Obsolete Muppet skits


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Some Muppet skits can no longer be aired, at least on the newer episodes of Sesame Street, simply because a condition has changed on the show. For example, here are two Ernie and Bert routines that are no longer run because they make mention of the late great Mr. Hooper. (Wording is not exact, just as best as I remember.)

Skit 1: the newspaper
(Setting: Ernie and Bert in apartment living room)
BERT: Ernie, can you run over to Mr. Hooper's store and get a newspaper?
ERNIE: Why don't you get it?
B: Because I got the newspaper yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
E: Well if I'm gonna go outside, I'd better put on an overcoat (which he does)
B: A coat? Ernie, it's a nice day out, and you're only going half a block.
E: (Opens an umbrella) And I'll need an umbrella.
B: An umbrella? There's not a cloud in the sky!
E: Well, you never know. Better to be safe than sorry, I always say. (turns on a flashlight) And a flashlight.
B: A flashlight? Ernie, it's morning!
E: Well, it might get dark. (rubs some cream on his face) And some suntan lotion.
B: Suntan lotion??
E: You know how easy I sunburn, Bert.
B: All right, NOW are you ready to get the newspaper.
E: I sure am. <pause> As soon as I get some bubble gum.
B: Bubble gum? What FOR?
E: In case I meet any bears, on the way.
B: Ernie, there are no bears on Sesame Street.
E: Well, you never know.
B: OK Ernie, OK. But what good, will the bubble gum do?
E: Well you give the bear a piece of bubble gum, you see. And he is so busy chewing it that he can't bite you.
B: That is the DUMBEST thing I have EVER heard. Besides we don't have any bubble gum even.
E: Then I can't get the newspaper.
B: OK Ernie, OK Ernie, OK. You win. I'll get you some bubble gum.
E: Where will you get it?
B: I don't know... at Mr. Hooper's store I guess.
E: OK, but while you're there, pick up a newspaper will ya? <insert Ernie's trademark "kee-he-he" laugh>

Skit 2: chocolate ice cream
(Ernie is eating ice cream off a plate, on the wall in th living room)
ERNIE: Hi there. I'm enjoying some chocolate ice cream. I enjoyed it so much I ate Bert's chocolate ice cream. Not sure what I'll say when he comes home. Mabe he won't notice.
(Front door opens, Bert walks in)
BERT: Hi Ernie, here I am, I'm ready for my chocolate ice cream.
E: Oh, sure Bert. I'll get it for you.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a plate containing two bananas sans peels.
B: Ernie!
E: Yes Bert?
B: What is THAT?
E: That? That's chocolate ice cream.
B: No, Ernie. That's not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not?
B: Chocolate ice cream is SOFT. That is HARD.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a fork. Mashes up the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just soften it up. OK. Now go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
B: No Ernie, it is still not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not, Bert?
B: Chocolate ice cream is COLD. That is WARM.
(Ernie disappears and returns with an tray of ice cubes. Spreads ice among the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just put some ice cubes on it. There, now it's cold, now it's soft, go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
B: No Ernie, it is STILL not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not?
B: Chocolate ice cream is BROWN. That is WHITE.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a gravy boat. Pours gravy all over the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just put some gravy on it.
B: Ernie, that's not gonna work. EEE-YECCH!
E: All right. Now it's soft, now it's cold, and now it's brown. Go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
(Oscar, who is in an unusually good mood, enters the room)
OSCAR: Hey, Mr. Hooper just gave me these two ice cream cones. I knew I couldn't eat both of them. Would either of you like one.
B: Sure. I'll take one. You have that mess, Ernie.
(Oscar spots the mixture on the wall)
O: Hey... what is THAT? <pause>That's no "mess" It looks to me like mashed banana with ice cubes and gravy on top. (hands Ernie the other cone) You can have the ice cream, this is one of my favorites!
(Ernie and Bert look at each other in amazement as Oscar apparently eats the banana mixture. Though we don't actually see him eat it, only act excited over it.)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Going Bananas over Sesame

I'll let you in on a little secret. When I was little, I LOVED bananas. I could eat a bunch a day no sweat. Until I saw Ernie pouring gravy over the bananas and passing it off as chocolate ice cream.

