I swear, nothing is safe anymore
I swear, nothing is safe anymore
An what's life without risks? Plus, when it is truly time to rest in peace, we go, whether we like it or not. Besides, death itself is nothing to fear, even if we try to avoid it, because, for those who believe in some form of afterlife, it's just a new beginning, not the end. Heck, even if you don't believe in some sort of afterlife, you know that you should live life to its fullest before your time comes (i.e. that is to live each day like it would be your last or basically live like you were dyin', but yet, still realize that you're loved by those who brought you into this world and those who've since become a part of the world you've emersed yourself into, because Daddy's don't just love their children every now and then; it's a love without end, amen).Regardless of what we do find out, if we were to stay away from absolutely everything that could cause a potential threat to our bodies or health, then we might as well live out our lives trapped in a bubble.
I think a lot of these disorders are just a crock.Nope. But hey, we've had "unsafe" things for years! Heck, back when we were kids, not one of us had heard of these disorders that nearly 90% of people now seem to be diagnosed with.
Yeah, notice how lately, there's been an increase in "studies found this favorite food stuff of most people has something bad in it that will increase your risk of heart failure, etc". They're just trying to scare people into losing weight, that's all.To me this is just another attempt at trying to raise people's hysterics about certain products and things.