Hey Phil... Sorry to say, but I have a grievance with the new Now Playing graphics for MC Radio. The graphics listing what song is currently playing appear at the top of a thread's page, just before the first post, and that's cool cause I can check out what song is currently playing without having to go to my Live 365 account and log in to MC Radio.
But the problem I'm having, and I'd be curious to know if Fragglemuppet has the same problem, is it's interfering with my screenreader program. Let me explain. Let's say I'm on Post #1 of a thread, reading the information in said post/thread. When the MC Radio Now Playing listing/graphics refresh on their own, the whole page refreshes and I'm sent back to the top of the page. This means I have to try to get back to the post and reread what I had already read of said post, sometimes in mid-sentence. While it's not that big a deal on say Posts #1-5 in any thread, the annoyance factor of being sent to the top of the page and having to swim against the current to get back to a post much farther along on a thread's page of posts grows considerably the higher the post number within a particular thread.
Is there anyway of solving this, to have the Now Playing listing/graphics refresh but not affect my screenreader program's place on the page at the same time? If it helps, I've noticed that this function doesn't kick in when I'm replying to posts, but I'm not sure if that'd be a viable solution for me to be able to read posts given the problem described above.
Hope to hear from you soon with possible answers, have a good day.