It was so subtle, I BARELY noticed it... and you gotta say how oblivious I must be if I crank fanarts out almost daily and DIDN'T notice it for about 5 minutes. I'm not sure I like the look of the folders, since I liked displaying 3 key works from each... but the pictures do look a might bigger, and they still show 4 key pieces if you run the mouse over it. Can't say I really really care about it or even care for it, but it's still a million times better than becoming a random Facebook-a-like.
Yeah, I get the whole everything should look the same because that's progress

but I liked how various sites looked... well VARIOUS. That's the great thing about having all thse options is that they're all different from each other. Now everything's the same unified gray/brown blech just like the rest of media (TV, movies...)
I think social media should be defined by its function.
There's the clean format of
Facebook for those who don't want to drudge through so many customized pages. It's basically the no-nonsense place to post all of your nonsense content.
MySpace that by definition should be customizable. It's in the name for frog's sake. There are many kids and creative people who can't afford or can't bother with creating a personal website pr want a colorful ambassador to their website that represents them and/or their interests. I've never liked how their cluttered and wild pages made me feel, but that's the job of their art designer to improve how each page appears. Not to strip it of all distinction! Pound a nail in that coffin. MySpace is done. Now that doesn't mean some other outfit will come along to fill that creative social media void. Let's hope a good facebook alternative competitor comes along.
Deviant Art if an artist wants a meeting place to share their artwork with others. It's a great idea and I had one like it in multimedia school over a decade ago, but DA just doesn't pull it off. Viruses, tweakiness and difficulty of use all inhibit my interactions with it. I've waved my creative flag for having such a page, but it doesn't work for me.
YouTube was always the fantastic tool that never needed fixing. Heck, maybe just clean up the page a bit and move some stuff around so it looks a wee bit cleaner, but that's it! Their recent "improvements" are just plain odd and some of them are inspired by Apple's iphone and they're battle with Adobe Flash. (Psssst....truth is, Apple still feels wronged that Adobe opened up their creative programs for PC development a decade ago so this is actually part of a very long vendetta rather than an issue of file size or proprietary software.) Other reasons just include total stupidity. Of all the changes, they've been less annoying about it.
What would I like? Well, I'd like a
Facebook page that permitted a little bit of customization on color and theme "accents". They already let you move around bits and pieces in the left hand column, but I'd like to fill up certain fields with small jpg images of my choosing. I say accents, because I still like the uniformity of the pages and layout, but I think they can still retain that while allowing some of us creative types to take our crayons to the page.
I'd also like to be able to sync up Deviant Art sorts of pages, YouTube catalogs, music media and other web presences to Facebook in a seamless way. My thinking is that eventually that will be the premium package we'll all pay for.
Yes, all this YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, MySpace, Deviant Art and the like are all still in their infancy of this Wild West phase of the internet. Right now it's the guy with the biggest gun and band of followers that takes the lead. It won't be like that forever. But it wont' be free forever either. Companies will find different ways to divine a profit from these web meeting places now that we're all hooked. With payment comes high expectations and much competition. So right now just enjoy this free stuff and don't focus too much on the crummy alterations because a whole lot of people will have their hands in your pocket by the time these things are polished.
Facebook will eventually be another brand trying to compete in a marketplace of social media vendors.