Yes, I find that characters take on a life of their own whether they are yours are other people's characters.
I've been noticing something about all of us that write fanfic, but I've been debating about whether or not to say it lest I get shot by a million penquin cannons or pelted with stale muffins, but, well, here it is: We all seem to tell our story over and over again.
I have been writing since I was about the age of some of you whippersnappers, and I would have been affronted if someone had suggested to me that I would ever include a MJ characters. I certainly know better, at least. And yet, and yet, when I look back over my latest fanfic (Kermie's Girl), darned if we don't have a lunatic seamstress (gulp) and a mole who likes to feed people (double yikes). I also have a scummy reporter, but he's a real muppet, not my own creation, and I'm trying not to take it too personal that he's become such a scumbag while I'm writing him. And, if I may take the excessive liberty...
Our dear Count, Ed, is currently hosting us all in extreme comfort in his Christmas fanfic, much like he hosts us in the dorms. If there is a "LMK-if-you-need-help guy" in this section of the board, it's darling Ed for sure. He is seeing to everyone's comfort and pleasure--he wants to make sure no one is excluded. Hugs.
In her latest story, Lisa has taken on the role of patient chronicler of "the whole thing." She's detail-oriented and likes to make everything work together. (There is that slight abberation of Kermit having had a former wife and child, but that's not interfering significantly with the story she is so patiently re-telling.) She's our town historian, so to speak.
Lelya (hi there, love!) is writing a story about a newcomer to the Muppet Dorsm, and she's a newbie to our family here even though she fits right in, just like Denise! Denise has a prior claim on one of the muppets (Piggy) because they have a history together, just like Leyla has been a long-time muppet fan.
Sara is telling us with many of her stories that she is a warm and loving person looking for someone worthwhile to share herself with--whether it's her writing, or her affection, or her artwork. (Hope I'm not seeming to familiar, dear.) Also, she is writing about how a new baby Gonzoid is being warmly accepted into the muppet fold, which is both an expression of her generous nature and a hope to stay close to her muppet family.
That's not everybody, sure, and I hope I've not offended anyone by pointing out what I see. Anybody else want to comment?