonna audition?’’
‘’Huh? Audition for what?’’ they all said.
‘’Romeo and Juliet. I’m stage managing it. Auditions are in three weeks in the drama room. You guys going!’’
‘’Aw man, another lame-o Shakespeare?’’ whined Eric. Seemingly, except for Megan, all the friends seemed to agree.
‘’I’ll go,’’ she said. ‘’I love Romeo and Juliet. It’s one of my favorite Shakespeares.’’
‘’Of course it is, you’re a girl,’’ muttered Bryan under his breath. Megan caught it, however, and she responded with a very hard stare in Bryan’s direction.

‘’You wanna run that by me again?’’
‘’Uh, no I’m good,’’ Bryan gulped. They all then turned back to Lee as he finished up his info session.
‘’Anyway, this time it’s not gonna be so lame. They’re jazzing it up, you know; making it-contemporary.’’

‘’Cool! Sign us up!’’ Robin cried ever- so enthusiastically. ‘’We’ll definitely be there!’’

‘’Yeah sounds like somebody wants to be Romeo!’’ one of them shouted, followed by several cat calls.
‘’Sounds to me like somebody else is not too hungry,’’ Robin shot back.
‘’Point taken,’’ said the friend. ‘’Let’s go then!’’

‘’Yeah!!’’ With great vigor and vim they all ran out of the theatre, the sun shining perfectly on their youth. So vibrant. So energetic So carefree. Most of all, they were so hungry!

‘’PARTY TIME!!!!!’’