Then there's the clip of our painter friend (Paul Benedict of "The Jeffersons" fame) painting a 10 on a stool. Another guy (wearing coveralls that say "MAC" on the back, sits on the stool and pulls out a banana and puts salt on it before eating it.

Sadly, because of those two skits, the day I turned six I ate my last banana, and 30 years later, I still can't stand them.

So now I gorge on strawberries instead. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Actually, I feel these sketches could still be aired. After all, the first one about the newspaper mentions Hooper's Store which is still there. They don't really mention Mr. Hooper himself. It might be hard to air the second one though, unless Oscar's line of dialog is changed to say that Alan gave him the ice cream cones.

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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I really think that some 80's late 70's stuff should be on Sesame Street. I think they are a little less scary to yound children.:zany:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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SesameMike said:
Some Muppet skits can no longer be aired, at least on the newer episodes of Sesame Street, simply because a condition has changed on the show. For example, here are two Ernie and Bert routines that are no longer run because they make mention of the late great Mr. Hooper. (Wording is not exact, just as best as I remember.)

Skit 1: the newspaper
(Setting: Ernie and Bert in apartment living room)
BERT: Ernie, can you run over to Mr. Hooper's store and get a newspaper?
ERNIE: Why don't you get it?
B: Because I got the newspaper yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
E: Well if I'm gonna go outside, I'd better put on an overcoat (which he does)
B: A coat? Ernie, it's a nice day out, and you're only going half a block.
E: (Opens an umbrella) And I'll need an umbrella.
B: An umbrella? There's not a cloud in the sky!
E: Well, you never know. Better to be safe than sorry, I always say. (turns on a flashlight) And a flashlight.
B: A flashlight? Ernie, it's morning!
E: Well, it might get dark. (rubs some cream on his face) And some suntan lotion.
B: Suntan lotion??
E: You know how easy I sunburn, Bert.
B: All right, NOW are you ready to get the newspaper.
E: I sure am. <pause> As soon as I get some bubble gum.
B: Bubble gum? What FOR?
E: In case I meet any bears, on the way.
B: Ernie, there are no bears on Sesame Street.
E: Well, you never know.
B: OK Ernie, OK. But what good, will the bubble gum do?
E: Well you give the bear a piece of bubble gum, you see. And he is so busy chewing it that he can't bite you.
B: That is the DUMBEST thing I have EVER heard. Besides we don't have any bubble gum even.
E: Then I can't get the newspaper.
B: OK Ernie, OK Ernie, OK. You win. I'll get you some bubble gum.
E: Where will you get it?
B: I don't know... at Mr. Hooper's store I guess.
E: OK, but while you're there, pick up a newspaper will ya? <insert Ernie's trademark "kee-he-he" laugh>

