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Official SW3 Thread - DO NOT READ - SPOILERS!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Becuase he couldn't remeber in Episode 4. So, they had to wipe it ready for that.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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How sweet was General Greivous with 4 light sabers, especially the two he was spinning that tore up the floor!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ja. Awesome indeed.

And that blue-creature-thingy was very cute. "Arrrk!" But, strange there was no Creature fight in this movie. There always is in the others.

Also, certain Jedi's died to fast. I should have liked to see more small stories involving their deathes, or ast least had them Do something. The blue-skinned female with the - hair? - died pretty poorly. As did my favorite Jedi, the great Ki Adi Mundi, and also Plo Klon. You could hardly identify him before he went down. Ki Ada Mundi....makes me sad to think of it. Just Shot like that. Couldn't he sence, feel, notice before he was killed?

Couldn't he take one out with him?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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I agree with Beau; surely not all the Jedi could've died without sensing it... Aalya Secura, the blue Twi'lek (two tails on her head), died a little over-dramatically. As awesome of a movie this was, I loved the book by Matthew Stover better. It has a lot more dialogue. Some things I would've liked seeing was, at the very end, before they show Owen and Beru Lars with Luke looking at the suns, it should have shown Obi-Wan riding off to the Dune Sea. Also, it would have been excellent to see Yoda landing on Degobah, checking out his new home. And when Yoda tells Kenobi of Qui-Gon returning, it would have been perfect to see him in the ghost form. Plus, the only other Jedi that talked besides the main four (Obi-Wan, Mace, Yoda, Anakin) was the wonderful Ki Adi-Mundi. In the book, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tiin all talk with Mace about taking Palpatine down. The battle between Dooku, Skywalker, and Kenobi went a little fast. It's been three years since we last saw Dooku, and I guess it just felt like it went a little speedy. But I guess you have to kinda speed things up when you have a lot of things to wrap up and tie into the original trilogy. Yoda kicked so much *** in this film. He's over 800 years old; I wonder how awesome he was in his prime? That'd be interesting. It was sooo cool to see him take on the clone troopers. My favorite part with Yoda is the words he and Palpatine have before they duke it out in the Senate Room. Yoda just seems funny when he's kicking ***.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The only think I really didn't care for was in the end when they had Darth Vader basically come the life...I thought I was watching Frankenstein instead of Star Wars. My husband and I both think they could have been a little more creative than that.

Besides that.....we all loved it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Im not going to go into detail, to save argument, but the 10 people I went with (who have been star wars geeks since birth, and some who were alive when it came out) were all very disappointed, My fiance must have checked his watch 6 times to see when it was going to end. It was just, Cheesy, not like the original (as far as dialog goes). Well, Im glad I saw it, I know the whole story now, but, I was just disappointed in the way they brought the story to film. but the only thing I will comment on was Yoda... in some seens, he looked like a Dog. (lol), and I agree with Beau, in some close up seens, he needed to be a puppet, or both, cuz them trying to make a imitation of the mouth movement of the puppet in CGI wasn't quite there. But as always, I cheered for Frank Oz (I have since episode 1) We went to the midnight showing. BUT my sister loved it (she went to another theater the same night) lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I thought that about Yoda being dog-ish. Cute, puppy dog Yoda!

What I wanted was for his eye's to flash open, like charcters eyes do in X-men. But, never mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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I wonder what JediX would have said about the movie... havent talked to him in a long while, you know he went to see it the first night.

lol, just the last line of Darth Vader... "NOOOOOO!!!" with his hands in the air, was kinda like "STELLLAAA!!!" LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
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Beauregard said:
I thought that about Yoda being dog-ish. Cute, puppy dog Yoda!

Funny you should mention that.........after we left the theater, my son had a baseball game afterwards and there my mom surprised him with a Pug Puppy for his birthday (coming up on Memorial Day)....he named him Yoda!

For some reason it fits him!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Krazedmuppet said:
I wonder what JediX would have said about the movie... havent talked to him in a long while, you know he went to see it the first night.

lol, just the last line of Darth Vader... "NOOOOOO!!!" with his hands in the air, was kinda like "STELLLAAA!!!" LOL!!!
I speak to Jedi reglarly. I'll let you know what he thinks.