Now what's going on with YouTube?


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Aug 8, 2003
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my problem is that it's just gotten slow as slime yesterday, and I REALLY hate how if you watch a recommended video or subscription or something it AUTOMATICALLY goes to the next video after it, even if the "Auto play" setting are off.
In addition to that, everyday I have to go in and manually adjust my account settings, because everytime I login, they're automatically reset.


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Aug 16, 2009
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Ads are a problem on a lot of sites, deviantART in particular these past several months.

Are you sure about the f5 thing? It refreshes the entire page for me, ads and all.
some videos it works others it doesnt it just depends who runs the ad :eek:


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Aug 8, 2003
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Facebook, Myspace, and Youtube are all changing, and now this happens...

"Wikipedia's getting a new look"
I see that a little too! I mean, c'mon!

Everyone wants to be like everyone else! :smirk:

Actually, Facebook has never changed its look, but yes, MySpace has been Facebookifying themselves for the past several months, as has YouTube. And let us not forget Yahoo! changed their homepage last year as well.

Still, enough is enough!
Aw gee, have you guys seen how YT has rearranged video comments now? You can't even read them, they're cluttered into no kind of organization whatsoever.

EDIT: Okay, apparently Wikipedia's already went ahead with their new look... the layout isn't much different, but now the text is so ridiculously tiny you can't read it without a magnifying glass (or adjusting the page text setting to like medium or something). That, and you can't really search for anything, because it automatically begins search before you finish typing in your query.
The culprit: Young adults who want to watch YouTube clips, post Facebook and Twitter updates on their internet phones.

Everything seems to be getting reconfigured for the cell phone. Much of YouTube's initial restructuring a couple years back was due to the iphone's campaign against Flash support so much of the embedding had to be changed throughout the site. Facebook figured out this format preference early on and that's why users have jumped ship from MySpace. Facebook is simply leaner and quicker for that format, but it does shave off A LOT of bells and whistles that MySpace users really appreciate.

Expect this trend to continue. I'm just as upset by standards changing as anyone. My Muppet Central interactive menu designs have lasted beautifully for nearly 8 years, but tech leader Steve Jobs has a hate on for Flash and wants to kill its future for various reasons that benefit his pocketbook. It's all arbitrary, but in the end the internet standards are enforced by mob rule. If the majority of users don't like something those in charge will want to fix that.

One thing for certain is that we're going to have a lot of tweaky technology attempting to eclipse standards that we're already comfortable with and that's all in the name of progress...and profits.
Facebook is constantly changing i find it worst than youtube changes
Well, that's why it would behoove these sites to create cellphone/palm device ONLY versions of their sites.

Not ALL site do this, but they should, I've seen some with this feature, and it's rather useful.
I love how Apple has the "we're the cool, outsider individuals" attitude and it's JUST as bad as everyone else.

Really... and for like 20 minutes Youtube videos didn't play for me at all. I was trying to watch that Lost thing with the Muppets.... took me 20 minutes and like 10 tries.
WHAT has happened to Google? It appears to have turned into Bing and the clear, clean layout that I always loved so much is a mess, mess, mess. And like my reflection after all that plastic sugary I had done, I don't even recognise it! (Note: I have NOT had plastic sugary...that was obviously a joke...)
Google looks... exactly the same as it always has on my end... :confused:
Not here. For me it has two sidebars with the options such as "news" and "videos", related searches and really ugly icons. Its so obviously trying to be Bing.
I laos forgot to mention that the new Wikipedia is also, and not surprisingly, significantly slower now.

I think the worst of it all is still MySpace Facebookifying themselves, ever since then, there was no more speed - it sometimes takes up to two minutes for your homepage on MySpace to finish loading since they went Facebook, and speed used to be one of the reasons I prefered MySpace.
Um... what just happened to Google Images? When trying to do image searches, you get this LONG page of jumbled thumbnails, that only the first 20 or so load, the rest is just gray squares, and when you try to click to view the actual-sized image, it opens up in a Windows Picture and Fix Viewer-esque thingy... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm sick of this "Newerer is betterer" crap myself... I wouldn't mind any changes if it didn't make everything even harder to use. I liked the smaller pages of picture searches that had the websites listed under them. This "We wanna be Bing" garbage is annoying, hard to use, it has a terrible aesthetic... and it's jus' plain OOgly!

I actually don't mind a couple of Deviant art's changes... well... the fact that looking through someone's gallery photo by photo's a tiny bit easier... I actually like that feature.

But Google images is the worst so far.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Another "wonderful" site "upgrade." Now you get an annoying pop up that takes half the screen with you're recommended or activity selections. Yay! That's not annoying at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Another "wonderful" site "upgrade." Now you get an annoying pop up that takes half the screen with you're recommended or activity selections. Yay! That's not annoying at all.
This only seems to happen when checking out a subscriber's video via the "Subscription" menu.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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YouTube FINALLY fixed a problem with the site: the glitch with the subscription box, now videos disappear again after you've already watched them.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I'm sorry for posting outside of the only two threads I still update, but I'm here to share some info I found out regarding the current problem with YouTube...

How many of you here have been getting this message on every other video you try to watch...

YouTube said:
500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, show them this information:

*Insert random jumbles of letters and numbers*

I have too, all week long, and it's gotten worse everyday, BUT, as it turns out, I've figured out what's going on... apparently, this "situation" is only affecting Internet Explorer. My theory is that since Google has really been even more dictatorial lately, going so far as to force members to register Google accounts to link to their already existing YouTube accounts (for added security), this is probably a plot they've cooked up to get people to switch to their Chrome browser.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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I haven't been getting that message, but I recently found that I'm unable to post comments in the comments sections of my most recent videos.

EDIT TO ADD: In one of my most recent videos, I noticed an icon with "!" in it (between the caption icon and the thing that looks like a word balloon). I haven't noticed it on any videos before. Does anybody know what this means? It couldn't be something bad, because I haven't gotten any contacts from YouTube about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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My videos get stuck in processing purgatory with no actual processing going on. That's the second time now.