Skit 2: chocolate ice cream
(Ernie is eating ice cream off a plate, on the wall in th living room)
ERNIE: Hi there. I'm enjoying some chocolate ice cream. I enjoyed it so much I ate Bert's chocolate ice cream. Not sure what I'll say when he comes home. Mabe he won't notice.
(Front door opens, Bert walks in)
BERT: Hi Ernie, here I am, I'm ready for my chocolate ice cream.
E: Oh, sure Bert. I'll get it for you.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a plate containing two bananas sans peels.
B: Ernie!
E: Yes Bert?
B: What is THAT?
E: That? That's chocolate ice cream.
B: No, Ernie. That's not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not?
B: Chocolate ice cream is SOFT. That is HARD.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a fork. Mashes up the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just soften it up. OK. Now go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
B: No Ernie, it is still not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not, Bert?
B: Chocolate ice cream is COLD. That is WARM.
(Ernie disappears and returns with an tray of ice cubes. Spreads ice among the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just put some ice cubes on it. There, now it's cold, now it's soft, go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
B: No Ernie, it is STILL not chocolate ice cream.
E: No? Why not?
B: Chocolate ice cream is BROWN. That is WHITE.
(Ernie disappears and returns with a gravy boat. Pours gravy all over the bananas)
E: OK then, we'll just put some gravy on it.
B: Ernie, that's not gonna work. EEE-YECCH!
E: All right. Now it's soft, now it's cold, and now it's brown. Go ahead and enjoy your chocolate ice cream.
(Oscar, who is in an unusually good mood, enters the room)
OSCAR: Hey, Mr. Hooper just gave me these two ice cream cones. I knew I couldn't eat both of them. Would either of you like one.
B: Sure. I'll take one. You have that mess, Ernie.
(Oscar spots the mixture on the wall)
O: Hey... what is THAT? <pause>That's no "mess" It looks to me like mashed banana with ice cubes and gravy on top. (hands Ernie the other cone) You can have the ice cream, this is one of my favorites!
(Ernie and Bert look at each other in amazement as Oscar apparently eats the banana mixture. Though we don't actually see him eat it, only act excited over it.)
When I first saw this on Noggin, I was actually quite shocked when Oscar had 2 chocolate ice cream cones! When I saw that, I was like, "What the ?" I thought grouches always hated ice cream! But I think this may have been made before they had Oscar liking wierd foods like ice cream with pickles and sardines on top, or like what he ended up eating instead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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ssetta said:
When I first saw this on Noggin, I was actually quite shocked when Oscar had 2 chocolate ice cream cones! When I saw that, I was like, "What the ?" I thought grouches always hated ice cream! But I think this may have been made before they had Oscar liking wierd foods like ice cream with pickles and sardines on top, or like what he ended up eating instead.
Are you sure that skit was on Noggin?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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ssetta said:
I thought grouches always hated ice cream!
The Sesame Street 2 record addresses that contradiction, sort of.

Oscar entered Mr. Hooper's store, and asked for a strawberry sundae with pickles and sardines on top, the "favorite dessert of every grouch in the world". In response to Hooper's disgusted reaction, Oscar sang a song about what grouches are like.

One of the lines in Oscar's ditty went:
"And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is as yucky as can be
And if you just can't stand a cuddly little kitty
Then you're a grouch like me"

So if he thinks of ice cream as "yucky as can be", why did he order a strawberry sundae in the first place? I guess the pickles etc. makes it palatable. In that case, we return to our original quandary: why did Oscar have the ice cream cones at Ernie and Bert's place -- and two of them at that! The impression I got was that Mr. Hooper for whatever reason forced the cones on him. Or maybe it was just a continuity error.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Dantecat said:
Yes GeeBee! It Sure Was Shown On Noggin Before! :wink:

I must have missed that Noggin episode. I thought I saw them all. What was the street scene premise for the Noggin episode that is was shown on?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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SesameMike said:
The Sesame Street 2 record addresses that contradiction, sort of.

Oscar entered Mr. Hooper's store, and asked for a strawberry sundae with pickles and sardines on top, the "favorite dessert of every grouch in the world". In response to Hooper's disgusted reaction, Oscar sang a song about what grouches are like.

One of the lines in Oscar's ditty went:
"And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is as yucky as can be
And if you just can't stand a cuddly little kitty
Then you're a grouch like me"

So if he thinks of ice cream as "yucky as can be", why did he order a strawberry sundae in the first place? I guess the pickles etc. makes it palatable. In that case, we return to our original quandary: why did Oscar have the ice cream cones at Ernie and Bert's place -- and two of them at that! The impression I got was that Mr. Hooper for whatever reason forced the cones on him. Or maybe it was just a continuity error.
Well, you have to remember that grouches like to be miserable. So, if Oscar thinks ice cream is yucky, ordering it will make him miserable, which will make him happy. The pickles on top probably made him happy, but since grouches don't like to be happy, that made him miserable, and grouches like to be miserable. :grouchy: