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Official SW3 Thread - DO NOT READ - SPOILERS!!!

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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So if you've seen it, let's discuss it! I loved loved loved it! Did anyone catch the Millenium Falcon? Were you pleased with how everything was tied up? If I could have changed one thing, I'd have wanted the ending to be milked a little more. Oh man, this was such a cool movie!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2004
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i love it when palpatine and windu battle!
"Do What Must be Done,SHOW NO MERCY"~palpatine
"you willbe...darth..vader!"`palpatine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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DUDE! FREAKIN AWESOME! Until now, The Empire Strikes Back was my favorite. Now, I have a new one. I went to the midnight matinee, and there was a huge storm, so right when Dooku appeared with two of Grievous' bodygards, the power went off. And it didn't come back on for another half hour. I was so worried it wouldn't!! Anyway, here's what I loved:
The opening sequence was great... you thought it was just two Jedi Starfighters and a Destroyer, but when they launched downward over the front of the Star Destroyer, my hair stood on end, for on the other side of that starship was the biggest space battle I've ever seen. And once they got inside of Grievous' ship, Obi-Wan leaped into the air, and when he landed, he struck down some bad guys. R2-D2 was really funny. He got to handle a few battle droids and G.G.'s guards. Dooku didn't have much to say in this one... I figured there'd be more dialogue. When Palpatine told Anakin to kill him, I was waiting for Dooku to say "You promised me immunity" and beg Palpatine to help. Quite impressive... it's amazing how this episode started out like the hero was once again going to come out on top.
Yoda helping the Wookies on Kashyyyk was awesome, despite the fact it was short. I liked the opening scene when Yoda lands on Kashyyyk; you see the woshyr trees all around, and they're beautiful, just like they were described in the Star Wars novels. The Wookies kicked major *****. They were so cool to watch fight. I liked seeing Yoda at the top of the command center with a couple clone troopers, along with Tarful and Chewbacca. Around this same time, Obi-Wan, despite Anakin's protests, goes to Utapau to face off with Grievous.To me, Obi-Wan's the "Han Solo" of the prequels. Seeing Kenobi so smoothly talk to the intimidating general was classic; if I had to face off with someone weilding four lightsabers, I don't think I'd be cocky. The thing that Grievous rode was neat. I liked seeing Kenobi on Boga and the general on his wheel, fighting. That bird/lizard kinda freaked me out. Once Kenobi off'd the general, he goes back to Commander Cody, the one in charge of the assult on Utapau, and picks up his lightsaber he dropped...
Back on Coruscant, Palps reveals himself to Anakin, who almost brings an end to the Sith rule, but instead runs to Mace and tells him about it. Mace doesn't think that it's a good idea for Anakin to help bring down the Chancellor, so Mace organizes a team of four Jedi to take him down. Palpatine is so sweet to watch here! I figured with four Jedi, he'd be better suited with a double-bladed lightsaber. But in less than a minute, he kills three out of the four Jedi. But when it's just Mace and Palpatine, Mace has the upper ground, and as Palpatine is driving all the dark lightning he can towards Mace, Mace blocks it with his saber and drives it back towards Palp, and as he does, you see the transformation of Palpatine to the disgusting, disfigured person he is later on. Anakin shows up, and Palpatine says he's too weak to fight on. Anakin knows he needs him to save his wife, so Anakin does the unthinkable: right when Mace is about to strike him down, Anakin moves in and cuts the hand with the lightsaber in it. After Mace is defenseless, Palpatine shoots one more blow of lightning towards Mace, and throws him far out the window, where he drops to his death. The only thing wrong here is that Anakin knows he just did an absolutely horrible thing, but instantly becomes a Sith Lord.
The first order Darth Vader is given is to go to the Jedi Council with clonetroopers and wipe all the Jedi out. The saddest thing is when the kids die; you don't see it, but when Vader ignights his saber, your throat chokes up. While Vader is going on with the Jedi Purge, Palpatine executes Order 66, which is where all the clones around the galaxy turn on the Jedi. To me, this was really sad, and I did shed a tear when I saw Ki-Adi Mundi, Aalya Secura, Plo Koon, and many others die at the hands of the troopers.
Once Vader has done his duty, he's sent to Mustafar to kill the Separatist leaders. Obi-Wan and Yoda, with the help of Bail Organa, make it back to the Temple, fighting off troopers as they do. What the two Jedi Masters see inside is unbelievable. They find out Anakin has turned to the dark side. Yoda tells Obi-Wan he will "deal with our new Emperor" while Obi-Wan finds Anakin, which he does by sneaking aboard Padme's ship, since she didn't tell Kenobi herself. Anakin is furious when he sees his old master at the top of the landing ramp, and force-chokes Padme. Obi-Wan comes down, and despite the fact that he cared for his old apprentice, he had no choice but to bring him down.
Yoda goes to the Emperor's office, which is right below the Senate Meeting Room, and the Red Royal Guards try to take him down, but they are of little challenge. The Emperor, however, is not, and after a few words, he hurtles the short Jedi across the room, knocked down. But he soon gets up, and throws Palpatine across the room. Yoda tells the Emperor that he's sorry the Sith rule was too short, and that Anakin was without a master to teach him the ways of the Sith too soon. The two of them pull out the lightsabers, and **** is unleashed... they fight onto the platform that raises them up to the Senate Meeting Chambers, and from there they hop to the pods surrounding them. Once Palpatine gains some ground, he starts to use the force to throw down the Senate seating pods, but Yoda finally grabs ahold of one with the force, and hurtles it back up at Palpatine. Yoda, somehow, falls over, all the way down to the floor, knocked out for a while, but soon gets up and escapes. Bail Organa picks him up in his speeder, where Yoda says that he must go into exile... very sad, indeed.
Back on Mustafar, the two former friends are battling it out, dodging ash and swinging on cables. Finally, after fighting on two platforms in the lava sea, Obi-Wan gets to a shore, and when Anakin jumps, Obi-Wan slices him at the knees and at his only real had, leaving Anakin legless and without his real limb. Lava curls onto the bank, setting Anakin on fire... Obi-Wan watches in horror, telling him that he was the chosen one, and that he was supposed to end the Sith rule, not join. Obi-Wan leaves him for dead, but he doesn't die, due to the perfect timing of Vader's new master, Emperor Palpatine. On board is Padme, and she's taken to the Tantive IV for medical treatment. There, she gives birth to Luke (I've never been more proud of my name) and Leia. After that, she gives up what strength she has, and dies.
At the same time she's giving birth, Anakin is being rebuilt into you-know-who. We even get to see what Vader sees when he's looking thru his mask. There may not be much of Vader, but when he asks how Padme was, Palpatine tells him that with his anger, he killed her. He roars with rage, "Nooooo!" Later on, feeling accustomed to his new life support/ body armor, Vader joins his master aboard a Star Destroyer, and as they look out the window, they see the Death Star being built... so, there's the legend of Darth Vader.
Yoda decides that the twins should be split, so Bail Organa takes Leia as his adopted daughter, while Obi-Wan takes Luke to Owen and Beru Lars. Quite amazing, huh?
The only things I didn't see were George Lucas in his cameo, and I didn't see the Millennium Falcon. Anyone wanna tell me where that stuff was?

