Nora In Wonderland: A Dark Fairytale


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Beakie's Notes:

This fanfic is the opposite of my very bouncy nature, and it not intended for those of the faint-hearted. This won't be graphic, but neither will it be pleasent for a reader looking for a giddy story. This takes on a rather dark, yet mystical atmosphere, which can be both enjoyable and most tragic--even a little stomach turning....may spill a tear or two.

The character in this dark adaption, Nora, belongs to the ever fantastic Muppet Newsgirl/Erin. For some odd reason, I was inspired by the character and just had to make her "Alice".

The story itself was created by Lewis Carroll, but altered greatly.

Cast for now in this chapter.

Gonzo- Madhatter
Rizzo- Dormouse (funny)
Bean Bunny- March Hare


“It’s very strange drinking tea at this angle.” Nora said fearfully, clutching to her teacup.

“Ha! It’s better that way!” The hatter cried, pouring himself a generous amount of tea.

“’Dat doesn’t bother yah, does it?” The Dormouse asked, giving her a light nudge.

“It shouldn’t, I guess.” Nora replied.

“Aside from that, doesn’t this look just cute?” The March hare asked.

The group leaned in for a better look. Dormouse rolled his eyes, Hatter wrinkled up his hooked nose, and Nora just smiled. Hatter flicked his silver spoon at the tiny butterfly in March Hare’s paw with impressive swiftness.

“You know I don’t like butterflies, Hare,” Hatter mumbled. “They smell like butter.”

“That was rude.” Nora spoke up in the poor hare’s defense. “He was talking while you just killed the poor thing!”

And it’s rude to talk when the host isn’t!” Hatter retorted.

“That doesn’t make any sense at all.” Nora said rubbing her arm uncomfortably.

“’Course not.” He said, sipping at his cup.

“A happy unwelcome tah you, toots!” Dormouse declared joyously.

Ohhhh yeah, so that’s why we had this party in the first place!” Hatter laughed. “A happy unwelcome to you in your return to Wonderland!”

Nora blinked. “I visited you everyday…why the sudden unwelcome?” She asked, feeling strange with having said “unwelcome” rather than “welcome”.

"When? What time?” Hatter asked bewildered.

“Your memory is slippin’, Hatter.” Dormouse teased.

“Don’t talk when I’m thinking,” He ordered. “Breaks my concentration.”

If there was any Wonderland inhabitant Nora despised, it was the mad hatter himself.

Her thoughts trailed to the smell coming from the kitchen. Something was burning. Thankfully the smell was faint, so it did not alarm her too much.

“Do you smell that?” Nora asked.

“Nope.” The three said in unison.

Nora rose from her seat, walking groggily to the kitchen, not comfortable with the fact that she was upside down. The girl entered the kitchen cautiously. Her eyes were wide when an unexpected screech pierced the silence. She stumbled back against the wall. Cornered, Nora saw the growing fire lick her blackened surroundings. The tea cups melted, the walls slowly turned to ash, and the smoke stalked her much needed oxygen.

Poor Nora did not know what to do. She would have cried a puddle of tears just to protect herself—but it wasn’t something stable. It only happened in situations where it was least expected. Fear plagued her rationality little by little; desperation clawed its way into her troubled mind. The screaming behind the walls weren’t doing much to ease her anxiety.

“Is anybody there?” Nora shouted in concern. The screaming didn’t stop. Floored on what to do, she turned back, discovering the only exit she had had been sealed shut. She shook her head violently in the middle of the searing heat. Nora collapsed to the floor, feeling the toxins invade her lungs. Her lungs hardened with each passing second. There wasn’t much hope as the oxygen slowly drifted away.

Voices; panicked voices sounded from the other side of the door. “We must save Nora!” Declared the Hatter, for the first time, having made some sense in a time where it was most necessary. The March Hare trembled in fear. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” The Dormouse screeched, grabbing for the doorknob, only to burn himself.

Nora opened her eyes.

Her sight was blurry.

Full sight returning, she sat upright in her queen-sized bed. Her cat scratched at her window desperately. Her meows sounded familiar to the horrid screams---the smell too now that she thought of it. In realization of this, she faced her door. “Run, Nora!” Her sister screamed from the other side. “Lorina!” Nora cried.

The nightmare wasn’t over as she heard her family tell her to run. It was too late for them now. Nora’s heart was near attack. She grabbed Dinah, her little black cat, and opened the window. The feline did not need to think twice when she jumped out the window. Too worried to think, she looked around to gather whatever could assist her in the future.

Unfortunately, there was nothing of utter value but her album, and the book. The brave girl got out safely. From exhaustion did she collapse onto the snow, holding close her precious belongings.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Based On Mcgee's Alice In Wonderland

Beyond a shattered looking glass…
Fairytale becomes nightmare…
Imagination becomes madness…

Toys become weapons...
Friend becomes foe…
And time is running out…

Nora grew up…
So did Wonderland…

"But, I don’t want to go among mad people."
"Can’t help that, my dear, we’re all mad here."

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Smiles wildly. See this? This smile? That's a Cheshire smile. Oh Squeeky! Muppets & McGee's Alice... What a delightful darkened combination. Especially since it melds two of my most cherished fandoms. Please... Post more?
Curioser and curioser grows the tale.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2005
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This is a good idea and I love how you wrote it. I can hear Gonzo and Rizzo in my head. Please post more..


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Oh, Doozer, thank you!
Thankfully I am almost done with the next installment!
Thank you for commenting. <3


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Beakie's Notes:
- The Cheshire isn't going to be a cat, however, he may change into a cat at any given moment.
- Rabbit isn't a rabbit.
- Nora is possibly 17
- Scooter is possibly 18

Scooter- Cheshire Cat
Bunsen- Rabbit
{The Asylum}

The nurse sighed at Nora’s unresponsive nature. “Poor dear, maybe that old rabbit will cheer you up.” The kind-hearted woman said passing Dinah to her carefully. The girl lifted a hand to pet the cat in a zombie-like manner.

The stiff bed that supported her had grown comfortable over the years. The temperature in the room was surprisingly bearable. The bar window served as the only comfort in the room whenever the sun came out. The sun lit the gloom; the only bleak of hope that kept her somewhat sane in this tragic prison.

Dinah curled up to her in an attempt to warm her disturbed master. Nora blankly stared at the nurse “It will.” She said, faint determination evident in her gentle voice. As she said this, the nurse left to make way for the good doctor, who had wanted to converse with Nora about the incident long ago.

“Hello, Nora.” He said in a soothing voice—almost hypnotic.

Nora was no fool of his intentions. “Hello, Doctor.”

“How have you been, Nora?” He asked with his clipboard at hand.

She looked down to her cat. “Same as usual, Doctor.”

“How so, Nora?” He continued.

“Something is broken.” She said, having already mentioned this before.

“What’s broken, Nora?” He asked, hoping it was a different answer.

“...” She said nothing, expecting the worst.

“Of course, you are, you despicable child—you heard the screams, and even smelled the smoke.” His tone of voice shifted as the nurse left. He was faceless. Never once had she seen it because he always sat in the darkest corner, like a slithering eel hiding in the dark depths of a salty ocean.

“But instead, you were dreaming about your silly friends; having tea in a time when your family needed you the most. You let them roast, when clearly you could have saved them. No, you just slept on the snow as if you were on a holiday. Of course you’re broken. Any demonic child such as you should feel the guilt…only natural.” He said.

“End of the session. I’ll be back to try some of that lobotomy stuff on you.” He said. “Wouldn’t that be a nice thing to try? We’ve never tried that before.” He left the room sluggishly. For a tall lanky figure, he sure had the qualities of a repulsive rodent.

Nora brought her rabbit close to her heart. She felt the life drain from her. The doctor was a clever old man. He’d find a good excuse just to torture her. She knew well he never lied once when he said such things. Thankfully she was never subject to severe torture; only tortured by the effects of drugs and painful shots.

The rabbit in her arms reached out to her and cried, “Save us, Nora.” It said in a demonic voice. She gasped, watching it fall to the floor. The disturbing toy landed roughly on the floor. The floor had faded, the walls had turned to ash, and her bed combusted randomly. She could not feel it. No pain.

She fell through.