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Frogster said:
The only things I didn't see were George Lucas in his cameo, and I didn't see the Millennium Falcon. Anyone wanna tell me where that stuff was?
I also missed the Lucas appearance, but I only heard of it through a friend, was that really supposed to be in there?

Right after that magnificent space ship battle in the very begining, and everyone's landing back to port on Corusant, there's like fifty ships flying in and out of that big building... but if you look in the bottom right corner, you'll see the Millenium Falcon coming in for a landing. None of my friends saw it either, but I noticed two other people in the theatre pick up on it. Truthfully, there is so much goin' on in that movie visually, it's near impossible to take it all in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I saw it today at 11 am. Great movie, very dark and tragic. I think what made this movie great was the score by John Williams. Example, when Vader rises up in hist outfit, Williams has his orchestra play a very sad and tragic tune that signifies that Skywalker is gone and all the good in him is dead too. Yjat Darth Sidios guy was pulling Skywalkers strings and lieing the whole time to him. This is the best of the new triology and probably as good as Empire if not better.

I'd give it 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Vic Romano said:
I also missed the Lucas appearance, but I only heard of it through a friend, was that really supposed to be in there?

Right after that magnificent space ship battle in the very begining, and everyone's landing back to port on Corusant, there's like fifty ships flying in and out of that big building... but if you look in the bottom right corner, you'll see the Millenium Falcon coming in for a landing. None of my friends saw it either, but I noticed two other people in the theatre pick up on it. Truthfully, there is so much goin' on in that movie visually, it's near impossible to take it all in.
I saw it! I saw it!

And I saw the movie too...

Will tell more tomorrow. I can only say right now that the rating was SERIOUSLY off. Little clidren as young as six or seven should NOT see that many people die...not to mention Ani burning up with his hair melting....


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2002
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I saw it this morning at 10:30 and I have to say...it was AWESOMELY EVERYTHING I EXPECTED!! The opening battle was interesting and the movie went on and started to pick up speed as Palpatine springs into action against Mace, Saesee, Kit, and Agen. From there on out, the movie was ABOVE AND BEYOND!! Go R2-D2 for his scenes fighting battle droids! Along with Grievous against Kenobi....did Grievous sound somewhat like a foreign spy of some sort or was it just me? I seriously started to shed some tears during the movie because of the senseless killing of the Jedi as well as the Younglings, along with the breaking up of a friendship that has lasted for 13 years.

I agree with what Kevin Smith said in his review of the movie, this movie is similar to Hamlet, Othello, or many other Shakespearian works. Also interesting was the explination of Foce Ghosts and how they come to be.

And now for some quotes that I enjoyed:

Obi-Wan: Sith Lords are our specialty.

Bail: Captain Antilles!
Capt. Antilles: Yes sir.
Bail: I place these droids [R2 and 3P0] in your care. Have the protocol's memory wiped.
C-3P0: What??
*R2 beeps and whislte*
C-3P0: Oh-no!

Obi-Wan: So uncivilized! *throws down blaster*
[After shooting Grievous in the heart with his blaster, destroying him]

That's all for now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok, Ok. You talked me into it. I will post more.

Loved the CGI. Didn't notice it, concidering practically everything from the ground up was computer generated.

I thought that Yoda should have been a Puppet in two places, where (to my eyes at least) he's have shown more emotion in his body movements. The first, when he sences the Jedi youngling's die. And then again later.

I nearly almost shed a tear at one point....but didn't.

I thought that once again Obi's lines were somewhat forced, and unnatural, but Ani did an ASTOUNDING performance of his inner battle compared to the second movie.

What was with C3-P0? He hardly had any lines, none of which made me laugh, and he acted somewhat more stupedly.

I must confess that scarey old-men with crackly voices, doign eveil laughter makes me scared!

Wish there had been more in the theatre though...we have a small one, so there was only about thirty there, leavign about a hundred empty seats.....

Al Hempker

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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I spotted the Falcon, but missed the Lucas cameo. I agree it was a great film. Lucas definitely got it right this time. The last shot with Owen & Beru holding Luke as the twin suns are setting was wonderful, especially with John Williams' score being identical to the similar scene in Episode IV.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Why did they have C-3PO's memory wiped out anyway?