She woke up.

{The Happily Demented}

“Please don’t dawdle, Nora! We’re very late indeed!” Scolded the so-called rabbit.

“Wait!” Nora cried, feeling herself emerge from her quiet state.

The man simply ran, constantly gazing into his watch.
The girl could not follow him.

Before she could do anything, someone popped right behind her. Nora felt the person behind her grin widely. Her body was tense until the person sang. It was haunting, but it felt like home. She wondered when she was ever going to say that again.

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,

Had a wife and couldn't keep her!

He put her in a pumpkin shell,

And there he kept her very well!

Nora turned around when she heard that mischievous voice and wrapped her arms him as if it was her last day to live. She would have done the same to Rabbit. If only he hadn’t run off like that. “You’ve gone quite mangy, Cheshire.” She said sympathetically. “Least your grin’s still a comfort.” He mustered a wider grin as she mentioned his smile.

“Huh, didn’t notice.” He said blatantly.

“Oh, how could you say such a thing?” Nora asked.

“Easy.” He said. “Huh, I didn’t notice, see?”

“Don’t be silly, Cheshire." She chided.

“Gee, to think you’d know me better.” He teased.

“I do. I noticed you haven’t changed a bit—that’s what I know.” She defended.

“Didn’t you say I was mangy?” He asked.

“Yes, but I wasn’t referring to that.” She said, embarrassed.

“However, there’s something different about you.” He started, putting on a puzzled expression. He circled her predatorily. He tilted his head to the side. “You’ve matured a little. Last time I saw you, you were just a scrawny little eight year old.” He said innocently “That’s just the exterior, of course.” He said with a shrug. “I bet that inside, you’re still that little curious girl.” He pranced around happily as he said this. “You’re very much like Wonderland! Beautiful on the outside, confused on the inside.” He evaluated.

She did not know whether to be flattered or offended. Ignoring the comment, she surveyed her surroundings carefully. Nothing was as beautiful as it used to be. “I barely recognize this horrible place.” She said in awe. Rabbit’s burrow was plagued with throbbing veins that crawled about on the walls. The repressed feeling of purging arrived and left

Cheshire was collected, having expected this to be her reaction. “Why don’t you just turn back?” He asked coyly. “Why return to the insanity?” He leaned against the wall lazily.

“It’s the only thing that makes sense these days.” She answered.

“Might do you some good if we followed Rabbit. Must be quick, however!” He suggested.

“Good idea.” She agreed.

They sped up to catch on with the hasty Rabbit.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Applauds. Oh Squeeks. How I hug this one. Absolutely love how Scooter as Cheshire conversed with Nora. There's a playful beauty in them thar words. And an apparent foreboding darkness back at the asylum... Oh how I dread seeing Gonzo turned into one of the villains. That is, if you're going to be true to the game's outline. Please... Post more!
*Weeps for the dead butterfly. BTW: Was that a bread-and-butterfly? *Anticipates finding out who will be the first boss, the Caterpillar and how Nora will find the toy weapons and moving from the schoolgrounds to the Mushroom Garden and everything else.
*Explodes and faints.


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Apr 18, 2004
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Yes, Edward!
I did not know you were very knowledgeable of the game!
Then again, that's a silly notion.
You being a Wonderland fan, like myself, you'd know something about it. <3

[Besides, in the ceremony you've wo-.....won a HUGE HUG! :big_grin:]

Yes, bread-and-butterfly.
:wink: So sue me, I haven't read the book in a long time. :stick_out_tongue:

Thank you Alex!
More will be installed today.

And yes, very very true to the story line.
I'll just alter some sayings and such.
Some minor situations not seen in the game will be inserted to make it seem like a story. <3

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Was interested and read the walkthrough at IGN's website, though I go there mostly for movie news updates. Which by the by, McGee's Alice was being considered for movie treatment, but it's horridly stalled and presumed dead. On the otherhand, I hear Tim Burton's planning a dark version of Alice as one of his upcoming Disney Digital movie projects.

Heck, I even had the Rabbit figure from this line... Sold it off though. That sucker was huge compared to everything else I had.
*Hugs to Squeeky for bringing us this story and will hopefully update soonerish.